3. Ui Service

Ui Services in Google Apps Scripts have an underlying Google Web Toolkit implementation. Using Ui Services in Apps Script, we easily built the user interface consisting of a 3 step wizard. In designing Ui using Ui Services, we used two main types of Ui elements - Layout Panels and Ui widgets. The layout panels, like FlowPanel, DockPanel, VerticalPanel, etc., allow you to organize the Ui widgets. The Ui widgets (TextBoxes, RadioButtons, etc.) are added to layout panels. Ui Services make it very easy to assemble and display a Ui interface very quickly.

We built each of the components on their own, and then nested them by using the “add” method on the desired container. The UI widgets in the screenshot above were constructed by the code below:

// create app container, chaining methods to set properties inline.
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setWidth(600).setTitle('Share The Group');
// create all of the structural containers
var tabPanel   = app.createTabPanel();
var overviewContent = app.createFlowPanel();
var step1Content = app.createFlowPanel();
var step2Content = app.createFlowPanel();
var step3Content = app.createFlowPanel();
// create u/i widgets
var selectLabel = app.createLabel("Select one of your Contact Groups you want to share with others.");
var contactGroupDropdown = app.createListBox().setName('groupChooser');
// add all children to their parents
tabPanel.add(step1Content,"Step 1");
tabPanel.add(step2Content,"Step 2");
tabPanel.add(step3Content,"Step 3");
// tell the spreadsheet to display the app we've created.

Continuing with this pattern, we created a pretty complex design using the UI Services. The next step in building a useful user interface is actually building in event handlers for the UI Widgets. Event Handlers let Apps Script know which function you want to run when your script needs to respond to a given user interaction. The code below is an example of a DropDownHandler that we used in our script in Step 1 of the wizard.

// create a function to execute when the event occurs. the
// callback element is passed in with the event.
function changeEventForDrowdown(el) {
 Browser.msgBox("The dropdown has changed!");
// create event handler object, indicating the name of the function to run
var dropdownHandler = app.createServerChangeHandler('changeEventForDrowdown');  
// set the callback element for the handler object.
// add the handler to the "on change" event of the dropdown box

4. Contacts Service

When a user of the script chooses to share a specific group, the script saves that group contact data into a spreadsheet. When a sharing recipient clicks on the run button to accept the contacts share request, the script fetches the contact group data from the spreadsheet and uses the Contacts Service to create contacts for the share recipients.

var group = ContactsApp.createContactGroup(myGroupName);
for (var i = 0; i < sheet.getLastRow(); i++) {
 var firstName = sheet.getRange(i, 1, 1, 1).getValue();
 var lastName = sheet.getRange(i, 2, 1, 1).getValue();
 var email = sheet.getRange(i, 3, 1, 1).getValue();
 var myContact = ContactsApp.createContact(firstName, lastName, email);
 // ...
 // set other contact details
 // ...

As this application shows, Apps Script is very powerful. Apps Script has the ability to create applications which allow you to integrate various Google and non-Google services while building complex user interfaces.

You can find Dito’s Personal Contact Group Sharing Script here. Click here to view the video demonstration of this application. You can also find Dito Directory on the Google Apps Marketplace.

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