You can see that this webmaster’s page might not always rank first for this query. However, if  you are a regular follower of his blog, it helps users discover his page thus surfacing as a highly relevant result. Displaying your image next to the content can work wonders in improving your visibility in Google search results. You can learn how to associate your Google+ profile with your content by following the steps given here.

Engage with your audience

The more your readers share your content, the more it will be visible in Google search. Encourage your readers to share your content. To make sharing easier, make your social sharing buttons more visible and accessible. Also, encourage your readers and users to comment on your articles. Your visibility outside the search results depends majorly on your engagement with your user.

Another very successful way of engaging with your audience is through organizing “Web Meets” using Google+ hangouts. Millions of webmasters worldwide use the G+ hangouts as a way to connect and reach out to their customers. Hangouts give you an opportunity to reach out to that user or reader who is your highest commenter or has the maximum shares. With the Hangout on Air option you can broadcast your hangouts to others who could not join you. What more? every Hangout On Air is automatically saved to your YouTube account. Anyone who missed the live broadcast can come back and watch it. See below to know how you can use the recorded YouTube video to add further value to your website.

YouTube Transcripts

Through the site clinic, we have seen that a lot of webmasters are using videos to reach out to their audience. However, there is a facet to this trend that is rarely explored - making transcripts of your videos. Transcripts are very easy to deploy and have the benefit of keeping users highly engaged. Take a look at this great example video from

We hope this blog post gives some interesting ideas to all our webmasters. We want to thank you for submitting your sites for review and also keeping a close eye on our posts.

Posted by The Google Search Quality Team