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Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue ( (じゅつ) (しき) (じゅん) (てん) (あお) Jutsushiki Junten・Ao?) is the strengthened form of the Limitless, a powerful extension technique passed down in the Gojo Clan.


Kenjaku avoiding Blue

Blue, manifested as an orb, producing a large field of attraction.

Blue is an application of the Limitless centered around infinitely converging space to a single point to create a void-like effect, resulting in a powerful, attractive force. The convergence stems from the funneling of amplified cursed energy into the Limitless. Blue functions similarly to the Infinity, compressing existing space and thus compelling everything within its range to fill the void created. Satoru Gojo compared the spacial phenomenon to bringing the concepts of "negative numbers" and "negative distance" into reality, forcing real space to compensate and fill in the area by drawing everything toward the impossibility.[1]

The effect can be centered around the user or it can manifest as a blue orb that attracts surrounding objects like a black hole. The size of the field of attraction produced is determined by the cursed energy poured into the technique. At a mild output, Blue can attract two targets together across wide distances[2] or tear through buildings in moments.[3] At maximum cursed energy output, Blue's field of attraction can clear out entire areas. By using Blue to attract themselves to their target, the user moves at high speed and reaches it in an instant.[4] An individual who takes a direct hit from Blue will implode in on themselves.[5][6]

Like all cursed techniques associated with the Limitless, Blue is difficult to control due to the precise manipulation of cursed energy required to use it. Constantly charging the technique with great amounts of cursed energy can drain the user's stamina quickly.[7]


Satoru Gojo

Satoru using Blue to destroy the mansion (Anime)

Blue pulling a large building apart.

As a second-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High, Satoru Gojo had already mastered the applications of Blue. Satoru was already recognized as the strongest while only being able to use Blue. He couldn't generate large fields of attraction close to himself and overusing the technique exhausted his stamina.

These limitations hardly held him back, as Satoru casually destroyed a mansion using Blue while attempting to rescue Mei Mei and Utahime. During his escort mission for the Star Plasma Vessel, Satoru overpowered a curse user with Blue. He defeated his opponent's clones by attracting them into one another to slam them together.[8]

Satoru Gojo vs

Satoru incorporating Blue into his physical blows to boost their power.

Blue was mostly ineffective against Toji Fushiguro, who was aware of its ability from the Zenin clan. His speed allowed him to avoid Blue when Satoru first employed it in their fight. Satoru eventually caught Toji in the field of attraction and sent him flying into a building. When Toji disappeared after this attack, Satoru destroyed any possible hiding spot by clearing out the area by unleashing Blue at maximum output. He created a large orb above him that ripped apart all the buildings in the area.[9]

Satoru has since further mastered the applications of Blue. He has minimized the required hand signs and learned how to activate multiple Blues at once.[10] He applies it to boost his strikes, absorbing the surrounding space at the moment of impact to maximize damage. Kinji Hakari described it as receiving a counterpunch after preparing for a normal hit, something that made he and Yuta Okkotsu vomit.[11][12]

Satoru Gojo attacking Sukuna with Blue

Satoru thoroughly attacking Sukuna using spheres of Blue.

Satoru employed various applications of Blue throughout his showdown with Sukuna. He used it to manipulate his movement, debris from his surroundings and even Sukuna himself.[13] Satoru relied heavily on Blue while Mahoraga was adapting to the Limitless to avoid having the shikigami adapt to Red as well. After throwing Sukuna through debris, he used to Blue to collect the debris around his opponent to trap him. When Sukuna escaped, there was an orb of Blue waiting to attract him to Satoru.[14]

Satoru Gojo destroys Agito

Merged Beast Agito destroyed by Blue at maximum output.

Satoru could condense the effect of Blue within the orbs without creating a field. Instead, they carved away anything they touched. He enveloped his hands in orbs of Blue and then threw them at Sukuna. He followed up by generating eight orbs around Sukuna while he was off balance from evading the previous ones. As Sukuna continued to dodge, Satoru pursued him alongside more orbs until one hit and carved away the flesh from his lower torso. Once Satoru thoroughly convinced Sukuna he would only use Blue, he used the timing to launch Red as an effective surprise attack.[15]

Satoru Gojo intercepts Mahoraga

Satoru uses the same Blue that crushed Agito to increase his speed.

To destroy Merged Beast Agito in one hit and bypass its regeneration, Satoru jabbed an orb of Blue inside the shikigami and unleashed its power at maximum cursed energy output.[16] The orb remained after Agito collapsed in on itself. Shortly after, Satoru fired Red into the air intending to combine the techniques to produce Hollow Purple. Mahoraga attempted to destroy Blue but Satoru used its attraction to move at high speed and intercepted the shikigami. Mahoraga's adaptation to Blue backfired at this moment and Sukuna attempted to make up for it by destroying Red with an imitation Piercing Blood. Satoru countered this by chanting the incantation for Blue and increasing its output enough to redirect and swallow Piercing Blood. This gives Satoru the opening he needs to combine Blue with Red and produce an unlimited hollow that decimates Shinjuku.[17]

Related Techniques

Maximum Cursed Energy Output
Cursed Technique Lapse Maximum Cursed Energy Output Blue (Anime)

Cursed Technique Lapse - Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue ( (じゅつ) (しき) (じゅん) (てん) (しゅつ) (りょく) (さい) (だい) (あお) Jutsushiki Junten Shutsuryoku Saidai・Ao?): A highly amplified version of Blue unleashed when its been charged to its full power in order to achieve maximum cursed energy output. This produces a gigantic field of attraction capable of clearing out an entire area.


  • The incantation for activating this technique is "Phase." "Twilight." "Eyes of Wisdom." ( () (そう) 〟〝 (たそ) (がれ) 〟〝 () () (ひとみ) "Isō" "Tasogare" "Chie no Hitomi"?).[18]


  1. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 69 (p. 16-17) and Episode 26.
  2. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 69 (p. 12-13) and Episode 26.
  3. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 65 (p. 6) and Episode 25.
  4. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 84 (p. 13) and Episode 32.
  5. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 52 (p. 13) and Episode 20.
  6. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 234 (pp. 16-18).
  7. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 69 (p. 17) and Episode 26.
  8. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 69 (pp. 12-13, 16-17) and Episode 26.
  9. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 71 (p. 8-16) and Episode 27.
  10. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 76 (p. 10) and Episode 29.
  11. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 14 (p. 12) and Episode 7.
  12. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 231 (p. 2).
  13. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 224 (pp. 6-11).
  14. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 231 (pp. 6-8, 13).
  15. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 232 (p. 2-5,7-8).
  16. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 234 (pp. 15-18).
  17. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 235 (pp. 10-17).
  18. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 235 (p. 14-15).


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