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The Ten Shadows Technique ( () (くさの) (かげ) (ぼう) (じゅつ) Tokusa no Kage Bōjutsu?) is an inherited technique passed down in the Zenin Clan. Using shadows as an intermediary, this technique allows the user to summon ten different shikigami.[1]


Megumi using Divine Dog to find Nobara (Anime)

Divine Dog being summoned and given orders.

When someone inherits the Ten Shadows Technique, they receive two Divine Dogs. Other shikigami can be summoned with an exorcism ritual where the user must defeat the shikigami in order to make them submit.

Once dominated, the shikigami are under full control of their master and can be summoned using shadowgraphic hand signs that create a shadow puppet of the respective familiar. The shadows act as the intermediary for the shikigami conjuration, reflecting the shape of the user's hand-weaved shadow puppet and manifesting the shikigami from tangible liquid shadows using cursed energy. After gaining more familiars, the user can repeat the ritual process to exorcise and amass up to ten different shikigami. [2][3]

Megumi deactivating shikigami (Anime)

The quick deactivation of shikigami.

The summoning ritual for the shikigami can be performed around multiple people. However, exorcising the shikigami with help nullifies the technique's effect once the exorcism is completed.[4]

The Ten Shadows Technique can be activated and deactivated at any time to manifest and dispel shikigami as long as the user has enough cursed energy.[5] As with any shikigami, the more powerful it is, the more cursed energy is required to summon it.[6]

Megumi hiding in a shadow

The user's ability to store things within shadows, including themselves.

Shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique cannot be summoned again when they are completely destroyed or killed. However, the power left behind by the shikigami is inherited by others. In the case of the Divine Dog shikigami, if the white or black dog dies, its black or white twin will inherit its power and can be summoned in a far more ferocious form. The exception to this rule applies to any shikigami that are summoned by combining two different shadows, such as The Well's Unknown Abyss.[7]

In addition to using shadows as an intermediary for shikigami, a Ten Shadows Technique user can manipulate shadows to some degree as well. They are able to move physical mass in and out of shadows at will. This allows them to hide their body inside shadows whether it be their own or someone else's. They can eject themselves from shadows at will as an effective means of surprise attacking their target.[8] This same function can be used to store items within the user's shadow, but they must bear the weight of anything kept in there.[9]

Domain Expansion

Main Article: Chimera Shadow Garden

The complete version of the Ten Shadows Technique's Domain Expansion: Chimera Shadow Garden has yet to be fully explored. Megumi is able to achieve an incomplete version that floods the area with liquid shadows that he can freely manipulate and use to summon shikigami at will.[10]


Megumi Fushiguro

Unknown Abyss Toads supporting Megumi (Anime)

Megumi's shikigami supporting him in battle.

Several high-level jujutsu users have recognized this inherited technique of the Zenin clan as immensely powerful with boundless potential. Sukuna suggested it easily outclasses the strength of a special grade finger bearer and has taken an interest in Megumi ever since seeing it.[3][11][12][13] The Zenin clan was willing to pay a small fortune to reintroduce it back into the household by buying Megumi from his father.[14]

Megumi's Toad rescues Nobara (Anime)

Megumi using Toad to rescue Nobara after the Divine Dog tracks her location.

In battle, Megumi is the rare case of a shikigami user who also fights at close combat. Megumi can store weapons and cursed tools in his shadows to aid him,[15] mainly using his shikigami to support him. As each shikigami provides a different skill set, this gives Megumi access to a wide variety of different abilities he can mix up to use in various ways.[16][17][18] At the time of the Goodwill Event, Megumi was capable of summoning up to three shikigami at once.[19]

In addition to supportive roles, Megumi allows his more offensive shikigami to fight directly alongside him. He is familiar with their abilities and is able to combo them well. He used a torrent of water from Max Elephant against Noritoshi and then followed up by attacking with Nue's electroshock wings.[20] He understands their weaknesses as well and will deactivate them before they're completely destroyed if possible.

Megumi storing weapons in his shadow (Anime)

Megumi storing weapons in his shadow.

Megumi often employs dispelling his shikigami as a way to feint an attack. Using shikigami on their last legs is a good way for him to create a distraction.[21] In a similar fashion, Megumi will conjure a shikigami and dispel it just as fast to confuse an enemy.[5]

Noritoshi faked out by a shikigami (Anime)

A shikigami dispelling after being used as a feint.

Satoru Gojo revealed to Megumi that a Limitless user with the Six Eyes like himself and Ten Shadows Technique user like the latter once clashed as heads of their respective families and killed each other. He used this to suggest that Megumi can become as powerful as him, the strongest current sorcerer.[22] Megumi believes the head of the Zenin clan at the time likely used an exorcism ritual to summon a shikigami so strong it cannot be controlled, such as the Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga. This causes Megumi to hold himself back, believing he can always fall back on sacrificing himself in a worst-case scenario.[23] He nearly attempted to do so against Sukuna and the second finger bearer he faced.[24][25]

However, in Megumi's battle with the finger bearer, he recalled advice from Satoru and Sukuna to look past his limits. This allowed Megumi to envision a more powerful version of himself, giving him the confidence to use Domain Expansion rather than continuing to rely on summoning Mahoraga.

Megumi summons Mahoraga (Anime)

Megumi's last resort, forcing his opponent to take part in an exorcism ritual against an uncontrollable shikigami.

Although incomplete, achieving the activation of Chimera Shadow Garden vastly improved Megumi's shadow manipulation abilities. He is capable of using shadow fakes to evade fatal hits and can even hide in his opponent's shadow with a shikigami while the domain is active.[26]

Grievously injured and with no other choice after being surprised attacked by the curse user Haruta Shigemo, Megumi chose to summon Mahoraga. Not a single Ten Shadows Technique user has ever been able to exorcise it. While they cannot use a shikigami unless it is defeated in the exorcism ritual, they can still summon it at any time in an attempt to exorcise it. Exorcising one of the shikigami with multiple people voids the ritual. Normally this would be a pointless exorcism, but in this situation Megumi used Mahoraga to drag his opponent into the ritual as well, leaving himself in a suspended state of death. This eventually allowed Sukuna to rescue him.[27]

Megumi slipping into a shadow

Megumi hiding within shadows to sneak up on his target.

While infiltrating the Gachinko Fight Club, Megumi began using the ability to hide his own body within shadows. He merged himself with the shadow of one of the security guards so he could eavesdrop on his conversation with Kinji Hakari.[28] In order to reach the roof of the fight club without getting caught, Megumi snuck up behind two other security guards by concealing himself within their shadows. Once the guards moved into the surveillance cameras' blind spots, Megumi ejected himself from their shadows and choked them unconscious.[29]

When he and Panda were caught sneaking around by Kirara Hoshi, Megumi relied on his shikigami to deduce their opponent's cursed technique. Using Rabbit Escape helped Megumi figure out the marking mechanics of Kirara's Love Rendezvous. This eventually allowed him to use Divine Dog to outmaneuver Kirara by keeping it concealed until the final moments of their scuffle where Megumi used those very same mechanics to restrain Kirara.[30]

Megumi tries to grab Reggie

Megumi attempting to grab his target from their shadow.

In the Culling Game, Megumi used every application of his technique to combat Reggie Star and his allies. When Chizuru Hari ambushed Megumi, both he and Divine Dog slipped into Hari's shadow to avoid his attack. Megumi grabbed Hari from below, tossed him off the building, and then used Nue to divebomb him several stories into the ground. Megumi had Nue summoned the entire time while dealing with Remi, a decision that paid off during the ambush.[31] He later used Max Elephant's sheer mass to force Hari out of the building again and used Nue to mount him in mid-air before finishing him off on the ground.[32]

Megumi's shadow clones attack Reggie

Megumi's incomplete domain pushing the potential of the Ten Shadows Technique to 120%.

While trying to separate Reggie from his allies, Megumi attempted to surprise attack Reggie from his shadow but the latter quickly ascertained how the Ten Shadows Technique functions.[33] Fighting Reggie one-on-one, Megumi used his shikigami to ascertain Reggie's cursed technique and how to counter it best. Megumi figured out Reggie could manifest items written on receipts and tried to use Max Elephant's water as a countermeasure. With Divine Dog injured in their earlier scuffle, Reggie believed Megumi could not deal an effective killing blow with his technique. Megumi used this assumption against Reggie, luring him into an enclosed space where he could expand his domain.[34]

Megumi initially held the advantage inside the enclosed domain where the Ten Shadows Technique operated at 120% of its full potential.[35] However, Reggie turned the weight limitation of Megumi's shadow against him by dropping cars into his domain. Megumi normally only keeps one or a few cursed tools within his shadow, which helped Reggie notice this weakness.[36] By dropping Max Elephant on top of Reggie to force them both to bear immense weight, Megumi steered the struggle in a direction that eventually led to his opponent dispelling his technique. By having Reggie focus on the domain and other factors, Megumi got him to completely dismiss Divine Dog, a mistake that allowed the shikigami to deal the finishing blow.[37]

After Yuji spoke with Megumi's soul inside his Domain Expansion, he was able to make him want to live again. Megumi used the Ten Shadows Technique to help Yuji in his fight against Sukuna, bursting shadows beneath Sukuna's foot, causing it to sink in and throw him off balance.[38]


Nue is summoned by Sukuna

Sukuna's altered version of Nue.

Sukuna seized Megumi's body and gained access to his Ten Shadows Technique. He first used the technique to summon Nue, which was much larger and more powerful than Megumi's version of the shikigami. It was roughly the size of a building and unleashed torrents of lightning across the Tokyo No. 1 Colony.[39] He also used Nue to escape the colony following his fight with Yuji, Hana, and Maki.

Sukuna using Divine Dogs

Sukuna summoning Divine Dogs without manifesting a stable form.

It is unknown exactly when or how, but at some point, Sukuna tamed Piercing Ox, Round Deer, Tiger Funeral, and even Mahoraga. Sukuna fought Yorozu while exclusively using the Ten Shadows Technique to figuratively stain Megumi's soul with the blood of his sister. As a master of sorcery, Sukuna displayed far greater technical control over the Ten Shadows Technique in this battle than Megumi ever did.

Sukuna summons Mahoraga against Yorozu

Sukuna using Mahoraga's adaptation to counter Yorozu.

Sukuna summoned Divine Dogs without fully manifesting a stable form, expanding their attack range without risking destruction. The trade-off was that the shikigami could not operate independently from Sukuna's shadow, but he compensated for this with his immense cursed energy. Sukuna fully manifested both Piercing Ox and Round Deer, displaying the full power of his Ten Shadows Technique as he used them to overpower Yorozu. By utilizing a diversion with Rabbit Escape and dropping Max Elephant on Yorozu, Sukuna destroyed her infamous Insect Armor.[40][41]

Sukuna bore the process of adaptation for Mahoraga to counter Yorozu's Construction technique. After clashing with several constructions made of Yorozu's signature Liquid Metal, Mahoraga's wheel spun once she opened her domain. This allowed Sukuna to summon Mahoraga, which had already adapted to her technique and effortlessly countered her strongest moves.[42] Sukuna is the only one to have ever conquered Mahoraga and the first to display the ability to bear its adaptation. Not even Satoru of the Zenin's rival Gojo clan was aware this was possible until their showdown.[43]

Megumi bearing Mahoraga's adaptation

Sukuna using Megumi's soul to bear Mahoraga's adaptation.

During the aforementioned duel, Sukuna used Megumi's soul to bear Mahoraga's adaption and counter Gojo's Unlimited Void. Megumi's soul was exposed to Unlimited Void five times and on the fifth instance, Sukuna summoned Mahoraga with the shikigami having already adapted to the domain. Mahoraga destroyed Unlimited Void within seconds, surprising Gojo. Sukuna explained that when he wasn't using amplification during their domain clashes, he used the Ten Shadows Technique to have Megumi's soul take on the adaptation process. This left Sukuna unable to use anything other than the cursed technique grafted to his domain but the risk paid off. However, Sukuna and Megumi did not adapt to Unlimited Void, only Mahoraga. Gojo believed he could exploit this by forcing Sukuna to bring out Mahoraga and then destroying it in one hit, but was unable to do so after rendering himself unable to expand his domain. Sukuna couldn't use domain expansion anymore either, so he relied on bearing Mahoraga's adaptation himself to counter Gojo's Infinity.[44]

Sukuna using Rabbit Escape against Gojo

Sukuna using Rabbit Escape while hiding in Gojo's shadow.

The complex nature of the Limitless required Mahoraga's wheel to turn five times before it adapted to the Infinity and Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue. With the Infinity neutralized, Sukuna utilized other shikigami and additional abilities of the Ten Shadows Technique to compound his advantage but he could not use Shrine and the Ten Shadows Technique at the same time.

Injured by a Black Flash from Gojo, Sukuna hid in a shadow to recover. To prevent Gojo from hitting Mahoraga with Cursed Technique Reversal: Red, Sukuna summoned Rabbit Escape from Gojo's shadow to obscure his view. Instead, Gojo fired Red into the shadow, forcing Sukuna out. Ordinarily, a Ten Shadows Technique user would need to fully manifest their shikigami to use their abilities. However, Sukuna's advanced sorcery skills allowed him to use Max Elephant's water without summoning it in order to imitate Piercing Blood.

Sukuna imitating Piercing Blood

Sukuna using Max Elephant's water without manifesting the shikigami.

Sukuna summoned Merged Beast Agito alongside Mahoraga to fight three-on-one. While Gojo was avoiding Mahoraga and Agito, Sukuna fired an imitation Piercing Blood from inside his shadow.[45] Sukuna returned to the shadows while the shikigami fought until Mahoraga further adapted to the Infinity and severed Gojo's arm. Sukuna reappeared from the shadows while Gojo was hurt and aided the assault. However, Gojo recovered quickly and destroyed Agito with Blue at maximum cursed energy output.[46]

Sukuna and Mahoraga hit Gojo

Sukuna attacking Gojo alongside his strongest shikigami.

During the climax of the battle, Sukuna attempted to use Mahoraga to prevent Gojo from combining Red with the orb of Blue that decimated Agito. He initially believed Gojo was going to hit him with Red and planned on having Mahoraga take the hit and adapt to be doubly sure. When Gojo fired Red toward the orb of Blue instead, Sukuna tried to order Mahoraga to intercept it. However, Mahoraga's adaptation to Blue ended up backfiring and it failed to stop Gojo from unleashing Hollow Purple, resulting in the destruction of the shikigami.[47] Following this showdown with Gojo and the destruction of Mahoraga, Sukuna was unable to utilize the Ten Shadows Technique any further.[48][49]

List of Ten Shadows Technique Shikigami

Shikigami Description
Divine Dog shadow (Anime) Divine Dogs ( (ぎょく) (けん) Gyokuken?) are a pair of twin wolves capable of tearing curses apart with their fangs and devouring them.[50] Each of the dogs can detect curses and notify their master when one gets close. Their tracking abilities allow them to find lost allies and locations as well.[51][52]
Divine Dogs (Anime)
Nue shadow (Anime) Nue ( (ぬえ) Nue?) is a winged shikigami armed with great speed and electric-shock wings. It can support its master by carrying them while flying to increase their mobility[53], and can attack with its heavy wings charged with electricity, shocking anyone it hits and leaving them temporarily paralyzed.[54] It's especially effective for taking opponents posted in high places off guard[55][56] or in combination attacks with other shikigami.[56][57] In addition to basic offensive applications, Nue's speed and wings can also be used defensively to shield its master from harm.[58]
Nue attacks Momo (Anime)
Toad shadow (Anime) Toad ( () () Gama?) is a large frog shikigami that can support its master using its long tongue. Its tongue can be used to ensnare its master's target and is strong enough to throw and slam them into objects.[59] The speed of the Toad's tongue is useful for helping its master or an ally out of harm's way.[60] Its large size also allows it to carried injured humans in its mouth.[61]
Toad (Anime)
Great Serpent shadow (Anime) Great Serpent (大蛇 (オロチ) Orochi?) is a giant snake shikigami that can quickly attack and ensnare its master's targets. It appears suddenly from the shadows to immobilize the target within its mouth, making for an effective surprise attack. The Great Serpent's size allows it to overpower large curses and can also be used to keep a target in place while another shikigami attacks.[62][63] Megumi's Great Serpent was ripped apart and completely destroyed by Sukuna.[64]
Great Serpent (Anime)
Max Elephant shadow (Anime) Max Elephant (満象 (ばんしょう) Banshō?) is an elephant shikigami that can spew large volumes of water from its trunk. It can also be used to crush its master's target with its weight.[65] However, it cost a lot of cursed energy to conjure when compared to other shikigami. Megumi only acquired it just prior to the Goodwill Event.[66]
Max Elephant (Anime)
Rabbit Escape shadow (Anime) Rabbit Escape ( (だっ) () Datto?) is a massive swarm of rabbit shikigami that serve as a distraction for the user. Upon activating the technique, dozens of rabbits fill the area to distract the opponent, allowing the summoner to escape danger by using the chaos to their advantage.[67]
Rabbit Escape (Anime)
Round Deer shadow Round Deer ( (まど) 鹿 () Madoka?) is a towering deer shikigami that can heal through reverse cursed technique. Its positive energy is powerful enough to cause another sorcerer to lose control of physical objects strengthened by cursed energy.[68]
Round Deer
Piercing Ox shadow Piercing Ox ( (かん) (ぎゅう) Kangyū?) is an ox shikigami that can charge with immense strength. It can only move in a straight line, but the longer its charge, the more powerful it is.[69] Its physical strength is robust enough to match up against a reincarnated sorcerer from the Heian period.[70]
Piercing Ox
NoPicAvailable Tiger Funeral ( () (そう) Kosō?) is a shikigami with unknown capabilities.[71]
Mahoraga shadow (Anime) Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga ( (やつ) (かの) (つるぎ) () (かい) (しん) (しょう) () () () Yatsuka-no-Tsurugi Ikaishinshō Makora?) is the most powerful shikigami available to be summoned that no one in the Zenin Family has ever been able to force to submit.[72] It is armed with the Sword of Extermination[73], as well as the ability to adapt to any and all phenomena.[74]
Mahoraga (Anime)

Shikigami Combinations

Shikigami Combination Description
Bottomless Well (Anime)

The Well's Unknown Abyss ( (せい) (てい) () (らず) Seiteishirazu?) is an extension technique that combines Nue and Toad into one shikigami summon. Creating the shadows of both Nue and the Toad in subsequence allows for the (temporary) fusion of both into winged toads to aid their master in battle.[75] These toads can fly with increased mobility, as well as use their tongues to restrain opponents[76] or catch projectile attacks.[77] Unlike their parent shikigami, these toads are relatively weaker yet can be destroyed without consequence, and can be summoned so long as Nue and the Toad are alive.[78]

Megumi exorcises the Finger Bearer (Anime) Divine Dog: Totality ( (ぎょく) (けん) (こん) Gyokuken・Kon?) is an improved version of the black Divine Dog shikigami which inherited the power of its fallen white twin and attained a werewolf-like appearance.[79] It is a well-balanced shikigami with the ability to attack, defend, and provide support for its user. Its notable traits are its immense speed and powerful claws capable of damaging special grade cursed spirits.[80]
Sukuna summons Merged Beast Agito Nue: Totality - Merged Beast Agito ( (ぬえ) (こん) 嵌合 (かんごう) (じゅう) (あぎ) () Nue・Kon - Kangō Jū Agito?) is an improved humanoid version of the Nue shikigami which inherited the powers of Great Serpent, Tiger Funeral, and Round Deer.[81] It is a powerful, towering shikigami capable of producing electricity and regenerating with reverse cursed technique.[82]


  • The Ten Shadows Technique draws inspiration from the "Ten Sacred Treasures" ( () (くさの) (かん) (だから) Tokusa no Kandakara?) of Shinto. The markings on many of the shikigami (Nue and Rabbit Escape are the only ones that are not shown) reflect the sacred emblems of the regalia:
    • The white Divine Dog has a symbol on its forehead that resembles the "Jewel of Turning Back on the Road" ( (ちか) (へしの) (たま) Chikaeshi no Tama?).
    • The black Divine Dog has a symbol on its forehead that resembles the "Jewel of Plenty" ( (たる) (たま) Tarutama?).
      • Divine Dog: Totality's symbol combines both.
    • Toad has a symbol on its stomach that resembles the "Mirror of the Deep" ( () (きつ) (かがみ) Okitsukagami?).
    • Great Serpent has a symbol on its forehead that resembles the "Jewel of Life" ( () (くたま) Ikutama?).
    • Max Elephant has a symbol on its forehead that resembles the "Mirror of the Shore" ( () () (かがみ) Hetsukagami?).
    • One of the rabbits in Rabbit Escape has a symbol on its stomach that resembles the "Cloth of Various Things" ( (くさ) (ぐさの) (もの) () () () Kusagusa no Mono no Hire?).
    • Round Deer has a symbol on the left side of its neck that resembles the "Jewel of Resuscitation" ( (まかる) (かえしの) (たま) Makarukaeshi no Tama?).
    • Piercing Ox has a symbol on its forehead that resembles the "Cloth of the Bees" ( (はちの) () () Hachi no Hire?).
    • The wheel on Mahoraga's head represents the "Sword Eight-Hands Long" ( (やつ) (かの) (つるぎ) Yatsuka-no-tsurugi?). This wheel and "Furu's Incantation" ( () () (こと) Furu no Koto?), the incantation said before summoning Mahoraga, represent the complete cycle of harmony, as confirmed by Sukuna.[83]


  1. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 43 (p. 5) and Episode 18.
  2. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 (p. 2) and Episode 41.
  3. 3.03.1 Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 (p. 12) and Episode 5.
  4. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 (p. 4) and Episode 41.
  5. 5.05.1 Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 97 (pp. 5-6) and Episode 35.
  6. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 44 (p. 8) and Episode 18.
  7. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 47 (pp. 5-6) and Episode 19.
  8. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 154 (p. 6-8).
  9. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 171 (p. 15-16).
  10. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 58 (pp. 14-15) and Episode 23.
  11. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 30 (p. 19) and Episode 13.
  12. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 53 (p. 7) and Episode 21.
  13. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 (p. 20) and Episode 41.
  14. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 (p. 16) and Episode 40.
  15. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 46 (p. 20) and Episode 19.
  16. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 (pp. 5-12) and Episode 5.
  17. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 43 (p. 3) and Episode 18.
  18. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 44 (p. 3) and Episode 18.
  19. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 43 (p. 4-5) and Episode 18.
  20. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 44 (pp. 10-11) and Episode 18.
  21. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 44 (p. 7) and Episode 18.
  22. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 (pp. 6-7) and Episode 41.
  23. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 58 (p. 9) and Episode 23.
  24. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 (p. 16) and Episode 5.
  25. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 58 (p. 11) and Episode 23.
  26. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 58 (pp. 9-21) and Episode 23.
  27. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 (pp. 8-20) and Episode 41.
  28. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 153 (p. 18).
  29. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 154 (p. 6-8).
  30. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 156 (pp. 1-5, 17-19).
  31. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 167 (p. 14-17).
  32. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 168 (p. 14-17).
  33. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 169 (p. 11).
  34. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 170 (pp. 5-6, 8, 17-19).
  35. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 171 (p. 6).
  36. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 171 (p. 14-16).
  37. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 172 (pp. 3, 13, 19).
  38. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 266 (pp. 1-4, 11-12).
  39. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 213 (pp. 7-11).
  40. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 215 (p. 15).
  41. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 218 (pp. 8-17).
  42. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 219 (pp. 13-17).
  43. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 230 (p. 3-4).
  44. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 130 (pp. 5-8).
  45. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 133 (pp. 6-17).
  46. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 134 (pp. 10-18).
  47. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 235 (p. 8-17).
  48. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 245 (p. 16).
  49. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 266 (p. 12).
  50. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 1 (pp. 34 & 39) and Episode 1.
  51. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 6 (pp. 6 & 9) and Episode 4.
  52. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 7 (p. 7) and Episode 4.
  53. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 7 (p. 1) and Episode 4.
  54. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 36 (p. 6) and Episode 15.
  55. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 35 (p. 17) and Episode 15.
  56. 56.056.1 Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 (p. 7) and Episode 5.
  57. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 44 (p. 11) and Episode 18.
  58. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 (p. 10) and Episode 5.
  59. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 95 (p. 11-12) and Episode 35.
  60. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 113 (p. 9) and Episode 40.
  61. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 7 (p. 14-15) and Episode 4.
  62. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 7 (p. 14) and Episode 4.
  63. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 (p. 6-7) and Episode 5.
  64. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 (p. 8) and Episode 5.
  65. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 97 (p. 6) and Episode 35.
  66. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 44 (p. 8-9) and Episode 18.
  67. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 96 (p. 18-19) and Episode 35.
  68. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 218 (p. 8-9).
  69. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 218 (p. 13-14).
  70. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 218 (p. 10-14).
  71. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 234 (p. 7).
  72. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 117 (p. 9-11) and Episode 41.
  73. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 118 (p. 5) and Episode 41.
  74. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 118 (p. 17) and Episode 41.
  75. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 17 (p. 9-10) and Episode 8.
  76. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 17 (p. 14) and Episode 8.
  77. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 43 (p. 3) and Episode 18.
  78. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Vol. 6 (p. 88).
  79. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 47 (p. 5) and Episode 19.
  80. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 58 (pp. 5 & 21) and Episode 23.
  81. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 234 (p. 7).
  82. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 234 (pp. 5-6 & 9).
  83. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Anime: Chapter 118 (p. 17) and Episode 41.


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Cursed Techniques
Auspicious Beasts Summon  •  Antigravity System  •  Black Bird Manipulation  •  Blazing Courage  •  Blood Manipulation  •  Boogie Woogie  •  Cloning Technique  •  Comedian  •  Construction  •  Contractual Re-Creation  •  Copy  •  Cursed Energy Discharge  •  Cursed Speech  •  Cursed Spirit Manipulation  •  Disaster Flames  •  Disaster Plants  •  Disaster Tides  •  G Warstaff  •  Heart Catch  •  Ice Formation  •  Idle Transfiguration  •  Immortality  •  Inverse  •  Limitless  •  Love Rendezvous  •  Mythical Beast Amber  •  Prayer Song  •  Projection Sorcery  •  Puppet Manipulation  •  Ratio Technique  •  Rot Technique  •  Séance Technique  •  Shrine  •  Solo Forbidden Area  •  Star Rage  •  Straw Doll Technique  •  Technique Extinguishment  •  Ten Shadows Technique  •  Tool Manipulation
Batto Sword Drawing  •  Curtain  •  Domain Expansion  •  Domain Amplification  •  Evening Moon Sword Drawing  •  Falling Blossom Emotion  •  Hazy Moon  •  Hollow Wicker Basket  •  Simple Domain
Bird Strike  •  Blood Edge  •  Blood Meteorite  •  Body Repel  •  Boost On  •  Collapse  •  Convergence  •  Crimson Binding  •  Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue  •  Cursed Technique Reversal: Red  •  Cutie Honey  •  Death Swarm  •  Decay  •  Earthen Insect Trance  •  Ember Insects  •  Flowing Red Scale  •  Frost Calm  •  Granite Blast  •  Hairpin  •  Hollow Technique: Purple  •  Icefall  •  Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing  •  Jacob's Ladder  •  Kaichi  •  Miracle Cannon  •  Mode: Albatross  •  Piercing Blood  •  Pigeon Viola  •  Polymorphic Soul Isomer  •  Reiki  •  Resonance  •  Ryu  •  Slicing Exorcism  •  Soul Multiplicity  •  Spiderweb  •  Supernova  •  Sword Option  •  Thin Ice Breaker  •  Ultimate Cannon  •  Ultra Cannon  •  Ultra Shield  •  Ultra Spin  •  Well's Unknown Abyss  •  Wind Scythe
Maximum: Meteor  •  Maximum: Uzumaki  •  Maximum: Wing King
Authentic Mutual Love  •  Chimera Shadow Garden  •  Coffin of the Iron Mountain  •  Deadly Sentencing  •  Horizon of the Captivating Skandha  •  Idle Death Gamble  •  Malevolent Shrine  •  Self-Embodiment of Perfection  •  Threefold Affliction  •  Time Cell Moon Palace  •  Unlimited Void  •  Womb Profusion
Cursed Objects
Special Grade Cursed Womb: Death Painting  •  Prison Realm  •  Ryomen Sukuna's Fingers
Cursed Tools
Special Grade Chain of a Thousand Miles  •  Inverted Spear of Heaven  •  Playful Cloud
Others Black Rope  •  Dragon-Bone  •  Festering Life Sword  •  Hiten  •  Kamutoke  •  Slaughter Demon  •  Split Soul Katana  •  Sword of Extermination
Cursed Corpses
Puppets Ultimate Mechamaru  •  Ultimate Mechamaru - Mode: Absolute
Abrupt-Mutation Cursed Corpses Panda (Gorilla Mode)  •  Takeru
Ten Shadows Technique Divine Dogs  •  Divine Dog: Totality  •  Great Serpent  •  Mahoraga  •  Merged Beast Agito  •  Max Elephant  •  Nue  •  Piercing Ox  •  Rabbit Escape  •  Round Deer  •  Tiger Funeral  •  Toad
Others Garuda  •  Judgeman  •  Kogane  •  Moon Dregs
Taijutsu Black Flash  •  Divergent Fist  •  Manji Kick  •  Shiranui-Gata  •  Unblockable Drumming Beat
Sorcerers Curse User  •  Grade  •  Jujutsu Headquarters  •  Jujutsu Regulations  •  Jujutsu Sorcerer  •  Sorcerer Clan
Curses Cursed Energy  •  Cursed Human  •  Cursed Spirit  •  Cursed Womb
Other Bath  •  Barrier  •  Binding Vow  •  Heavenly Restriction  •  Innate Domain  •  Reverse Cursed Technique  •  Six Eyes  •  Transfigured Human