ACM TechTalks

ACM members and non-members alike are welcome to attend our popular series of free TechTalks by expert industry professionals, distinguished ACM award laureates, and visionary researchers from industry and academia. Focused on keeping our global audience of busy practitioners at the forefront of technical trends, professional development, and emerging technologies, the TechTalks are also popular with students and educators. Recent talks have covered topics in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Big Data and Data Science, Blockchain, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, JavaScript, Microservices, Python, Quantum Computing, and more. Registration is free and the TechTalks can be attended both live and on-demand, on desktop and mobile devices. Check this page frequently for upcoming events as well as our on-demand archive. To subscribe to our TechTalk announcements, email [email protected].

View Our Recent TechTalk

Software Product Management: From Opinions to Data Driven Experimentation

Product management is a notoriously difficult role as it straddles the business and R&D side of the company and involves aligning a significant number of stakeholders around the prioritization of the work. Traditionally, most product management activities were conducted in a qualitative fashion, relying on the opinions of customers, stakeholders, and the product managers. With the emergence of fast feedback loops with products in the field due to DevOps, the large amounts of data available and the role of AI, we can evolve product management activities to be much more focused on data driven decision making and experimentation. The talk presents the trends underlying the changes in product management, the practices that allow us to exploit these trends, and the resultant increase in effectiveness of R&D when applying these practices. The talk is based on a decade long collaboration with 15+ global software intensive systems companies in the context of the Software Center (

ACM Learning Center TechTalk Archive

ACM award winners, leading researchers, industry veterans, thought leaders, and innovators address today and tomorrow's hottest topics and issues in computing for busy practitioners, as well as educators, students, and researchers. Check out our archive of these ACM TechTalks, free for members and non-members alike.

TechTalks on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Talks from some of the leading visionaries and bleeding-edge researchers in AI/ML: Fei-Fei Li on visual intelligence in computers and ImageNet; Eric Horvitz on AI solutions in the open world; and Tom Mitchell on using ML to study how the brain creates and represents language.

Eddie Aftandilian TechTalk

Register now for the next free ACM TechTalk, "Lessons Learned from Building GitHub Copilot(s)," presented on Wednesday, October 2 at 12:00 PM ET/16:00 UTC by Eddie Aftandilian, Principal Researcher at GitHub Next. Rahul Pandita, Staff Researcher at GitHub Next, will moderate the questions and answers session following the talk. Continue the discussion on ACM's Discourse Page.

Abhinav Kimothi TechTalk

View the recent ACM TechTalk, "Introduction to Retrieval Augmented Generation: What Is It and Why Should You Pay Attention," presented by Abhinav Kimothi, Co-Founder and VP of AI at Yarnit. Marlene Mhangami, Senior Developer Advocate at Microsoft, moderated the the questions and answers session following the talk. Continue the discussion on ACM's Discourse Page.