Luna Nera Wiki

Santa is an antagonist in the novel Luna Nera: Le Città Perdute and in Netflix's 2020 fantasy television series Luna Nera. He hunts witches and is Pietro's father. Sante is portrayed by Giandomenico Cupaiolo.


He has a rugged appearance, dressing like a craftsman of a sort while at home, but remaining an important figure in the city. He wears leather armor when out on the city with a weapon strapped to his belt. He appears to have a white shirt and a silver medallion around his neck. Curled hair seems hereditary in his family. He has a thick beard that appears to be regularly trimmed (most likely by his wife or daughter if this is historically based).


He is a harsh and stubborn man, although seemingly open-minded enough to send his son, Pietro, to college and tolerate his disagreements without physical punishment. He does criticize his son for levying intellectual arguments against his belief in witchcraft and hunting down sorcerers. He's very self-sufficient to a fault. When his wife fell ill, he did not send word to Pietro at college because he was confident he had it under control. People either revere or fear him for the most part.


Cesaria and Pietro are not full brother and sister, although it's unclear at first if this is something he has done or something his wife, Amelia, has done. The illness that keeps Amelia at home in bed makes him the more likely candidate for infidelity, but adoption is also a possibility.

Plot summary[]


  • "The witches you defend so fervently... The witches who have poisoned your mother and who will poison the whole world if we do not stop them. We must hunt them down one by one until their kind are gone forever."
  • "Is this what you've been learning in Rome? The lack of respect for your father?"



Sante appears in the following episodes:

  • Episode 1: Omen
  • Episode 2: The Book
  • Episode 3: Voices




JanaraLeptisPersepolisValenteSanteCesariaSpirtoAquileiaPetraSegestaAntaliaNicolaAdrianoFather ToscoAmeliaAgneseGiambattistaRoman professor
