\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + " \n" + " We are sorry but all user interfaces of project " + projectShortCut + " are limited to project-specific user accounts.\n" + " In order to get access please logout and create such a project-specific user account.\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "

Your " + userProjectSpecificShortCut + " account

\n" + " We are sorry but your " + userProjectSpecificShortCut + " account is restricted to " + userProjectSpecificShortCut + ".\n" + "
" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "\n" + "
\n" ; let noHTMLNode = $("
").html(noHTML); if ((userProjectSpecificID === false && projectRequiresSpecificUsers)) { $(".co_loginOverlayProjectFailed-content-forbidden", noHTMLNode).remove(); } else { $(".co_loginOverlayProjectFailed-content-required", noHTMLNode).remove(); } $("body").append(noHTMLNode); let loginOverlayClose = function () { window.clearTimeout(waitForInitiationTimer); noHTMLNode.remove(); }; $(document).keyup(function (e) { if (e.which === 27) { loginOverlayClose(); } }); $(".co_adm_overlayClose", noHTMLNode).click(function () { loginOverlayClose(); return false; }) ; return false; } else { // console.log("projectSpecificAccountRequirementCheck success"); return true; } } // no active user handleMissingLogin = function (options) { // no active user let me = this; // default settings and optional overrides by incoming options let settings = $.extend({ callAfterLogin: me.defaultLoginAction, callAfterCancel: me.defaultCancelAction, callBeforeClose: me.defaultBeforeCancelAction, callAfterInitiate: me.defaultAfterInitiate, domIDContainer: "callLoginOverlay", containerCSSClass: "co_loginOverlayIFrameContainer", targetURL: me.targetURL, sendSessionCheck: me.sendSessionCheck, iFrameJSON: me.iFrameJSON, sessionAvailable: me.sessionAvailable, sessionID: me.sessionID, sessionName: me.sessionName, loginTitle: me.loginTitle, loginTitle_L: me.loginTitle_L, prefixHTML: me.prefixHTML, checkProjectSpecificAccounts: me.checkProjectSpecificAccountRestriction, silentPreload: me.silentPreload, permissionsToBeChecked: me.permissionsToBeChecked, }, options); console.log(options, settings); // create HTML me.loginContainerNode = $("
") .html( "" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + (me.COLogoURL ? " " : "") + (me.closeable ? " \n" : "") + "
\n" + "
\n" + " " + settings.prefixHTML + "\n" + " " + settings.iFrameJSON + "\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + (me.COLogoURL ? " " : "") + " \n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + " Preparing the " + settings.loginTitle_L + " login…" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" + "
" + "
\n" ) ; me.loginContainerNode.addClass("loginOverlayIframeContainer"); if (settings.containerCSSClass !== "") me.loginContainerNode.addClass(settings.containerCSSClass); if (settings.silentPreload) { $(".co_loginOverlayIFrameContainer-loading", me.loginContainerNode).hide(); $(".modal-backdrop", me.loginContainerNode).hide(); } $("body").append(me.loginContainerNode); // triggers // close let loginOverlayClose = function () { window.clearTimeout(me.waitForInitiationTimer); me.waitForInitiationTimerToBeStopped = true; me.loginContainerNode.remove(); }; if (me.closeable) { $(document).keyup(function (e) { if (e.which === 27) { loginOverlayClose(); } }); } $(".co_adm_overlayClose", me.loginContainerNode).click(function () { loginOverlayClose(); return false; }); // initiation timer me.waitForInitiationTimer = window.setTimeout( function () { if (!me.waitForInitiationTimerToBeStopped) { console.error("login timeout", me.fallbackRedirectURL, me.waitForInitiationTimerToBeStopped); me.loginContainerNode.remove(); } }, me.waitForInitiationTimerSeconds * 1000 ); me.runLoginAction = function (msg) { me.loginContainerNode.hide(); loginOverlayClose(); let rs = me.projectSpecificAccountRequirementCheck(msg.projectSpecificID, msg.projectSpecificShortCut); if (!rs) { return; } console.debug("done runLoginAction w/o sendSessionCheck, calling settings.callAfterLogin(msg)"); settings.callAfterLogin(msg); }; settings.callAfterInitiate(); } handleLoggedIn = function (options) { let me = this; // default settings and optional overrides by incoming options let settings = $.extend({ callAfterLogin: me.defaultLoginAction, callAfterInitiate: me.defaultAfterInitiate, targetURL: me.targetURL, checkProjectSpecificAccounts: me.checkProjectSpecificAccountRestriction, passThroughCallWithActiveLogin: me.passThroughCallWithActiveLogin }, options); //console.log(options, settings); if(settings.passThroughCallWithActiveLogin) { me.runLoginAction = function (msg) { if (settings.checkProjectSpecificAccounts) { let rs = me.projectSpecificAccountRequirementCheck(msg.projectSpecificID, msg.projectSpecificShortCut); if (!rs) { return; } } settings.callAfterLogin(msg); }; settings.callAfterInitiate(); me.runLoginAction(me.userDataJSON); } } }; (function(){ let activeUser = false; let lo = new LoginOverlay( "66ed7cd9c995e", "https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/47528", 813, "slfw7gw57wf5laerrt" ); lo.projectShortCut = "EGU23"; lo.projectRequiresSpecificUsers = false; lo.checkProjectSpecificAccountRestriction = true; lo.COLogoURL = "https://contentmanager.copernicus.org/2786/ssl"; lo.iFrameJSON = "\r\n\t\t\t