My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki
The first person cultivates the power, and then passes it on to another. The next refines it and passes it on again. In this way, those crying out to be saved and those with brave and true hearts link to form a crystalline network of power!
One For All described to Izuku Midoriya by Toshinori Yagi in "Roaring Muscles"

One For All (ワン・フォー・オール Wan Fō Ōru?) was the transferable Quirk that was possessed by its ninth user, Izuku Midoriya.

In the past, it was originally used by Yoichi Shigaraki, and later, its other previous hosts: Kudo, Bruce, Hikage Shinomori, Daigoro Banjo, En Tayutai, Nana Shimura, and Toshinori Yagi. Izuku forcibly transferred the Quirk to Tomura Shigaraki via blood transference, and as a result, the Quirk was destroyed and became unusable.[1] It was also briefly used by Katsuki Bakugo.[2]


Origin of One For All

The creation of One For All by its progenitor.

A long time ago, two brothers were born, with the oldest possessing a Meta Ability that allows him to steal other people's Abilities and transfer them to others, while the younger brother seemingly did not have one.[3] The oldest brother, now called All For One, rose to power while his younger brother, Yoichi, who was weak and frail due to a very fragile body, opposed his brother's rule. Angered by Yoichi's defiance and in a twisted show of affection, All For One forced onto his younger brother a Quirk that allowed him to stockpile power within his body. However, unbeknownst to him, Yoichi already had a Quirk with no other power than to transfer it to another person. The transference Quirk and the power stockpiling Quirk merged to form One For All.[4]

Yoichi was freed from All For One's grasp by a resistance leader named Kudo and his second-in-command, Bruce. Eventually, his brother managed to track them down in an attempt to reclaim him, and when they tried to flee, All For One killed him. Yoichi's blood splattered all over Kudo as he and his resistance escaped, and shortly afterward he began feeling weird effects in his body. Bruce examined him and discovered that alongside his original Quirk Factor, there existed another, almost insignificant, Factor as well, which Kudo realized was Yoichi's lingering will, having passed on within him. All For One came to this same conclusion after discovering Yoichi's Quirks to be missing from the remaining left hand he had kept of his body, and realized Yoichi was still out there.

All For One through the years

All For One's quest to claim One For All.

After these events, the Quirk would become entrusted to the future generations of Heroes, with the hope that they would be able to cultivate the power, now known as "One For All", and one day put a stop to All For One. Meanwhile, the Villain made it his mission to track down the users of the Quirk all to reclaim Yoichi, whom he considered his "first possession". He tracked down and killed Kudo, who had already transferred the Quirk to Bruce, and later killed him as well, only for him to have already passed it along as well.[5]

The fourth user, Hikage, believed that he would not be able to defeat All For One and decided to use his "turn" with One For All to seclude himself and train the Quirk to be as strong as possible. However, after eighteen years, his body unexpectedly started to deteriorate. Though he blamed it on an unknown disease at the time, in reality, possessing One For All and his original Quirk had dramatically shortened his lifespan, forcing him to pass it on shortly before dying. All For One attempted to steal One For All twice, first from the fifth user, Daigoro, and then from the sixth, En, but failed both times. This failure was because the Symbol of Evil couldn't muster the hatred to overcome the fragments of the wielders' consciousness.

Past OFA wielders passing the Quirk to future generations

The fourth, fifth, and sixth users passing down One For All.

Each of these times the users managed to pass on the Quirk to the nearest hero they trusted right before they were killed by All For One's hand; Daigoro giving it to En, and En to the seventh user, Nana. She ended up being the first One For All user to choose an apprentice to pass the Quirk along to, that being the Quirkless Toshinori. She transferred the Quirk to him, and several years later, also met a grizzly fate by All For One. Toshinori eventually managed to reach the level of power in One For All that allowed him to defeat All For One in battle, but suffered critical injuries in the process. Despite his injuries and the pleading of his friend and sidekick, Sir Nighteye, Toshinori continued fighting for another six years before picking a successor, putting the Symbol of Peace's tenure as One For All's wielder at 40 years.

After much deliberation in choosing a successor and being scheduled to teach at U.A., which would help Toshinori find one, he encounters Izuku, a Quirkless boy just like he was. Impressed with Izuku's drive to become a hero and his selfless spirit, Toshinori chooses him to become the ninth and current wielder.

Izuku may be the last wielder of One For All

Izuku the last wielder of One For All.

While the Quirk was initially perceived as primarily a source of tremendous power, things started to change as Izuku became more accustomed to the Quirk, and it reached the "point of singularity". Not only did the consciousnesses of the previous users gain a more physical form within a vestige realm that could communicate with each other and Izuku, when prior they were only echoes seen in dreams, but also the Quirks of the predecessors emerged from One For All's core, allowing Izuku to use them.

This sudden growth led to Toshinori researching the users' past to find any information to aid Izuku. It was here when he discovered the autopsy behind Hikage's death, and while he was unsure about it at the time, Toshinori speculated that he'd been able to continue using One For All for so long because, unlike most of its other wielders, he was Quirkless.

Due to this revelation, according to Yoichi, Izuku might be the last user of One For All, as it can only be handled by someone who was originally Quirkless, considering said population has dramatically decreased through the generations. The Quirk has been passed down through nine generations, growing stronger. Currently, One For All is one of the most powerful Quirks in existence; however, it proves very difficult to master fully.

Yoichi appears next to Nana

Willpower of the past holders standing against All For One.

To steal One For All, All For One decided he needed someone with highly malicious intent, powerful enough to overpower the will of both the wielder and the other consciousnesses within One For All. He groomed Tomura Shigaraki for that purpose and filled him with hatred. Then, All For One transplanted his original Quirk onto Tomura and seized control of the younger villain. Using Tomura's will, All For One attempted to steal One For All from Izuku but was thwarted by Yoichi and Nana. Knowing that Tomura's body was still incomplete, All For One retreated and began to wait for its completion.

Very few were informed of One For All's true nature, fearing what villains would do if they found out that the world's most powerful Quirk could be transferred, as well as discourse among fellow heroes and the general public. Other than the users, All For One, and his confidant Kyudai Garaki, the only known people who knew the truth were Nana's partner Gran Torino, Toshinori's sidekick Sir Nighteye, U.A. staff Principal Nezu and Recovery Girl, and police detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. After Izuku nearly gave away the secret to Katsuki Bakugo out of guilt, the latter managed to deduce most of the truth, with the rest explained to him by Toshinori.

However, after the Paranormal Liberation War, the name of "One For All" was leaked to the public when people overheard Endeavor mentioning it during his fight with Tomura. Initially unaware of what it meant, people were able to piece together that it is related to All For One due to the similar name.[6] In the aftermath of the war, Toshinori was confronted by Best Jeanist and Hawks about One For All and how it was connected to Tomura chasing after Izuku during the battle, so Toshinori discloses everything to Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist. Izuku and Toshinori also proceed to reveal the truth to Izuku's mother, Inko, and Izuku himself writes personalized letters to each of his classmates in Class 1-A about the secret before leaving U.A. High.

At a press conference, Endeavor, along with Hawks and Best Jeanist, deny knowing anything about One For All to protect Toshinori and Izuku,[7] however, the public continued to question the heroes, as more information started to leak out. While unaware of its transferable origins, many civilians have deduced that One For All is an extraordinary power that Izuku possesses, which is why Tomura is targeting him; this is then confirmed to the civilians seeking sanctuary at U.A. High School. Most of the significant Heroes now know the truth, as they use this knowledge in their planning for the Final War to defeat the Villains for good.

Due to the relationship between One For All and All For One, Izuku is given the primary role in directly dealing with Tomura and All For One's vestige, having trained and mastered the Quirk enough to unlock all the Quirks of the users and use their power to achieve an equivalent of 120% of One For All's power. It has become so powerful it helped disrupt All For One's forceful merger with Tomura, allowing him to strike back at his master and attain full use of the All For One Quirk itself. Proclaiming he does not need One For All, Tomura's goals fully diverge from his master as he proceeds to face down Izuku to destroy him and his Quirk for good, aiming to remove the one person capable of halting his quest for global annihilation.

During their battle, Tomura manages to steal Danger Sense, revealing that he now possesses the superior willpower to take One For All and its individual Quirk Factors, intending to do so to get rid of Izuku for good. After Izuku and the vestiges discover a mental scar within Tomura's own vestige core, as a result of his fight with Star and Stripe, they decide to take advantage of that weak spot to inflict damage onto Tomura from within to completely weaken his spirit. To accomplish this, Izuku forcefully transfers all of the remaining Quirks within One For All via blood transfusion, successfully inflicting heavy damage upon the villain, while also making each of the powers unusable to him. Eventually, even the original One For All Quirk is transferred, succeeding in destroying Tomura's mental scape, while also destroying the Quirk itself, leaving Izuku Quirkless once again, with just the embers remaining.[8]


One For All was a transferable Quirk that could be passed on from one user to the next.[9] Its name came from its nature: being "one" Quirk for "all" people. For the Quirk to be transferred, the recipient must ingest a sample of the predecessor's DNA (ex: a strand of hair or a drop of blood).

The origin of One For All is itself a powerful will that refused to submit to All For One. For this reason, One For All cannot be stolen by any means. The Quirk can only be transferred to another person if the current wielder intends to pass it on, as demonstrated when Stain ingested some of Izuku's blood but did not inherit the Quirk. However, according to All Might, while One For All cannot be stolen, it can be forcibly transferred, as the recipient need not agree to inherit the Quirk in the first place.[4] Since One For All can't be forcibly taken, it is one of the only Quirks that can be used in combat against All For One, as any user of All For One would be able to steal most other Quirks.

Izuku Destroys Zero Point Robot

Izuku using One For All to destroy a giant robot with only one punch.

One For All also allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance their physical abilities to a superhuman level, resulting in unbelievable strength, speed, agility, and durability.

The user can focus the stockpiled power into a single body part or spread it evenly throughout their body, although focusing the energy puts a tremendous strain on the part of the body where the power is concentrated. The user can also control the percentage of the power they activate. One For All can even grant the user an exceptional strength boost to their given Quirk if they have one.

The core of One For All has grown in strength from being passed from user to user, and the Quirk Factors of all of the previous users have merged into the core. The current user, Izuku Midoriya, can access the Quirks of the previous One For All users. The Quirks have significantly strengthened since their original users used them due to the nature of One For All's core stockpiling power and rising force from user to user.

Previous users

Izuku feels the previous users of One For All.

In addition to the Quirk Factors merging with the core, One For All carries "shades", or vestiges, of all previous users. Within One For All is a subconscious realm where the prior users can manifest, as fragments of their very consciousnesses are engraved into One For All.[10] Originally, according to All For One, like organs and cells, Quirk Factors were said to contain the raw spirits, or the "individuality", of their users, which is then merged into One For All;[11] however, the validity of this statement is brought into question by Yoichi, using the Quirkless Toshinori as counter-evidence.[10]

Initially, the "vestiges" are merely masses of light that vaguely resemble their templates. However, upon the template's death, the said vestige becomes solid and conscious, able to converse with the other vestiges and current wielder of One For All. It was initially believed that these "vestiges" can only be embedded into One For All if the user possesses a Quirk; however, Toshinori proved this to be false since he didn't have a Quirk or a Quirk Factor to have his consciousness copied into, Toshinori instead was able to imbue a piece of his consciousness inside of One For All. This embedment allows the fragment conscious to fully interact with the other users and shares with them everything the real Toshinori knows, which is how the other vestiges were able to learn about the life-shortening side-effect of One For All on those who already wielded their own personal Quirk.[10]

The former users of One For All

Vestiges of the previous One For All users.

The subconscious realm within One For All was originally a barren landscape surrounded by darkness, and vestiges of the previous holders could only share brief visions with one another. However, after Tomura and All For One attempted to steal One For All, they drew the vestiges out by sheer force, stabilizing the traces within and allowing the current and previous users of One For All to communicate freely. The realm took the form of the ruins of a conference room with chairs, one for each holder, though Kudo and Bruce initially chose not to sit and stand in the corner with their backs turned. The realm resembles the room where Yoichi was locked away by All For One, where the stockpiling Quirk was forced on him, and where Kudo and Bruce eventually rescued him, the birthplace of One For All. It also seems to have some connection to One For All's counterpart Quirk, All For One.[12]

After being stabilized, the previous users can now fully interact with Izuku whenever they wish, freely manifesting as spirits to give Izuku advice on their Quirks and how to use them best.[13] It is also suggested that One For All has a phenomenal ability to allow users to sense other predecessors when they had the Quirk, as if they had a telepathic link to the deceased or former users within the subconscious realm, even long after their deaths, such as All Might sensing the other users, as well as himself, within Izuku despite giving up his Quirk.[10] Izuku felt the wary dangers of Tomura being usurped by All For One, and his crying self deep within the psyche and desired to save him in some way, and Nana and the other former users were able to telepathically sense these emotions because they are now synched with him inside of One For All.[14] Furthermore, since One For All and All For One are counterparts to each other, the vestiges of the previous users resonate with the other Quirk and can peer into each other's inner workings, as shown when the earlier users of One For All were able to see All For One within Tomura during their subsequent encounter, and vice versa.[15]

One For All draws power from the cries of help of those in need, as they are like a direct order to the user.[16] It alters the user's appearance differently. For All Might, it significantly enlarges his muscles and overall body mass to make him look like a completely different person, similar to a giant. For Izuku, using One For All causes the empowered part of his body to glow, with vein-like lines crossing through each other. His body also generates crackling, green energy that resembles lightning bolts when he activates "Full Cowl". However, it is still unknown what the usage appearance of One For All looked like for its previous handlers. Occasionally, while drawing on One For All heavily, a visualization will be shown of the power passing between users, represented as glowing sparks.

One For All itself can be duplicated, but since it is an Accumulation-type Quirk, the power stored inside cannot be reproduced, as shown when Neito Monoma did not gain any substantial increase in strength after copying it.[17]


Izuku training at Takoba Park

Izuku training to handle the extreme power of One For All.

When One For All is transferred, the new user's body is not naturally suited to it as they usually would be with a Quirk they were born with (ex: someone who breathes fire doesn't burn their mouth while using their ability). In addition, One For All is a lot to handle; if one's body can't take the power, then one's body could be blown apart. Because of this, the successor must undergo intense and rigorous physical training.[18]

Even after inheriting the Quirk, it takes time for the new user to adjust to One For All and learn how to properly control it. While Izuku trained his body into a suitable vessel for the Quirk, it was rushed to a period of ten months for him to be ready for U.A. High School's Entrance Exam. Inexperienced use of the Quirk can easily lead to self-injury, most notably with Izuku, who could only use it in short blasts of power that would break his limbs. Only when Izuku learned to channel One For All's power evenly throughout his whole body was he able to stop this self-injurious habit and begin honing the Quirk's power as his own. Even so, repeatedly damaging his body led to extreme consequences, such as the ligaments in his arms becoming frailer, to the point where he now risks losing total function of them should he continue to use One For All recklessly.

Embers of One For All

The "leftover embers" of One For All that will eventually go out.

After transferring One For All, the previous user is left with only residual power from the Quirk (or "leftover embers"). While they would still be able to utilize the ability to essentially the same degree as before, continuous usage will cause their power output to decrease until the wielder cannot make tangible use of the Quirk. After All Might's final battle against All For One, his ability to sustain his Muscular Form was reduced to seconds, rendering him unable to make any use of his residual power.

Like with all Quirks, the ability to use One For All is strongly tied to the user's physical health and well-being. As such, they will find it harder to handle the Quirk's raw power should they face negative health issues, even if they were strong and physically conditioned enough to inherit it. Examples here include Yoichi, who could not make proper use of One For All due to his weak body and sickly state, despite being the Quirk's original owner. Another example is All Might, who gained permanent, debilitating injuries following his first battle with All For One, limiting his ability to keep his empowered form active to only a few hours a day and thus hindering the use of his Quirk. As mentioned above, this time frame continued to deplete rapidly after passing One For All on to Izuku.

Hikage shows his scars

Hikage Shinomori having suffered from accelerated aging due to the burden of having two Quirks.

Following the research conducted by All Might, as well as the discourse of the One For All vestiges, it is revealed that One For All can affect the user's lifespan. If a person who already has a Quirk receives One For All, the extra Quirk burdens their body, depleting the user's life force and shortening their lifespan. It is analogous to adding water to an already-full cup, causing it to overflow and break down. The rate at which the person's life decays is unknown, but Hikage, the fourth user, received One For All at twenty-two and died of "old age" eighteen years later, at forty. This weakness can be circumvented if an inheritor does not already have a Quirk since the Quirkless user would be an "empty cup" filled by One For All. However, this weakness has become more of a concern due to the number of people born Quirkless becoming fewer and fewer, as well as One For All continuing to rise in power, thus limiting potential successors who can handle the Quirk safely.[10]

While One For All cannot be stolen by any means, the users do admit that, theoretically, it is possible for All For One to steal One For All, provided he is able to overwhelm the collective will of all its users. Yoichi speculates that the reason why All For One raised Tomura to have such overwhelming rage and hatred is that it would be able to eat away at the willpower of all the users and therefore bypass One For All's immunity to be stolen.[14]

Although One For All itself cannot be stolen, given that one requires a very strong willpower to overcome its barriers and successfully steal it, individual Quirk Factors that previous owners have held before One For All are vulnerable to being taken, as shown when Tomura was able to steal Danger Sense alone from Izuku.[19] In addition, if the original Quirk Factors of the users were taken out of One For All, then their vestige forms disappear along with them, as shown when Izuku transfers the Quirks of the previous users inside of Tomura, and the vestiges, including All Might's ghostly vestige, disappears too.[20]

When manifesting themselves in the unconscious realm of One For All, the current user's body is not all there initially. Some parts, such as their mouth, take time to learn how to fully manifest, making it more challenging to communicate with the other vestiges. This weakness was inadvertently removed by All For One when he unsuccessfully attempted to steal One For All from Izuku. Consequently, there are no communication impediments between the One For All users, allowing the past users to converse with Izuku freely.

When Izuku transfers One For All into Tomura to destroy the leaden soul, the Quirk itself was also destroyed along with the other accompanying Quirks it had before, rendering it nonfunctioning like before.[21] However, the stockpiling powers each Quirks had absorbed for a century and the intense training of the Quirk by All Might and Izuku has affected Tomura's body. Because of the accumulated power stocking it's cultivated, it was too much for Tomura's body to handle, causing its counterpart, All For One, to nonfunction properly, and in addition, the body was crumbling under its sheer raw power alone, resulting in the death of Tomura.[22]

Assimilated Quirks[]

The Quirk Factors of each of the previous users have merged with the core of One For All and have since increased in strength due to One For All's nature of stockpiling power. Izuku is the first user capable of accessing the Quirks of the previous users. Because All For One would constantly hunt and steal the most potent Quirks, most of the user's Quirks are rather unexceptional by themselves and do not have enough potential to be raised to "Ultimate Move" level.[23] However, despite this, Kudo has stated that the stockpiled energy of One For All has resulted in his Meta Ability evolving beyond anything it once was and could be devastating if not used carefully.[24] During Izuku's final battle against Tomura, Izuku forcefully transferred five of the six Quirks into Tomura in an effort to defeat him from within.

The Quirks that were within One For All are:

  • Gearshift: The Quirk wielded by the second user, Kudo. This Quirk allows the user to alter the speed of anything they touch, allowing them to accelerate the force of a target, either by enhancing the impact force of their own strikes or by causing the target to lose control of their own velocity. This Quirk was forcibly transferred to Tomura during the Final War.[25]
  • Fa Jin: The Quirk wielded by the third user, Bruce. This Quirk allows the user to build up and store kinetic energy by performing repetitive movement, this energy can then be released as an explosive burst of speed and power. This Quirk was forcibly transferred to Tomura during the Final War.[8]
  • Danger Sense: The Quirk wielded by the fourth user, Hikage Shinomori. This Quirk allows the user to detect nearby threats. This Quirk was stolen by Tomura during the Final War.[19]
  • Blackwhip: The Quirk wielded by the fifth user, Daigoro Banjo. This Quirk allows the user to produce tendrils of dark energy which are useful for long-range grappling and increasing the user's mobility. This Quirk was forcibly transferred to Tomura during the Final War.[8]
  • Smokescreen: The Quirk wielded by the sixth user, En. This Quirk allows the user to generate thick clouds of purple smoke from their body, which can obscure people's vision. This Quirk was forcibly transferred to Tomura during the Final War.[26]
  • Float: The Quirk wielded by the seventh user, Nana Shimura. This Quirk allows the user to levitate. This Quirk was forcibly transferred to Tomura during the Final War.[8]


Known Users and Usages[]

Izuku meets the former One For All heirs

Previous Quirk-using One For All users and Toshinori as seen in Izuku's dream.

One For All has been bestowed to nine different hosts, starting with Yoichi Shigaraki, the younger brother of All For One. Alongside the Quirk, its origins and the story between the two brothers have been passed on.

Because One For All can only be transferred willingly through DNA or forcibly transferred, each wielder has some form of personal telepathic connection with their corresponding predecessor and successor. Every host was entrusted with the Quirk and the duty of using it to stop the evil of All For One.

All of the previous users of One For All are aware of Izuku being the last holder of the Quirk. When All Might was researching the prior users of One For All, he was unable to find any information on the second and third users due to the multi-faceted nature of One For All and the era back then.[23]

Yoichi Shigaraki[]

The first user and the progenitor of One For All.

Yoichi Shigaraki was a man of average height but was skinny, very sick, and malnourished throughout his life. Like his older brother, he has white hair, which goes down to his shoulders, making him resemble his future adoptive nephew, Tomura Shigaraki. He also had bright green eyes similar to the future ninth wielder, Izuku Midoriya.

Yoichi was the younger twin brother of the powerful villain, All For One. He was initially believed not to have a Quirk, but in reality, he had a Quirk with no power other than transferring it to another person. One For All was formed from the fusion of his given Quirk and the capacity stockpiling Quirk All For One had forced upon him.

All for One and his younger brother

The origin of the conflict between One For All and All For One.

Though small and sickly, Yoichi had a strong sense of justice and did not back down from opposing his brother's evil deeds. The younger brother attempted to defeat his older brother with his newly-merged Quirk but needed more power.

Yoichi was later rescued by Kudo and Bruce, but met a grisly fate at All For One's hand. However, as a result of his blood being spilled on Kudo, One For All was transferred into his body, and thus Yoichi's will being passed down as well. His will continues to linger as the Quirk continues to be transferred in hopes that someone in the future would eventually stop his evil older brother once and for all, a cycle that continued to the present day. Even long after his death, Yoichi is aware of Izuku being the ninth wielder of One For All due to his consciousness being embedded into the Quirk and showing Izuku the events leading to the creation of the Quirk.


The second user of One For All.

He is a man with short, salmon-spiky hair, a large scar across the front of his face, which he received during his final battle against All For One, and wears a combat jacket with a large black collar. He is also equipped with gauntlets on his arms, which he uses to attack using projectiles powered up by his Meta Ability: Gearshift.

He was the leader of a resistance movement who fought against All For One and his new world order during the peak of his power. He did everything he could to fight back, including taking the lives of anyone in their way. He initially had plans to kill Yoichi due to his ties to All For One, before changing his heart and choosing to save him instead, inadvertently allowing One For All to grow in the first place.

He received One For All accidentally after Yoichi's blood was spilled on him after being killed by All For One. After realizing he has two Quirk Factors in his body, he figures out Yoichi's will is now inside him, and resolved to make sure it continued to live on. Even on the verge of death by All For One's hands, Kudo demonstrated his steadfast sense of duty and confidence by continuing to fight back till the end and die with a smile on his face against the villain who was "crying" over his brother's death.[27]

He initially refuses to accept Izuku as a successor to the Quirk due to his optimistic desires but is eventually convinced by Yoichi. After Izuku tries to use his Meta Ability for the first time, he reminds the young hero about using his Meta Ability as a "last resort" since the power of One For All has changed it beyond what it once was and can be devastating if not used carefully.[24] He then appears to provide Izuku support when he does activate Gearshift, demonstrating its tremendous increase in power and the strain it has on his body, warning him he'll only be able to use it for five minutes.[28]

His given Meta Ability, Gearshift, initially was only capable of working on small objects, enabling him to shoot projectiles faster than a bullet, which All For One likened to being a "peashooter".


The third user of One For All.

He is a man with light, cold gray hair tied up in a spiky ponytail, a black bandana covering his forehead, and a combat jacket with small escape tubes coming out his shoulders.

Bruce was part of the resistance fighting against All For One alongside Kudo. He was there during the assassination attempt on Yoichi before deciding to rescue him instead. When All For One tracked Yoichi to the resistance's base to reclaim him, he and Kudo escaped, but Yoichi was killed by his older brother. He was the one who examined Kudo's body to discover that he has two Quirk Factors now within him, and realizing the existence of Yoichi's lingering will. At some point before he was killed, Kudo passed on the Quirk to Bruce, who then passed it on to Hikage before he too met an end by All For One's hand.

Like Kudo, he also initially refused to accept Izuku as a successor to the Quirk before coming around to it, thanks to Yoichi.

Hikage Shinomori[]

The fourth user of One For All.

He has a crack on his face near his left eye, running from across his left eye to his left lower lip. This damage came from the strain that One For All put on his body after wielding it for so long. He also has white hair and slender green eyes.

Unlike the other users, Hikage chose not to confront All For One, aware of the enormous power gap between them, and instead spent his time in seclusion, training himself and strengthening One For All for his successor. During the final years of his life, his body started to break down, causing scars. Hikage passed One For All onto Daigoro before dying at the age of forty.

In All Might's notes about the previous One For All users, he scribbled out Hikage's cause of death.[29] It was revealed that All Might had scribbled out the cause of death due to suspicions he had about One For All's side effects, and thanks to this, the users learned the truth that anyone who wields One For All and already possesses a Quirk would have their lifespan shortened due to the burden of power on the body; therefore, only the ones who are Quirkless can wield One For All without aging consequences.[10]

Hikage's proficiency with One For All was relatively new to him, but due to being too weak to face All For One, Hikage chooses to train the Quirk and his given Quirk, Danger Sense to the limit. Until Toshinori succeeded this record, Hikage wielded One For All the longest, having wielded it for eighteen years.

Daigoro Banjo[]

The fifth user of One For All.

Daigoro was formerly known as the Pro Hero, Lariat, described as "super funky". His proficiency with One For All is unknown, though he likely used it in conjunction with his given Quirk, Blackwhip. All For One attempted to steal One For All from Daigoro in the past but failed, and Daigoro was fatally wounded in combat after getting trapped underneath some rumble.[14]

He gave En One For All by giving him some of his blood in the battle with All For One.[23]

En Tayutai[]

The sixth user of One For All.

En was a man with dark hair who wore a high-collared jacket and was pretty quiet due to his attire obscuring his mouth, and his predecessor, Daigoro, introduced him to Izuku.

Little is known about En's proficiency with One For All, other than he was not capable of bringing down All For One and the fact that All For One attempted to steal One For All from him in the past but failed.[14] Even after being cut in half by All For One, he still was able to give Nana One For All by giving her some of his hair before dying.[23][5]

Nana Shimura[]

The seventh user of One For All.

Nana Shimura vs All For One

The seventh user taking her turn in the fight against All For One.

Nana was a very compassionate and noble individual. She is regarded as a truly great and exceptional hero by mighty heroes, such as All Might and Gran Torino.

In conjunction with her original Quirk, Float, she utilizes One For All to the best of her abilities, as it has been shown to be able to defeat many Villains at once. She was the first One For All user to choose a successor to pass down the Quirk to, rather than to simply pass it along to the closest trustworthy person before their death. She met the young Quirkless Toshinori Yagi, who convinced her to take him on as an apprentice after explaining his ideals about the world needing a "Symbol of Peace". She gave him the Quirk and trained him for several years until she was eventually killed by All For One.

Toshinori Yagi[]

The eighth user of One For All who was the first of the wielders to be born Quirkless.

Toshinori has wielded One For All longer than any other user, for forty years, while almost all the other users were either killed by All For One or died of old age due to the burden of One For All. The reason Toshinori was able to hold One For All for so long is revealed to be because he was born Quirkless, meaning he could take the burden of the Quirk since he was an empty vessel One For All could fill.[10]

Toshinori, better known as the Pro Hero, All Might, is the best-known user of the Quirk, if not the most talented. Gran Torino once stated that Toshinori did not take long to adapt to One For All, having been blessed with a highly resilient body despite being born Quirkless. He could control and focus his power on any extremity he chose without recoil.

Episode 33

All For One finally defeated by a One For All user.

Throughout his career, Toshinori was regarded as the most powerful hero and remained undefeated. Intending to be a societal pillar, he put One For All to great use, defeating all sorts of criminals, rescuing countless people from danger, and turning himself into a legend. He demonstrated the true potential of One For All's abilities through these actions, particularly in fighting crime for three days without any rest and resolving pretty much any threat in mere seconds. Most notably, he was the first One For All holder to battle All For One and win, though both suffered severe and untreatable damage that significantly weakened them.

Due to the untreatable wounds that were inflicted on him by All For One in their first calamitous battle, Toshinori's respiratory system and stomach were left in abysmal shape, and from then on, he could only utilize his Quirk for three hours a day; any more and it would place too much strain on his body. If forced to employ One For All outside this limit, the overall time limit for using his Quirk would continue to shorten as a repercussion. It was for this reason that Toshinori opted to become a teacher at U.A. High School so that he could find a successor to whom to pass One For All and so he would have an explanation to the public as to why he was not in the field doing hero work as often.

Episode 49

Toshinori summoning One For All's power for the last time.

During his second battle with All For One during the League of Villains' hideout raid, Toshinori depleted a majority of the "remaining embers" of One For All from his body to defeat the villain, essentially leaving him Quirkless once again. Although he can still transform for an instant, he cannot maintain his muscular form anymore as it causes great strain on his body, reverting very quickly. Having retired entirely from heroic activity as a result, Toshinori now dedicates himself to solely assisting Izuku in mastering the power of One For All so that he may become a great hero of his own.

He transferred One For All to Izuku by giving him a strand of his hair.

Izuku Midoriya[]

Episode 4

Initially, using One For All caused heavy injuries to Izuku's body.

The ninth and final user of One For All, and the second user born Quirkless.

Initially, Izuku had little control over the Quirk and could only use One For All at 100% power, grievously injuring his body each time and only in short bursts. While this allowed him to unleash incredible displays of strength, it came at potentially lifelong physical costs, resulting in his visibly scarred, permanently crooked right hand and arm. This bodily damage is because Izuku's training before receiving the Quirk was only the minimum needed for using One For All without his limbs being blown off completely.

Izuku's responsibility

Izuku manifesting One For All's power into his right arm.

Later, Izuku found a way to minimize the damage to himself by focusing One For All's power on just his fingers. While he still broke his fingers, he could strike mighty blows and generate strong air currents.

Izuku likened the power to an egg exploding in a microwave, so to help him control the Quirk, he would envision an egg not exploding despite the pressure. During the U.A. Sports Festival, Toshinori estimated that Izuku could handle 5% of One For All's full power without hurting himself.

During his internship with Gran Torino, Izuku was told by the elderly hero that his movements and attacks were too slow, as he treated One For All more like a special move rather than a natural ability. While training himself, Izuku tried regulating the Quirk's power back and forth into his legs and arms to scale the side of a building. Unfortunately, he discovered that Gran Torino's previous evaluation was correct and failed to do so.

Izuku eventually realized he was using One For All solely in the limbs that required it at that instant, thus severely slowing down his overall reaction time and adaptability. To correct this, Izuku developed One For All: Full Cowl, which takes advantage of the 5% Izuku can safely work with to increase his overall strength and agility by letting this small amount permeate his entire body.

One For All Full Cowl

Izuku using "One For All: Full Cowl."

Using Full Cowl, Izuku can quickly scale the side of buildings, jump large clearings between structures, and quickly navigate through cluttered areas. His newfound movements are attributed to watching how Katsuki propels himself using his Explosion Quirk. Izuku could react to the speed of Gran Torino and even hold his own against Stain in his first real fight. Even so, if Izuku does not remain aware and in control while using his Quirk, he might exceed his five percent limit and injure himself.

During the I-Island Incident, Izuku was given a support item by Melissa Shield, known as the Full Gauntlet, which, when equipped, allowed him to execute higher percentages of Smashes without worrying about the backlash to his body, from 30% to 100%; however, the item was destroyed after a couple 100% Smashes against Wolfram.[30]

Izuku Midoriya uses Shoot Style against Katsuki Bakugo

Izuku unlocks 8% of One For All during his bout with Katsuki.

By the time of his second fight with Katsuki, thanks to all his training, Izuku instinctively found out how to wield One For All at 8% of its total power without repercussions.

During his battle with Overhaul, Izuku discovered that he could use 20% of his full power for a very short time if a desperate situation called for it, as extended usage would cause him to damage himself. While in physical contact with Eri, Izuku was temporarily able to use Full Cowl - 100% with no consequences due to Eri's Rewind Quirk instantly neutralizing any damage Izuku was doing to his body. This form granted him All Might-level strength and speed.

Around the time of the U.A. School Festival, Izuku, lamenting his inability to perform any long-ranged moves in the battle against Overhaul safely, was told by All Might that he already could do so. His mentor had planned to wait until he had firm control of at least 15% of One For All before teaching him, but seeing that Izuku could briefly bring out 20% already, he decided to do so early. After learning the technique and receiving new equipment from Mei Hatsume to help harness the wind created, Izuku was able to put the Ultimate Move to the test in his battle against Gentle Criminal.

During the fifth round of the joint training session between Classes 1-A and 1-B, dark energy tendrils began to fire from Izuku's arm that heavily damaged his surroundings and pulled him along against his will.[31] This state caused him intense pain and made him unable to deactivate One For All. With the efforts of Ochaco Uraraka and Hitoshi Shinso, they were able to stop the rampage of One For All by brainwashing Izuku, sending him into his subconscious, where he met Daigoro, the fifth user of One For All. Daigoro explains that the Quirk Factors of the previous holders had merged with the core of One For All and increased in strength proportionally. Daigoro tells Izuku that there are five other Quirks that he will manifest and that the Quirk he had when he was alive, Blackwhip, had just awoken within him.[32]

Izuku using Blackwhip under control (Anime)

Izuku accessing a Quirk from the past: Blackwhip.

After awakening from the dark world within himself and resuming the match, Izuku could consciously activate Blackwhip and control it to a degree. By calming his mind and looking back on the memories of his initial training with All Might for emotional support, Izuku was able to activate and use Blackwhip with his own will briefly but quickly deactivated it due to the pain from his body not being intense enough to handle the enhanced Quirk, and decided that he won't be ready to use it until he fully masters the base form of One For All in the future.[33]

By the time they started their Work-Studies at Endeavor's Agency, Izuku had reached his base limit of One For All at 10-15%.[34] He also starts to learn through Endeavor the idea of parallel processing, allowing him to focus on perfecting one of his abilities at a time before adding another so that he can become more comfortable with both his Air Force attacks and Blackwhip. By the end of their week, Izuku manages to utilize Blackwhip properly, bringing it out to save cars from being destroyed, though he is still only able to use it for just a moment.[35]

Two months later, by the time of the Paranormal Liberation War, Izuku's proficiency with One For All has increased, allowing him to momentarily use 45% without breaking his body.[36] Training with Endeavor and All Might has also increased Izuku's base limit of One For All to 30%, as well as being much more proficient in using Blackwhip naturally.[37] Later during his fight against Tomura, Izuku unlocks Nana's Quirk: Float.[38] Towards the end of the same conflict, he unlocks Hikage's Quirk: Danger Sense.[39]

During a conversation with the vestiges of One For All, Izuku learns of the burden of wielding One For All if a person already possesses a Quirk and how it will shorten the user's lifespan, meaning it cannot be passed onto any average person any longer. Izuku then realizes with the growing power of One For All and the small number of Quirkless individuals in society, and he could potentially be the last wielder of One For All.[10]

By April, Izuku has shown much more proficiency with his additional Quirks and can freely speak with the vestiges while conscious. Some time prior, he unlocked En's Quirk: Smokescreen. His strength and speed have improved to the point where he can fight on even footing with a much more robust Muscular, a villain whom he barely defeated during their previous fight due to the large gap in physical prowess, demonstrating his proficiency in being able to switch between the four currently active Quirks.[13] It's revealed that his body has grown much more durable, allowing him to better withstand using One For All at 100% and lessening the damage from using full strength in succession, though his body does still sustain some injury.[40]

During a battle against Lady Nagant, Izuku forces out the third user's Quirk, Fa Jin, for the first time, despite no practice or preparation beforehand.[41] Thanks to his parallel processing training, he can utilize multiple Quirks at the same time, granting him a wider variety of options in combat. However, using all of his Quirks at once and switching them on and off in rapid succession is too much for him to handle and will make his body freeze up.[42] Thanks to Fa Jin, he develops a technique known as "Faux 100 Percent," allowing him to temporarily execute 100% worth of One For All without breaking his body.[42]

After unlocking Gearshift and combining it with Fa Jin through the Ultimate Move "Overdrive," Izuku is capable of taking that 100% of power and turning it into what is described as 120%.[28]

Temporary Users[]

Katsuki Bakugo[]

Izuku and Katsuki with two One For All

Katsuki and Izuku both possessing One For All.

In a desperate attempt to stop Nine, Izuku decided to transfer the Quirk to Katsuki by swapping blood through the open wounds on their hands, allowing both of them to utilize the immense power granted by the Quirk.

Despite the period of transfer and possession being extremely brief, Katsuki demonstrated excellent proficiency with the Quirk. He could instantly use Full Cowl - 100% without any prior instruction, and his body could handle the sheer power of One For All without being blown apart.

When Katsuki used One For All to enhance his given Quirk, Explosion, it became so powerful that standard blasts could create enormous craters. The temperature of the explosions was also significantly increased, to the point where it could similarly melt through solid rock to lava as Katsuki came into proximity to it.

At the end of his and Izuku's fight against Nine, Katsuki lost One For All, and the Quirk remained in Izuku's body. Toshinori initially suspected that the Quirk stayed with Izuku because Katsuki lost consciousness before the transfer's completion, but later theorized that One For All kept itself inside of Izuku due to his willingness to protect others, even if it meant losing the power. This return to Izuku may mean that the transfer only let Katsuki borrow some of the power stockpiling energy from Izuku.[2]

Tomura Shigaraki[]

In order to destroy the leaden core that persisted within Tomura, Izuku forcibly transferred all of the Quirks from One For All into Tomura, damaging parts of the core while also making the Quirks each unusable to the villain. Eventually, even the original One For All Quirk is transferred, and promptly shattered, just as the leaden core is finally destroyed, allowing Izuku to reach out to Tenko's spirit from within.

Tomura was unable to actually use One For All at all, due to the Quirk being destroyed almost immediately upon entering his body. However, this notion causes the vestige of All For One within Tomura, in an ambivalent rage, to regain control of his body after seemingly being destroyed, as sensing Yoichi's vestige being destroyed, and One For All being reduced to an unformed dud, leaves him feeling hollow yet vengeful.[43]

Despite the vestige of All For One being unable to use One For All, the effect of the Quirk's former strain made Tomura's body fall apart, due to the power cultivated by the nine holders.[22]

Named Ultimate Moves[]

All Might[]

Most of the attacks used by All Might are based on the names of states and cities in the United States of America. Even the training schedule he made for Izuku was named such.

California Smash California Smash (カリフォルニア スマッシュ Kariforunia Sumasshu?): A frontal somersault, gathering momentum in the fist and warping the very air in the process, leading into a downward punch, which sends the opponent crashing downward with a powerful blast of wind. This move was first used against the L.A. Villains during his studies abroad in the United States, leaving behind a shock wave that travelled across entire city blocks.
Carolina Smash Carolina Smash (カロライナスマッシュ Karoraina Sumasshu?): All Might runs towards an enemy, keeping his hands in a cross position, before launching a downwards cross chop to the enemy's head. This move is first used against Tomura, only to be intercepted by Nomu, withstanding the full force of the attack unharmed.[44]
Detroit Smash Detroit Smash (デトロイトスマッシュ Detoroito Sumasshu?): Focusing 100% of One For All's strength into his arm, All Might launches a powerful downwards punch. The punch is powerful enough to create a shock wave large and powerful enough to change the weather. This move is first used to save Izuku and Katsuki from the Sludge Villain.[45]
Double Detroit Smash (ダブルデトロイトスマッシュ Daburu Detoroito Sumasshu?): All Might and Izuku use One For All at 100% and utilize their Detroit Smash attacks in conjunction to unleash an attack far more powerful than their individual strengths. This move was used to defeat Wolfram, completely and utterly overpowering his Metal Manipulation Quirk.[30] Double Detroit Smash
Missouri Smash Missouri Smash (ミズーリースマッシュ Mizūrī Sumasshu?): All Might dashes towards the enemy, keeping his hand flat, and strikes the enemy over the head with a reverse karate chop. This move is first used against Habit Headgear.[46]
Nebraska Smash Nebraska Smash (ネブラスカスマッシュ Neburasuka Sumasshu?): After throwing a punch, All Might rotates his arm at high speeds to build up powerful, revolving wind pressure, creating a tornado. This move is first used to destroy a swarm of two hundred Mini-Bombers.[47]
New Hampshire Smash New Hampshire Smash (ニューハンプシャースマッシュ Nyūhanpushā Sumasshu?): With a single punch, All Might creates a shock wave that blasts his body towards his enemy, smashing into, crushing, and critically injuring the enemy via sheer weight. This move is first used to propel himself at Izuku, briefly preventing the young hero from successfully escaping the site of First Term Final Exam with Katsuki.[48]
Oklahoma Smash Oklahoma Smash (オクラホマスマッシュ Okurahoma Sumasshu?): All Might spins around at high speed with enemies attached to his body, generating enough rotational force to launch every enemy away, even through entire walls of concrete. This move is first used against Nomu.[49]
Texas Smash Texas Smash (テキサススマッシュ Tekisasu Sumasshu?): All Might throws a punch with enough force that he generates a powerful wind pressure, sending majority of targets flying. This move is first used to save Izuku from the Sludge Villain.[45]
United States of Smash United States of Smash (ユナイテッド ステイツ オブ スマッシュ Yunaiteddo Suteitesu Obu Sumasshu?): His final and strongest move, focusing the last remnants of One For All into his arm, All Might delivers a massive downward punch with enough force to generate shock waves that disrupt an entire city, creating a tornado when the target collides with the ground. This unstoppable attack was used to defeat All For One and marked the end of his hero career.[50]

Izuku Midoriya[]

Like All Might, most of Izuku's attacks are also based on locations in the United States. Unlike his master and idol, Izuku cannot use the full potential of One For All without damaging his body, so he must use lower percentages of power and employ it in different ways. Thanks to Faux 100 Percent, he can temporarily utilize speeds similar to 100% of One For All's power, close to that of All Might, without injuring himself.[51]

Deku uses Detroit Smash Detroit Smash (デトロイトスマッシュ Detoroito Sumasshu?): The same as All Might's move, except Izuku sometimes does it in the form of an uppercut, creating an air pressure blast.[52]
5% Detroit Smash (5% デトロイトスマッシュ Go Pāsento Detoroito Sumasshu?): With Full Cowl active, Izuku delivers a Quirk enhanced punch directly to his opponent.[53][54] Izuku first used this technique in the air and hit Stain with a downwards punch.[55] 5% Detroit Smash
100% Detroit Smash (100% デトロイトスマッシュ Hyaku Pāsento Detoroito Sumasshu?): Izuku activates One For All at 100% and delivers a straightforward lunging punch to the opponent. He first used this at the training camp he participated in to save Kota Izumi.[56] Izuku uses 100% on Muscular
Double Detroit Smash (ダブルデトロイトスマッシュ Daburu Detoroito Sumasshu?): Izuku and All Might combine their Detroit Smashes into a single, devastating charge. They performed this final attack against Wolfram, shattering through a humongous chunk of metal and causing a huge explosion that destroyed Izuku's Full Gauntlet.[30] Double Detroit Smash
Detroit Smash: Quintuple (デトロイトスマッシュ (クイン) (ティプル) Detoroito Sumasshu Kuintipuru?): Izuku enhances himself with Gearshift and performs five Detroit Smashes in quick succession.[27] Detroit Smash Quintuple (Anime)
Delaware Smash Delaware Smash (デラウェアスマッシュ Derawea Sumasshu?): Izuku flicks his finger to create a powerful shock wave.[57] Doing this fractures said finger, limiting the number of times he can use this move without gravely injuring himself to 10 times.[58]
Delaware Smash Air Force (デラウェアスマッシュエアフォース Derawea Sumasshu Eafōsu?): Izuku uses his upgraded gloves to direct a blast of compressed air against his foe, possessing enough concussive force to stun Gentle while he was in mid-air, giving Izuku an opening to catch up to him.[59] By using all five of his fingers, he can launch up to four Delaware Smashes simultaneously. Delaware Smash Air Force
1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash (1000000% (パーセント) デラウェアデトロイトスマッシュ Hyakuman Pāsento Derawea Detoroito Sumasshu?): Izuku activates 100% of One For All during an adrenaline rush and then strikes his opponent by first using a Delaware Smash and then a powerful Detroit Smash, hence the Delaware Detroit Smash. During the climax of his battle with Muscular, Izuku manages to not only overpower but also launch his augmented opponent with enough force to create an impact crater in solid rock with the strike alone.[56] Delaware Detroit Smash
Manchester Smash Manchester Smash (マンチェスタースマッシュ Manchesutā Sumasshu?): While using 20% of One For All, Izuku leaps into the air and flips forward to bring down an axe kick upon his opponent. Although Chisaki managed to dodge it, it pulverized the ground thoroughly enough that Chisaki wasn't able to completely retaliate with his Overhaul Quirk.[60]
One For All 20% One For All 20%: A technique that allows Izuku to use 20% of One For All throughout his body, it causes a lot of pain to the point that he feels as if his bones are about to break.[60]
Full Gauntlet 30% One For All 30%: A technique that allows Izuku to use 30% of One For All throughout his right forearm. It was used in conjunction with Melissa Shield's Full Gauntlet, nullifying any normal drawbacks to using One For All at higher percentages. It is unknown how this percentage affects Izuku's body under normal conditions.[30] During the Paranormal Liberation War, Izuku is able to use 30% of One For All throughout his body.[61]
One For All 45% One For All 45%: A technique that allows Izuku to use 45% of One For All briefly. He was able to utilize this level of One For All near the end of his first year of high school, during the war with the Paranormal Liberation Front.[36]
Izuku uses 100% on Muscular One For All 100%: A technique that allows Izuku to attack using the full power of One For All in one concentrated part of his body. After initial use, the limb breaks instantly. He can still use expended limbs in combat, but it causes scarring once they're completely healed.[54]
One For All Full Cowl 3 Full Cowl (フルカウル Furu Kauru?): This technique allows Izuku to activate 5%, later 8%, and then 10-15% of One For All throughout his body, letting the power course and flow through him instead of concentrating it in one location and negating the need to "turn on" the power every time he needs to use it. Activating this technique gives him enhanced strength, speed, mobility, and agility. It also prevents him from breaking his bones when attacking.[62][63]
Full Cowl - Shoot Style (フルカウル シュートスタイル Furu Kauru Shūto Sutairu?): A One For All fighting style deviating from All Might. Izuku realized that just imitating All Might's style, which has its special moves centered on his fists, was not the best style for him and was actually causing more harm to his arms; he developed a new style that centers more on his legs with the help of his friends.[64] Shoot Style concentrates One For All: Full Cowl's effects in his torso and legs rather than his arms, allowing him to put out even more power due to the fact that the human leg muscles are naturally stronger than the human arm muscles, granting him more power and stability. Full Cowl - Shoot Style
Full Cowl - 100% (フルカウル 100% (パーセント) Furu Kauru Hyaku Pāsento?): Izuku activates One For All to its fullest extent throughout his body with Full Cowl, granting him a tremendous boost in speed and strength that allowed him to easily overwhelm the likes of Chisaki. This is first used against Overhaul to protect Eri. The power increase seemingly gives him fire-like trails coming from his eyes and light-colored hair. He can only use it infinitely with no damage done to his body while in physical contact with Eri because her Quirk constantly rewinds his body to a previous state.[65] One For All Full Cowl - 100% (Anime)
St. Louis Smash St. Louis Smash (シュートスタイルセントルイススマッシュ Shūto Sutairu Sento Ruisu Sumasshu?): While using Shoot Style, Izuku leaps into the air before swinging around to deliver a roundhouse kick to the opponent's face. Izuku used this move to incapacitate Gentle Criminal, who had been empowered by La Brava's Lover Mode Quirk to match Izuku's use of Full Cowl at 8% of its power.[66]
St. Louis Smash Air Force (セントルイス スマッシュエアフォース Sento Ruisu Sumasshu Eafōsu?): While using Shoot Style and 45% of One For All, Izuku arches his leg back and performs a strong vertical roundhouse kick, firing a large blast of compressed air. Izuku first used this technique to intercept a massive wave of crumbling debris created by Tomura's Decay Quirk.[36] St. Louis Smash Air Force (Anime)
Wyoming Smash Wyoming Smash (ワイオミング スマッシュ Waiomingu Sumasshu?): Izuku draws out 100 percent of his power into his arms, then proceeds to spike his opponent on the head, creating a powerful shockwave as a result. This technique was first used against Tomura during the Paranormal Liberation War.[67]
Deku Texas Smash Texas Smash (テキサススマッシュ Tekisasu Sumasshu?): Izuku throws a punch in order to create wind pressure in order to blow objects and people away. This move is first used to critically damage Tomura Shigaraki during the Paranormal Liberation War.[68]
Izuku uses Faux 100% Faux 100 Percent ( () () 100% (パーセント) Giji Hyaku Pāsento?): Izuku combines One For All at 45%, Blackwhip, and Fa Jin to move at speeds comparable to One For All at 100%.[42][69]
Faux 100 Percent: Manchester Smash ( () () 100% (パーセント) マンチェスタースマッシュ Giji Hyaku Pāsento Manchesutā Sumasshu?) Izuku delivers a Manchester Smash using Faux 100 Percent.[42] Faux 100 Percent Manchester Smash
United States of World Smash United States of World Smash (ユナイテッド ステイツ オブ ワールド スマッシュ Yunaiteddo Suteitsu Obu Wārudo Sumasshu?): This Ultimate Move is Izuku's variation of United States of Smash. Izuku begins this Ultimate Move by increasing his power levels using Full Cowl - 100% and starts unleashing a violent volley of punches. After this, he runs around his opponent, building up momentum and increasing air pressure before delivering a devastating kick. This was first used against Flect Turn.[70]

Katsuki Bakugo[]

During his brief tenure as the tenth user of One For All, transferred to him by Izuku, Katsuki used Ultimate Moves developed by the previous two users before him. Katsuki was able to use 100% of One For All immediately without prior instruction and without grievous injury, however this may be due to the effects of Katsuma Shimano's Cell Activation, which is stated to boost the body's physical condition.

Izuku and Katsuki with two One For All Full Cowl - 100% (ワン・フォー・オール フルカウル 100% (パーセント) Wan Fō Ōru Furu Kauru Hyaku Pāsento?): This technique allowed Katsuki to use 100% of One For All's power, granting him enhanced strength and speed that was on par with Izuku. This technique also made his Explosion Quirk so potent that close contact with rock would turn it into lava. This technique was first used by Katsuki against Nine.[2]
Izuku and Katsuki - Detroit Smash Detroit Smash (デトロイトスマッシュ Detoroito Sumasshu?): Similar to Izuku, Katsuki performed this Ultimate Move in the form of an uppercut, creating an increase in air pressure. This Ultimate Move was first used by Katsuki, in conjunction with Izuku, against Nine to destroy the villain's destructive tornado.[2]


  • To date, most of the moves using One For All are named after states and cities in the U.S.A. (e.g. Missouri Smash, Delaware Smash). This naming system is consistent with Horikoshi's desire to model All Might after American comic book heroes, especially in All Might's hero form, (Captain America and Superman). It is unknown if, like Izuku, the naming theme is passed from teacher to student or if this was unique to All Might, with Izuku's admiration carrying over.
  • According to All Might, to activate One For All, the user must clench their buttocks and scream "SMASH!" within their heart.
    • For Izuku, he visualizes an egg not exploding or a pastry in a microwave getting evenly cooked when activating One For All.
  • So far, except for Kudo and Bruce whose family names are currently unknown, almost every known user's name contains a reference to their number of users.
    • Yoichi's given name has the kanji for "one" ( ichi?).
    • Hikage's surname has the kanji for "four" ( shi?).
    • Daigoro's given name has a kanji that is homophonous to "five" ( go?).
    • Nana's given name is homophonous to "seven" ( nana?).
    • Toshinori's surname has the kanji for "eight" ( ya?).
    • Izuku's given name has a kanji that is homophonous to "nine" ( ku?).
    • Tenko's given name has the English word "ten".
    • En is so far the only user whose name does not possess a kanji in conjunction to what number user they are. However, in the Kun'yomi reading of the kanji, it can also be pronounced like "Kemuri" (けむり), which contains "mu" (む mu?), which is also "six" (六 Mu?) in the Kun'yomi method.
  • One For All's name is an inversion of All For One, showing the differing philosophies between their wielders. One For All shows "One Quirk for All people" (through passing it on from person to person), and All For One shows "All Quirks for One person" (through taking Quirks from others).
  • The names of both One For All and All For One are about the phrase "All for one, one for all", a motto commonly associated with the titular characters of the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas.
    • This phrase is used in the Captain Hero comics All For One and Yoichi read.[3]
  • Users of One For All manifest differently to the point where it defies regular classification. All Might transforms into a musclebound giant, which correlates to the Transformation Class. Izuku's veins glow red and could easily place him in the Emitter Class because the power of One For All starts coursing through his veins. It is still being determined if the past and future users will manifest One For All and how it will be appropriately classed.
  • It is unknown if One For All can be passed back to a previous user if the current user allows it.
  • As the truth behind One For All is only known to a select few, Izuku's Quirk is listed as "Super-Power" (超パワー Chō Pawā?) in U.A. and other records.[71]
  • According to Gran Torino and Toshinori, using One For All at 100% took far less time for Toshinori than Izuku.
  • Izuku states that One For All is "one of the seven great mysteries of the world." The other six "great mysteries" are unknown.[9]
  • One For All, All For One, Spearlike Bones, Gearshift, Fa Jin, Life Force, and the unnamed Luminescence Quirk are the oldest known Quirks in the series.
  • Izuku and Toshinori are the only wielders of One For All who inherited the Quirk as teenagers. The rest of the users had reached adulthood by the time they inherited One For All.
    • Additionally, they are both currently the only inheritors of One For All to have been Quirkless.
  • Of all users of One For All, All Might wielded the Quirk for the most prolonged time, being forty years. He is followed by the fourth user of One For All, Hikage Shinomori, who wielded the Quirk for eighteen years.[72]
  • The former wielders believe that Izuku will be the last wielder of One For All.
  • One For All as a Quirk is almost a complete inverse of the All For One Quirk in terms of function and abilities:
    • Both gain multiple Quirks from others but in opposite ways. All For One takes any number of them directly from others against their will. One For All is transferred to others and gains abilities one at a time.
    • All For One can freely give and take Quirks but cannot be transferred without outside assistance. One For All permanently keeps the Quirks it assimilates and can not only be transferred to others but cannot be taken against the user's will, barring extraordinary circumstances.


  1. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 421.
  2. My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising.
  3. 3.03.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 407.
  4. 4.04.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 59 and Episode 33.
  5. 5.05.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 408.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 303 and Episode 130.
  7. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 306 and Episode 131.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 417.
  9. 9.09.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 2 and Episode 3.
  10. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 304 and Episode 131.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 287 and Episode 123.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 286 and Episode 123.
  13. 13.013.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 308 and Episode 132.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 305 and Episode 131.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 377.
  16. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 55.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 217 and Episode 100.
  18. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 4 and Episode 4.
  19. 19.019.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 410.
  20. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 416.
  21. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 418.
  22. 22.022.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 423.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 257 and Episode 113.
  24. 24.024.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 349.
  25. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 414.
  26. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 415.
  27. 27.027.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 369.
  28. 28.028.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 368.
  29. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 284 and Episode 122.
  30. My Hero Academia: Two Heroes.
  31. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 210 and Episode 98.
  32. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 213 and Episode 98.
  33. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 215 and Episode 99.
  34. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 247 and Episode 103.
  35. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 251 and Episode 106.
  36. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 272 and Episode 118.
  37. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 275 and Episode 119.
  38. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 283 and Episode 122.
  39. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 295 and Episode 126.
  40. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 309 and Episode 132.
  41. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 313 and Episode 134.
  42. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 315 and Episode 134.
  43. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 419.
  44. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 18.
  45. 45.045.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 1.
  46. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 13.
  47. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 55.
  48. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 65.
  49. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 89.
  50. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 94.
  51. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 317.
  52. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 10 and Episode 7.
  53. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 72 and Episode 41.
  54. 54.054.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 75 and Episode 42.
  55. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 52 and Episode 29.
  56. 56.056.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 76 and Episode 42.
  57. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 15 and Episode 10.
  58. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 38 and Episode 23.
  59. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 176 and Episode 84.
  60. 60.060.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 155 and Episode 75.
  61. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 273 and Episode 118.
  62. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 48 and Episode 27.
  63. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 49 and Episode 28.
  64. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 101 and Episode 52.
  65. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 157 and Episode 76.
  66. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 180 and Episode 85.
  67. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 282.
  68. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 285.
  69. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 321.
  70. My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission.
  71. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 39.
  72. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 304.

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