NASA (Posts tagged adventure)

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A lithograph of Girl Scout astronauts. Portraits of 33 women of various races and ethnicities curve around part of Earth (bottom left). On Earth are embossed words “doctors, educators, engineers, pilots, scientists.” At top left is the Moon, and at top right is the International Space Station. From left to right, bottom to top, the astronauts are Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor, Kayla Barron, Yvonne D. Cagle, Laurel B. Clark, Eileen M. Collins, Nancy J. Currie-Gregg, N. Jan Davis, Anna L. Fisher, Susan J. Helms, Joan E. Higginbotham, Kathryn P. Hire, Tamara E. Jernigan, Susan L. Kilrain, Christina H. Koch, Wendy B. Lawrence, Sandra H. Magnus, Nicole Aunapu Mann, Megan McArthur, Jessica U. Meir, Pamela A. Melroy, Dorothy M. Metcalf-Lindenburger, Barbara R. Morgan, Lisa M. Nowak, Loral O’Hara, Kathleen Rubins, M. Rhea Seddon, Heidemarie M. Stefanyshyn-Piper, Kathryn D. Sullivan, Kathryn C. Thornton, Janice E. Voss, Jessica Watkins, Mary Ellen Weber, and Sunita L. Williams.ALT

It’s Girl Scout Day! March 12, 2024, is the 112th birthday of Girl Scouts in the United States, and to celebrate, we’re sharing a lithograph of the Girl Scout alumnae who became NASA astronauts.

Girl Scouts learn to work together, build community, embrace adventurousness and curiosity, and develop leadership skills—all of which come in handy as an astronaut. For example, former Scouts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir worked together to make history on Oct. 18, 2019, when they performed the first all-woman spacewalk.

Pam Melroy is one of only two women to command a space shuttle and became NASA’s deputy administrator on June 21, 2021.

Nicole Mann was the first Indigenous woman from NASA to go to space when she launched to the International Space Station on Oct. 5, 2022. Currently, Loral O’Hara is aboard the space station, conducting science experiments and research.

Participating in thoughtful activities in leadership and STEM in Girl Scouts has empowered and inspired generations of girls to explore space, and we can’t wait to meet the future generations who will venture to the Moon and beyond.

Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!

NASA space space exploration Girl Scouts adventure explore inspiration inspirational women Womens History Month WHM science STEM women in STEM women in science International Space Station ISS astronaut tech technology

Oddly Satisfying #NASAMoonKits 🌙

What would you take with you to the Moon? 🧳


We’re getting ready for our Green Run Hot Fire test, which will fire all four engines of the rocket that will be used for our Artemis I mission. This test will ensure the Space Launch System rocket is ready for the first and future missions beyond Earth’s orbit, putting us one step closer to landing the first woman and the next man on the Moon!

In celebration of this important milestone, we’ve been asking everyone (yeah, you there!) to dust off your suitcase, get creative, and show us what you would take if you were heading to the Moon!

Take a moment to peruse these #oddlysatisfying #NASAMoonKits submitted by people like you, and let them inspire you to lay out your own masterpiece. Post a picture of what you’d pack for the moon using the hashtag #NASAMoonKit for a chance to be shared by us! ⁣



A stunning #NASAMoonKit in blue. 💙



Looks like a little friend is hoping to catch a ride with this #NASAMoonKit. 🐶



A #NASAMoonKit fit for an explorer. 🧭



Shout out to the monochrome #NASAMoonKit enthusiasts! 🖤



This #NASAMoonKit is thoughtfully laid out by a true fan. 📚

6. Mar Christian V. Cruz


This geologist’s #NASAMoonKit rocks. ⛏️

7. Nelli


Beauty in simple #NASAMoonKits. ✨



This #NASAMoonKit successfully fits into our Expert Mode — a volume of 5” by 8” by 2” (12.7 cm x 20.32 cm x 5.08 cm). The Expert Mode dimensions are based on the amount of space astronauts are allowed when they travel to the International Space Station!

9. PWR Aerospace


Nothing like a cozy #NASAMoonKit. 🧦

10. LEGO


This #NASAMoonKit is clearly for the builder-types! 🧸

How to Show Us What’s In Your #NASAMoonKit:    

There are four social media platforms that you can use to submit your work:

  • Instagram: Use the Instagram app to upload your photo or video, and in the description include #NASAMoonKit  
  • Twitter: Share your image on Twitter and include #NASAMoonKit in the tweet  
  • Facebook: Share your image on Facebook and include #NASAMoonKit in the post  
  • Tumblr: Share your image in Tumblr and include #NASAMoonKit in the tags

If a #NASAMoonKit post catches our eye, we may share your post on our NASA social media accounts or share it on the Green Run broadcast! 

Click here for #NASAMoonKit Terms and Conditions.  

Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space:

nasamoonkit moon travel artemis space launch system rocket space travel space exploration explore nasa astronaut adventure organization oddly satisfying

What Would NASA Imagery Experts Pack for the Moon?


We are one step closer to landing the first woman and the next man on the Moon, and we want to know: What would you take with you to the Moon? 🌙

We are getting ready for our Green Run Hot Fire test, which will fire all four engines of the rocket that will be used for the Artemis I mission. This test will ensure the Space Launch System — the most powerful rocket ever built — is ready for the first and future missions beyond Earth’s orbit to the Moon.  

In celebration of this important milestone, we’ve been asking you — yes, you! — to tell us what you would pack for the Moon with the hashtag #NASAMoonKit!

To provide a little inspiration, here are some examples of what NASA imagery experts would put in their Moon kits:


“The first thing that went into my #NASAMoonKit was my camera. Some of the most iconic photographs ever taken were captured on the surface of the Moon by NASA astronauts. The camera has to go. The hat and sunscreen will be a must to protect me from the unfiltered sunlight. Warm socks? Of course, my feet are always cold. A little “Moon Music” and a photo of Holly, the best dog in the world, will pass the time during breaks.  Lastly, I need to eat. Water and gummy peach rings will go in a small corner of my pack.”

— Marv Smith, Lead Photographer, NASA Glenn Research Center 


“I may not always pack light, but I tried to only pack the essentials — with a couple of goodies. I get cold fairly easily hence the blanket, extra NASA shirt, hat and gloves. No trip is complete without my favorite snack of almonds, water, sunglasses, lip balm, phone, and my headphones to listen to some music. I figured I could bring my yoga mat, because who wouldn’t want to do yoga on the Moon? The most important part of this kit is my camera! I brought a couple of different lenses for a variety of options, along with a sports action camera, notebook and computer for editing. The Van Gogh doll was just for fun!”

— Jordan Salkin, Scientific Imaging, NASA Glenn Research Center


“The first thing I thought of for my #NASAMoonKit was the first book I ever read when I was learning to read. It is about going on a journey to the Moon. I really liked that book and read it many times, looking at the illustrations and wondering about if I would ever actually go to the Moon. Of the many belongings that I have lost through the years from moving, that book has stayed with me and so it would, of course, go to the Moon with me. A family photo was second to get packed since we always had photos taken and volumes of old family photos in the house. Photography has played an important role in my life so my camera gear is third to get packed. As a kid I spent a lot of time and money building rockets and flying them. I bet my rocket would go very high on the Moon. I also like a little candy wherever I go.”  

— Quentin Schwinn, Scientific Imaging, NASA Glenn Research Center


“I couldn’t go to the moon without my two mirrorless digital SLR cameras, lenses, my 120 6x4.5 film camera, several rolls of 120 film, my singing bowl (for meditation), my wireless printer, my son’s astronaut toy, several pictures of both my sons and wife, my oldest son’s first shoes (they are good luck), cell phone (for music and extra photos), tablet and pen (for editing and books), my laptop, and my water bottle (I take it everywhere).”

— Jef Janis, Photographer, NASA Glenn Research Center  


“I’m taking my NASA coffee mug because let’s be honest; nothing is getting done on the moon until I’ve had my morning coffee out of my favorite mug. I’m taking two cameras: the 360-degree camera and the vintage range finder camera my father bought during the Korean War when he was a Captain and Base Doctor in the Air Force. I’m also taking my awesome camera socks so I can be a fashion embarrassment to my family in space as well as on Earth. The lucky rabbit is named Dez — for years I have carried her all over the world in my pocket whenever I needed a little good luck on a photo shoot. She’s come along to photograph hurricanes, presidents, and sports championships. Being from New Orleans, I would love to be the first to carry out a Mardi Gras tradition on the moon, flinging doubloons and beads to my fellow astronauts (especially if we are up there during Carnival season). I also want to take a picture of this picture on the moon so my wife and son know they are with me no matter where I go. Lastly, it’s a well-known fact that space travelers should always bring a towel on their journey.”

— Michael DeMocker, photographer, videographer & UAS, Michoud Assembly Facility


“I couldn’t go to the Moon without my camera, a 45-rpm vinyl record (My husband’s band — I really want to know how a record sounds in space. Gravity is what makes the needle lay on the record so will the change in gravity make it sound different?), a book to read, a photograph of my daughter, my phone or rather my communication and photo editing device, a snack, and I definitely couldn’t go to the Moon without my moon boots!”

— Bridget Caswell, Photographer, NASA Glenn Research Center  

nasamoonkit moon travel packinglist artemis photography explore adventure space astronaut

Are You Up to the Task of Navigating Space with NASA?


We’re committed to exploration and discovery, journeying to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. But how do we guide our missions on their voyage among the stars? Navigation engineers lead the way!

Using complex mathematical formulas, navigation experts calculate where our spacecraft are and where they’re headed. No matter the destination, navigating the stars is a complicated challenge that faces all our missions. But, we think you’re up to the task!

Our space navigation workbook lets you explore the techniques and mathematical concepts used by navigation engineers. The book delves into groundbreaking navigation innovations like miniaturized atomic clocks, autonomous navigation technologies, using GPS signals at the Moon, and guiding missions through the solar system with X-ray emissions from pulsars — a type of neutron star. It also introduces you to experts working with NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation program at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

If you’re a high schooler who dreams of guiding a rover across the rocky surface of Mars or planning the trajectory of an observer swinging around Venus en route to the Sun, this workbook is for you! Download it today and start your adventure with NASA:

space science nasa technology math STEM explore space exploration Moon Mars solar system adventure hands on