Night Speakers Wiki
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Chat Moderators or Chat Mods are users who have specific tools to help them moderate the chat. They are able to block/kick users and make sure the chat conversations are on topic and relevant to the wiki.



Chat Moderators have a silver badge next to their profile picture on discussion posts and the community page. Chat mods also have a tag next to their username on their profile masthead identifying them as a Chat Mod.


Chat Mods help manage the chat feature, this means they have certain tools to aid them. They can:

  • Kick a user from the chat
  • Block a user from returning to the chat for a given amount of time

Chat Moderators

The users who have Chat Moderator status are:

  1. NightSpeakers


A Chat Mod must be backed by the community to become a Chat Mod. A user must then be promoted by a bureaucrat or admin and fulfil the following requirements:

  1. Have been on the wiki at least 1 month
  2. Made at least 50 edits on mainspace, category or template pages
  3. Be trustworthy and willing to take on the job

Any nominees should leave a message on NightSpeakers' Message Wall confirming that they have read the information listed above.

In the case where no bureaucrat is active, a user must seek adopting the wiki.