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Episode 5 is the fifth episode of the Netflix streaming series Parasyte: The Grey. It aired on April 5, 2024, and it also serves as the penultimate episode of the series.


Despite being on the run, Su-in tries to warn Jun-kyung. But as Team Grey's raid plays out, Su-in and Kang-woo realize it's all part of a bigger plan.


Some time in the past, Seol Jin-hee is talking to a fruit buyer who brings up how she grows the crops herself, and runs the store for her older sister. Jin-hee remarks that it’s not too hard, as she doesn’t do this all the time. The two continue talking, with the fruit buyers mentioning how he heard from a Mr. Kim, how Kyung-hee seems to be feeling better these days, as she has been going out and about. But in spite of this, the fruit buyer states that Jin-hee should stop procrastinating and take her older sister to see a doctor before she gets worse again. She informs him that despite her sister’s protests she is taking her to see a doctor tomorrow no matter what. The fruit buyer then says that it would certainly be great news if Kyung-hee was feeling better, as she has been like a mother to Jin-hee and her brother.

Later that night, Jin-hee is walking home from work, when she comes across her dog barking incessantly. Eventually, her older sister and the pastor come out. Jin-hee finds it odd that the pastor of a church refuses to let her older sister get medical attention. So she asks Hyuk-joo what good prayers do, if that’s all they're doing instead of solving the problem at hand. Jin-hee eventually tells her sister to not forget that the next day she is taking her to get an MRI no matter what. When she refuses to listen to the pastor, the rest of the Parasites surround Jin-hee. With the pastor saying out loud how the younger girl is proving to be a thorn at their side. So they must get rid of her, but cannot do so at the current location if they want to avoid trouble. Eventually, Kyung-hee tells her sister if she really wants to see what is inside her head, and the next second, her head is split open, and the parasite using her body attacks Jin-hee, who falls to the ground. She unclips the chain to the family dog, and orders the pet to run. She tries to run herself but sees one of the parasites trailing her from up above. She manages to get down to a tunnel, but sees that it is shut on the other side. To make matters worse, when she turns around, the three parasites are standing in front of her only way out. She tries to send a DM to Kang-woo but before she can do so Hyuk-joo attacks her and drags her out of the tunnel.

In the present, Kang-woo calls up a friend to see if he (along with Su-in) can crash at his place, and eventually the friend relents and says he will give Kang-woo the address and passcode to his home. After he hangs up, Kang-woo checks on Su-in, who has not come out of the bathroom; still reeling from seeing Chul-min getting decapitated in front of her. She takes a few deep breaths, before she comes out of the bathroom after composing herself. Unbeknownst to either of them, Kyung-hee is able to read Kang-woo’s text messages, and therefore know her and Su-in’s current location.

Meanwhile, Jun-kyung and the rest of the government officials are scrambling after the mess that was Su-In’s transfer to headquarters. At this meeting, it also decided that the Korean Folk Music Festival cannot take place until the parasites are eradicated. As tension among the select government officials grows, Jun-kyung is given only three days to eradicate the parasite problem plaguing South Korea.

Eventually, Seol Kyung-hee calls Kwon Hyuk-joo to inform him of Su-In’s and Kang-Woo’s location. He warns her that Heidi is a mutated human/parasite hybrid, and a powerful one at that. But Kyung-hee states that she can handle her all by herself. Elsewhere, Su-in and Kang-Woo arrive at their hideout, where they plan to lay low for a while. Kang-Woo wants to make a run for it, and tells her how it's pointless to stay and fight since more than one cop is likely infected. But Su-in believes that rather than running away, they need to make Jun-kyung trust them. So that they can tell her their force is compromised. Eventually, Su-In tells Kang-Woo that because this doesn’t concern him, he can choose to run away. However, he doesn’t take the out she is giving him, and instead says she is driving him crazy. He turns on the TV, and the news, it is being reported that a fight broke out between the Namil-gun police and some unidentified monstrous creatures. The police chief then lies to the South Korean public by telling them that the police know almost everything there is to know about the aforementioned creatures. He states that they are in the process of exterminating a significant number of them, and admits that in order to minimize social chaos, they didn’t tell the general public until now.

Eventually, Su-in takes some money from Kang-Woo’s wallet while he is seemingly sleeping. Once she leaves, he opens his eyes; thus revealing that he was just pretending to be asleep. Later, Su-in calls Jun-Kyung to warn her that there are parasites within the police force. Jun-Kyung doesn’t believe her, even when she mentions that both Chul-min and Kang Won-seok are parasites. Jun-Kyung insists on meeting up with Su-in face to face, and the mutant relents.

Meanwhile, back at their hideout, Kang-Woo is woken up by his friend, who hands him the money he asked him for earlier that day. His friend asks him what kind of trouble he is in, but rather than answering, Kang-Woo says how for a brief moment, he saved the world. His friend then tells him how around two weeks earlier, Jin-hee had called him to see if Kang-Woo had gotten in contact with him. It is then he sees his youngest sister’s last message being a half-finished text that warned him to not come home no matter what.

Su-in and Jun-Kyung see one another face to face again, but just in case, Su-in is on the rooftop of the building next door to the cafe as a safety precaution. Jun-Kyung finds it odd that Su-in would turn on Detective Kim, who has been trying to protect Su-in until the very end. She then informs Jun-Kyung that the real Detective Kim died in front of her very eyes. She explains how in trying to protect her, a pastor that Kang-Won-seok brought along cut off Detective Kim’s head. So the parasite that used to use the pastor’s body as a host, is now pretending to be Detective Kim after taking over his body. Still on the fence of believing her, Jun-Kyung does reveal that the two people Su-in is claiming are parasites reported to her that they found the parasites’ hideout. Not only that, but they insisted on a large-scale clean-up operation as well. Su-in states that it is obviously a trap, but Jun-Kyung does not want to trust her. Eventually revealing that she wasn’t alone and other Gray Team members were nearby ready to take Su-in by force, or have her come with her willingly. Su-in insead jumps from the rooftop and Heidi comes out to help her.

Eventually, Heidi comes across Kang-Woo who has decided to help her out despite the danger. When Heidi tells Kang-Woo that is trying to do something stupid. He explains that Su-In is simply trying to survive. Unlike parasites, who see survival as being alive and breathing, survival to humans means living among people. So in order for Su-In to survive, she is trying to get more people to trust her, so that they don’t kill her and Heidi. Heidi then states that Kang-Woo cannot let Su-In engage in anything reckless for the next three hours because she has already taken over for far too long. So it is imperative that she stay completely asleep for at least that amount of time.

Elsewhere, Kang-Woo’s friend is watching the news and is shocked at the stuff that is turning out to be true. Then, someone puts the passcode to his apartment, and he thinks it’s Kang-Woo. But is shocked to see Kyung-hee there, and informs her that Kang-Woo stepped out. Ki-Seok calls Kang- Woo to let him know that Kyung-hee is there at his place. Kang-Woo warns Ki-Seok that the person there is not his sister, and that he should make some sort of excuse and get out of there. But before he can do anything, Kyung-hee attacks Ki-Seok and takes the phone away. She warns him that if he does not come to her in fifteen minutes, she will decapitate Ki-Seok. Kang-Woo reminds Su-In that Heidi cannot help out for the next three hours. So Su-In suggests that she will pretend to be one of the parasites to buy themselves the three hours in order to save Ki-Seok. Su-in, pretending to be Heidi, shows up at Ki-Seok’s apartment, and asks Kyung-hee to let go of Ki-Seok. But Kyung-hee reveals that she knows Heidi is asleep inside Su-In because she can barely feel the other parasite.

Despite their efforts, Ki-Seok dies jumping atop Kyung-hee and sacrificing himself in order for Su-In and Kang-Woo to get away. The duo manage to get away in the nick of time, but an angry Kang-Woo vows to kill them for taking away so many of his loved ones.

The next morning, Jun-kyung asks Chul-min and Kang Won-seok if they will be joining the rest of the police force in the raid at the parasites’ new headquarters. They mention that they will be a bit behind, planning for some contingencies, which reminds her of what Su-in said about them. She grabs a pair of scissors and joins them in the elevator. Rather swiftly, she takes a stand of Kang Won-Seok’s hair, who remarks that this will likely be their last operation together. When everyone else leaves the elevator, she picks up the strand of hair, and notices that they have not changed. Su-In and Kang-Woo try one more time to get Jun-Kyung to stop the raid, as it is a trap. But she refuses. Jun-kyung reveals that she didn’t check both Detective Kim and Detective, but that Detective Kang is with absolute certainty not a parasite. Kang Woo then tells her how he witnessed Detective Kang kill the parasite that used to be her husband with an iron knife. In that moment, she tells them both to record the call starting now, and tells them that if this operation is indeed a trap, then she will be once she goes in there. So if that happens, they need to take the recording to the Superintendent General at the National Police Agency.

In a matter of seconds, the Gray team breaks into the parasites’ new headquarters, where the parasites gather there and are quickly taken out. With one of the stragglers being taken out by the parasite that took over Detective Kim’s body. Unbeknownst to anyone, the parasite that took over Seol Kyung-hee witnessed this betrayal. Jun-kyung then informs Kang-Woo and Su-In that the operation was a success, and that as far she knows, Su-In is the only parasite left in the region. After they hang up, Su-In mentions how she can’t fathom why the parasites are taking each other out. In that moment, Kang-Woo who has been backstabbed before mentioned how rather than just take over another body, it seems like the parasite inside Detective Kim’s body wants to take over the brain of someone who is the head of an important organization. Such as the mayor.





  • Park Young-Bok as fruit buyer


Promotional Stills[]


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