Person in an open office space works at laptop Person in an open office space works at laptop

Prevent cyberattacks and drive demand for your secure solutions

Basic security hygiene practices protect against 99% of cyberattacks. Access the Secure our Future Together playbook to learn more and discover offerings that can help grow your business.

Implement security hygiene practices to protect your digital estate

Key security hygiene practices will protect you and your customers from damaging cyberattacks. Learn more about these practices and get resources to help you implement them.

Implement security hygiene practices to protect your digital estate

Key security hygiene practices will protect you and your customers from damaging cyberattacks. Learn more about these practices and get resources to help you implement them.
Square lock iconSquare lock icon

Turn on multifactor authentication

Protect your organization from breaches with multifactor authentication, a simple and highly effective practice that helps ensure only authorized users can access your data.
 Lock icon  Lock icon

Establish a security contact

Identify an individual or a group of people who are responsible for security-related issues at your organization.
Browser security iconBrowser security icon

Designate a compliance point of contact

Help ensure seamless communication and timely action on compliance-related matters by identifying someone in your organization to serve as a dedicated point of contact.
Employees working on computers in an open office setting Employees working on computers in an open office setting

Learn how Secure Future Initiative (SFI) puts security above all else

SFI details the secure by design, secure by default, and secure operations approach Microsoft is taking to protect our digital ecosystem from current and future threats.

Build customer trust with a Security specialization

Regardless of the solutions you deliver, a Security specialization helps you stand out to customers looking for partners who can help them innovate quickly and more securely.
Person seated at workspace with multiple monitors turns and smiles Person seated at workspace with multiple monitors turns and smiles

Safeguard your business with Microsoft Copilot for Security

Start your Copilot for Security training and learn how to protect your business and help customers protect theirs at the speed and scale of AI.

 Prevent 99% of attacks

Download our Digital Defense Report to learn more about security hygiene and discover the growth opportunity for all partners as we help build a more secure future for customers.

Stay up to date on the latest security news