
Filed under:

    Chicken soup (and more) for the Remote Worker

    Favorite soup recipes from our distributed team to solve your lunch planning needs

    Filed under:

      Dev tip: How to dynamically set content-type headers for S3 presigned urls with a native fetch request


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      Why ads keep redirecting you to scammy sites and what we’re doing about it

      No, your phone hasn’t been hacked and you haven’t won a gift card. Yes, we hate it too.

      Filed under:

      Building an Engineering Culture of Sharing and Learning

      A team that collaborates well and encourages asking questions is never an accident

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      Open sourcing our accessibility guidelines

      As journalists, advertisers, producers, and creators, content is at our core at Vox Media. We want to ensure that everyone—regardless of ability, situation, or context—can access it.

      Filed under:

      Accessibility matters—and here's what we're doing about it

      As journalists, advertisers, producers, and creators, content is at our core at Vox Media. And we want to ensure that everyone—regardless of ability, situation, or context—can access it.

      Filed under:

      Getting BrowserSync to work with Gulp and the Rails Asset Pipeline

      It turns out they can work together!

      Filed under:

      Reliably Testing for Local Storage