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Designing a mobile app

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Vox Media design team’s top 19 books to read this year

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A Highly Subjective Guide to Prototyping Tools

Because the right tool is everything

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Designing Vox Conversations 2017

Giving ‘em something to talk about

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Building the Vox Media Video microsite

Front-end design

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Three questions I asked myself after attending IxDA’s Interaction 17

How presentations about death, bathrooms, and "lovely little inconveniences" relate to my work at Vox Media

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Verge 3.0: Logo recognition and refinement

Part two of a four-part series

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Designing Pixel Punch 3.0

From Cleveland, to Brooklyn, to Chicago, to Washington D.C.

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Creating a pop-up restaurant brand from scratch

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An invisible interface: 6 things we learned from designing for voice

How to design for an interface you can't see

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Transitioning into design management: 6 lessons learned

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Behind the scenes: Recode design process

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How designers can use unit testing to build resilient and happy design systems

Adapting a method from programming for product design

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Behind the scenes: Curbed design process

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Vox Product's Kit & Caboodle, January 2016

A monthly collection of design work from the Product Team at Vox Media

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What We Learned About Web Design from App Designers

As responsive web designers, we rarely find ourselves in the position of redesigning a single product to fit a different device. Even so, while the details vary between our work and theirs, the larger design principles hold true.

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Vox Product's Kit & Caboodle, December 2015

A monthly collection of design work from the Product Team at Vox Media