
Republish FT journalism to

your website or publication

With an FT Republishing licence you can share

trusted, award-winning journalism with your audience.

News, video, podcasts & graphics

Translate to your local language

One-off and repeat licences

Reach new audiences

Leading publications and

businesses republish

FT journalism

to diversify their content mix

SWI swissinfo.chSWI
Tiso Blackstar GroupTiso Blackstar Group
Business DayBusiness Day
Le Nouvel EconomisteLe Nouvel Economiste

The Financial Times is a brand and a product that is not only prestigious but provides intricate and analytical information for decision making. Our partnership has provided us with true value; a value that has elevated the already existing prestige of our newspaper.

Vivian Barrios, General Manager, Capital Financiero

New and archived journalism

Republish FT journalism the same day it’s published and from

our archive.

Choose from our ever-growing catalogue of written and audio-visual journalism. With 250+ articles published a day and a comprehensive archive you’ll find something to suit every audience.

When we started, the first international content source that we thought of was the FT. Not only do we value the high quality of the information, but we also appreciate the FT global approach and the concise and elegant writing style.

Vera Brandimarte, Diretora de Redação, Valor Econômico, Brazil

Republish to any platform

FT journalism where you need it, when you need it.

Whether you need content for your newspaper, magazine, brochure, blog or newsletter, you can republish FT journalism to any of your proprietary platforms, in print or digital.

Our partnership with the FT has been great, enabling us to develop more valuable and trustworthy content for our client. In turn this has allowed them to engage with, and nurture, their specialist target audience.

Chloe Trevinal, Account Manager, OgilvyOne Business

Dedicated support

Our Customer Success team provide expert help and guidance on using FT journalism to maximum effect.

They help you maximise engagement with advice and recommendations on the most relevant FT journalism themes and content formats for your audience.

We often find useful FT pieces that relate to our readers directly and reflect personal experiences.

Jason Tan, Associate Editor, TODAY newspaper

Tools and features

Easy-to-use tools and features for discovering FT journalism.

Keep up with the latest FT journalism on the topics and trends that matter to your readers or business, so you never miss the perfect story to engage your audience.

Our Copyright Cleared Feed (CCF) platform allows FT content to be integrated into content management systems in the form of an industry-standard RSS feed. Personalised feeds can be created to find relevant content quickly and easily.

As the only 10-language information source in Switzerland, we focus on creating relevant and valuable context for our readers. That’s why the FT’s expert in-depth content plays such an important role.

Amr Huber, Head of Communication and Marketing, SWI

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that benefit from FT intelligence.