DM advertising


A DM is a customer newspaper that is distributed by our newspaper couriers, as well as digitally as part of Eavisen. A DM is suitable for you with messages that require the reader's attention; for example, you want to bring out a large product portfolio or inspire through large, beautiful images. You also have a target group that can be defined geographically based on place of residence.

Inserts in newspapers are delivered together with Norway's largest newspapers; Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Fædrelandsvennen and Adressa. 

Basic specifications

Minimum format A5 (w148mm xh 210mm)
Maximum format  Broadsheet / tabloid (w280 mm xh 400 mm)

Ad placement

Customer newspaper delivered as an insert in the newspaper and digitally in eavis.

You can choose DM in one of the newspapers, or hit the big cities through the Storby carpool, which includes Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Adressa and Fædrelandsvennen.

If you want to meet as many people as possible, choose Schibsted Totaldekning, which also includes unaddressed advertising (a DM delivered both as an insert and to those who do not subscribe to the newspaper).


When should you choose DM advertising?

You have a message that requires a lot of attention
For example, you want to reach out with a large product portfolio or inspire through large images

You have a geographically defined target group based on place of residence, regionally or nationally
Reach people in and around the big cities through distribution in one or more of our regional and national newspapers. 


DM / insert specifications

Delivery deadlines

  • The first possible date for delivery is 2 weeks before the distribution date
  • AA, BT and SA: No later than 3 working days before the distribution date by 10.00
  • AP and FVN: No later than 5 working days before the distribution date

Delivery addresses (delivery information is always sent with order confirmation to customer)

Address newspaper:
Polaris Trykk Trondheim AS
v / Ketil Danielsen Tel. 41235508 Industriveien 13
7080 Heimdal
Opening hours: Monday - Friday at 08.00 - 16.00

Schibsted Press Nydalen
v / Pakkerileder Tel. 23 39 11 50 Sandakerveien 121
0484 Oslo
Opening hours: Monday - Friday at 08.00 - 16.00

Bergens Tidende & Stavanger Aftenblad
Schibsted Press Bergen
v / Trond Natland Tvedt Tel. 90 54 43 86 Janaflaten 24
5179 Godvik
Opening hours: Monday - Friday at 07.15 - 18.00

Agderposten Trykk
v/Rune Andresen Tlf. 91537705 Stoaveien 11
4848 Arendal

Product specifications DM
Minimum format: A5 (w148mm xh 210mm)
Maximum format: Broadsheet / tabloid (w280 mm xh 400 mm)
NB: The back must be on the longest side of the document.

Loose sheets (double-sided insert): Minimum 150 g paper (address: 170 g paper)
Multi-sided insert: Minimum 45 g paper
Envelope: Must be flat and glued again
Tabloid attachments up to 12 pages: Must be folded
12 pages tabloid: Can be delivered unfolded if a minimum of 52 g of paper has been printed
Documents weighing more than 150 g: Must be approved before reservation

No loose sheets in the insert.

Guidelines for machining inserts

Folded inserts must be center folded. The format after folding must not be smaller than A5 format (w148 mm x h210 mm)
and not larger than tabloid (w280 mm x h400 mm). A4 and A5 format must be portrait. There must be no attack on the insert.

Trimming / cutting
All inserts must have the same format after cutting and the format must be square. Blunt blades on the cutting equipment must not
is used as this may cause the inserts to stick together.

Glued products inside the insert (eg postcards, giros, tipping coupons)
The products must be glued, fastened to the seam on the main product. It must also be placed so that the upper edge / lower edge is at the same level as the upper edge / lower edge of the main insert. The glued product must not exceed two pages (exception: if a very thin paper is used). Plastic-wrapped individual products cannot be used as inserts.

The envelope must be godt glued. The content must be complementary

Rules for packing and transport
Product condition on the day of delivery
The inserts must be manufactured, packed and stacked in such a way that they can be used immediately in production.
It should not be necessary to process the inserts manually.

Products that can not be used for insertion:

  • Paste attachments due to not dried color
  • Highly electrostatic attachments
  • Damp annexes
  • Poorly stapled attachments
  • Attachments with folded corners and edges

Requirements for palletizing
The appendices must be delivered in batches. The legs must be as large as possible. My. 10 cm / 50 ex. per leg.
The material / legs should not be plasticized or strapped.
The material must be delivered on a pallet, max. height 1.5 m, only approved Europallets.
The attachments must be palletised in a way that does not contribute to deformation (even pressure on the pallet) and without air between the stacks)
The material must be delivered with the back up on the pallet.
The pallet is plasticized and secured before transport.
Finished pallets are packed with top lid, stretch film and strap around. Corners for delicate products.
Pay special attention to the fact that slippery products can not be stacked as high on the pallet and must be secured extra godt with pallet straps.

Handling guidelines
Shipping letter
The material must be delivered with a consignment note. The consignment note must contain:
Insert name / article number / theme etc.
Which newspaper it should be distributed with
Sender's name (insert customer)
Date of distribution
Production date for the insert
Sender's name / address / telephone / fax
Signature of production manager at the printing site
Number of pallets delivered
Carrier's name / address / telephone / fax
Notice whether the pallets are to be returned (pallet receipt)

It is very important that the pallets are godt marked, so that it is clear which product is on the pallet, and in which newspaper it
to be distributed with.

Attachments must be delivered with the back up on the pallet. This is so that the front page of the appendix lies with the correct side forward when opening
the newspaper. In the event of incorrect delivery, there may be additional costs.

Document material requirements insert

Costs of cancellation
5-8 weeks before the distribution date, 25% of the agreed price will be charged.
4-2 weeks before the distribution date, 50% of the agreed price will be charged.
If it is less than two weeks to the distribution date, 100% of the agreed price will be charged.
eAvis is included in the distribution. One-page low-resolution pdf sent to? no later than 3 working days before the distribution date for
publication. It is important to follow the technical requirements in the enclosed delivery and product specifications.
When delivered to the Schibsted newspapers, the vouchers must be delivered with the back side up, so that they appear with the front page in the newspaper.

Routines for delivery of PDF to the e-newspaper
One-page low-resolution pdf sent to? NEW ROUTINE COMES no later than 3 working days before the distribution date for publication.