
Advertise in Some of Sweden’s Largest Newspapers and Magazines

Print is an excellent option for those looking to build brand awareness and reach an engaged audience. In Schibsted’s print portfolio, you’ll find some of Sweden’s largest newspapers and popular magazines, making it easy to find a print solution that fits your marketing goals.

Our Newspapers and Magazines


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For questions regarding materials, contact:
For questions regarding ad bookings, contact:

All ads submitted to Aftonbladet must be saved as PDFs. PDF ads should be in version PDF 1.3 and compatible with Acrobat 4. PDF files should follow TU’s specifications for PDFs for daily press. TU provides a “settings file” for Acrobat and InDesign.

The document format of the file should exactly match the booked ad space (width x height in mm). Check the size with the advertiser or Aftonbladet’s traffic department. Black and white ads should not contain any color objects. Color ads should consist only of CMYK colors. Colors from other systems must be converted before submission, as only CMYK colors are used in the printing process. Responsibility for color discrepancies due to conversion from another system lies with the supplier. ICC profiles for CMYK color conversion are available on TU’s website Images in the ad must be high-resolution and included in the PDF file.

Image resolution should be:

  • At least 170 dpi for the main newspaper
  • At least 300 dpi for magazine supplements
  • At least 1,200 dpi for line art

Total color in images, color blocks, and text must not exceed 240% in the main newspaper and Sportbladet. For supplements, the limit is 320% to avoid smearing in print.

Clipping paths should not have unnecessarily many anchor points. The “Deviation for path” box should be empty and not even contain the value 0. The maximum number of points for Aftonbladet is 9,000. Scaling and cropping of images should be done in the image editing program, not in the layout program, to avoid changing the resolution of images.

All fonts used in the ad, including logos, must be included in the file. PDF files include fonts if set in the profile of the program creating the PDF. Avoid OpenType or CID-encoded fonts. Custom-made fonts are not allowed. The ad should be adapted to the current printing method.

Detailed information on adjustments for daily press and ICC profiles can be obtained from ICC profiles for our supplements can be found at

When advertising in the main newspaper and Sportbladet, we follow TU’s recommendations and ICC profile. No color compensation should be made for Sportbladet. The eye adapts, and the impression of the image will be correct.

Before submitting material to us, check the following:

  • The file contains only four colors
  • All fonts are included or converted to outlines
  • Images in the ad have the correct resolution
  • The ad size matches the booked space

Click here to submit finished ads


Click here to submit finished ads

For questions regarding materials, contact:

Ad booking must be made no later than 10:00 AM two weeks before the insertion date. Booking can be made through your regular contact person, by phone at 08-555 006 00, or by email at

Cancellation or Change
Cancellations or changes to bookings must be made in writing and submitted no later than 10:00 AM two weeks before the insertion date. When canceling part of a campaign, the newspaper reserves the right to charge for the incorrectly received discount.

Ad Submission
Finished ad material must be submitted no later than 10:00 AM two weeks before the insertion date. Material should be delivered as a printable PDF file following our guidelines for magazine supplements. Finished ad material can be submitted here via Schibsted’s Ad Reception.

Formats and Prices
All prices indicated include advertising tax. VAT is additional.

Payment Terms
Payment is due ten days from the invoice date. Late payments will incur a reminder fee and interest calculated according to § 6 of the Swedish Interest Act.

Complaints about published ads must be made within three working days after publication, and invoices within eight days. Errors in ad material submitted after the material deadline cannot be claimed.

Ad Review
The newspapers reserve the right to decline unsuitable ads.

Newspaper Responsibility
Responsibility for errors in ads is limited to the cost of the ad. No liability is assumed for damages due to omitted or incorrectly produced ads.

Click here to submit finished ads

Click here to submit finished ads

For questions regarding materials, contact:
For questions regarding ad bookings, contact:
For questions regarding general meetings and notices, contact: or 08 – 555 00 620

If you have questions, contact production services. Tel: 08-13 59 95 Email:
For general meetings and notices, contact or 08 – 555 00 620

TU Info/Settings
To guarantee the insertion of ads on the agreed date, material must be received by SvD at least two non-holiday days before insertion. SvD does not fetch ad material from customers’ websites/FTP or via download services. Ads should be submitted in PDF format adapted for Swedish daily press. Link to settings files, click here.

Material Requirements/Responsibility
Finished ad material should be submitted as a PDF adapted for Swedish daily press (TU standard). PDF ads should be in version PDFX1/a. More information and settings files are available here. All included images must be high resolution (150-200 dpi) and included in the PDF file. Do not scale the image in the layout program, as this affects quality. DCS or OPI images cannot be used.

Note! We do not accept ads produced in Canva, as these ads are not printable.

File size
Document format and ad should be produced in exactly the same size as the booked space (width x height). Responsibility for any quality loss due to scaling lies with the material submitter.
All included colors should be created for four-color separated printing (C, M, Y, K). Note: Dot gain in mid-tones is 20%. Total color in images, color blocks, and text should not exceed 240%. This is to avoid smearing in print.

Naming Files
Please name the file with SvD’s booking number, advertiser’s name, and insertion date. See example below.

For SvD’s booking number, contact your SvD salesperson. Example: 101332_advertisername_1025.pdf Avoid spaces and å, ä, ö, and / (slash) in the file name.

Note: TrueType fonts are not accepted as they can cause issues in the printing process. All fonts used in the ad (including logos) should be included in the file. Avoid reverse text on multicolor backgrounds. If there is any misregistration, the text will be unreadable. If you choose to have reverse text on a multicolor background, use a sans-serif font at least 12 pt and semi-bold. Reverse text on a solid color background should be at least 10 pt.

Full information, as well as settings files and ICC profiles, can be found at:
For help and information, contact the Production Department: Telephone: 08-13 59 95 Hours: Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 Email:

The customer is responsible for ensuring that the material is produced in accordance with the standard for Swedish daily press, known as TU standard, and that the ad material can be printed correctly within a reasonable time. The customer is also responsible for ensuring that the material is received by SvD at least two non-holiday working days before insertion.

Newspaper Responsibility
The newspaper is responsible for ripping, transfer between SvD and the printing house, and ensuring that the printing plate production is carefully calibrated. The newspaper is also responsible for printing according to the current standards for Swedish daily press with correct density values for the printing inks.

Click here to submit finished ads