Scream Wiki
Scream Wiki

Hey, guys. Welcome to my page. i'll add more details later, but for now, i'll just tell you about my favorite characters.

My favorite characthers[]

  • The best character in the whole franchise: the one and only Sidney Prescott. Whoever saw any of the movies knows why. She's great in so many levels. I also like Randy, Derek, Dewey, Judy, God, and i'm open to hear other opinions.
  • The best tv series characters, without order: Audrey Jensen, Noah Foster, Gustavo Acosta, Kym, Liv Reynolds, Manny, Marcus Elliot, and further opinion will come soon.
  • The best cinematic killer, from best to worst: Roman Bridger>Jill Roberts>Mickey Altieri>Debbie Loomis>Billy Loomis>Amber Freeman>Richie Kirsch>Stu Macher>Charlie Walker.
  • The best tv series killer, from best to worst: Jamal Elliot> Piper Shaw>Kieran Wilcox>Luther Thompson>Beth.
  • The best killer who wasn't, without order: Audrey "Queen BI" Jensen, Tatum "Blondeface" Riley, Randy "Ruleface" Meeks, Brooke "Mayor Meyers" Maddox, Angelina "Angelface" Tyler, Noah Foster (not sure about his nickname as much as i used to. Any suggestions?), Samantha "Daughterface" Carpenter, Wes "Clayface" Hicks, and i'm open to other opinions.

Additional Notes[]

  • Tom Martin doesnt appear on my tv series killers list because he's too awful to appear in lists. He's the most pointless killer and character.
  • Kevin Duval is the third killer (3K) from season 2, but he won't be on the list because the showrunners might never confirm it's him, despite he's the most likely suspect. Also, i know he's the only successful killer in the franchise, but i dont know how much of this is truly pragmatism and talent, and how much is lazy writing.
  • Brandon and Troy James doesn't appear on my list because there's an ongoing debate if Troy framed Brandon or not and because neither ever appeared on-screen, not even on flashbacks.
  • The real reason 5cream took so long was not because Craven is dead. It was because people are mentally locked on a movie with all of the actors from earlier movies. One thing we can do is rebooting the first movie, but with different actors and the lessons from the original. Kevin Williamson is smart and means well, but the requel thing is more like a class reunion than an actual movie. It's a great class reunion, but "Scream" should be one of the franchises that appeal even to people who're not fans.