Drive-by Download Exploit Trends
Far more common than social engineering, malicious pages install malware after exploiting a vulnerability in the browser or a plugin. This type of infection is often called a drive-by download. Our analysis of which vulnerabilities are actively being exploited over time shows that adversaries quickly switch to new and more reliable exploits to help avoid detection. The graph below shows the ratio of exploits targeting a vulnerability in one CVE to all exploits over time. Most vulnerabilities are exploited only for a short period of time until new vulnerabilities become available. A prominent exception is the MDAC vulnerability which is present in most exploit kits.

Prevalence of exploits targeting specific CVEs over time

Increase in IP Cloaking
Malware distributors are increasingly relying upon ‘cloaking’ as a technique to evade detection. The concept behind cloaking is simple: serve benign content to detection systems, but serve malicious content to normal web page visitors. Over the years, we have seen more malicious sites engaging in IP cloaking. To bypass the cloaking defense, we run our scanners in different ways to mimic regular user traffic.

Number of sites practicing IP Cloaking over time

New Detection Capabilities
Our report analyzed four years of data to uncover trends in malware distribution on the web, and it demonstrates the ongoing tension between malware distributors and malware detectors. To help protect Internet users, even those who don’t use Google, we have updated the Safe Browsing infrastructure over the years to incorporate many state-of-the-art malware detection technologies. We hope the findings outlined in this report will help other researchers in this area and raise awareness of some of the current challenges.

This particular malware causes infected computers to send traffic to Google through a small number of intermediary servers called “proxies.” We hope that by taking steps to notify users whose traffic is coming through these proxies, we can help them update their antivirus software and remove the infections.

We hope to use the knowledge we’ve gathered to assist as many people as possible. In case our notice doesn’t reach everyone directly, you can run a system scan on your computer yourself by following the steps in our Help Center article.

Updated July 20, 2011: We've seen a few common questions we thought we'd address here:
  • The malware appears to have gotten onto users' computers from one of roughly a hundred variants of fake antivirus, or "fake AV" software that has been in circulation for a while. We aren't aware of a common name for the malware.
  • We believe a couple million machines are affected by this malware.
  • We've heard from a number of you that you're thinking about the potential for an attacker to copy our notice and attempt to point users to a dangerous site instead. It's a good security practice to be cautious about the links you click, so the spirit of those comments is spot-on. We thought about this, too, which is why the notice appears only at the top of our search results page. Falsifying the message on this page would require prior compromise of that computer, so the notice is not a risk to additional users.
  • In the meantime, we've been able to successfully warn hundreds of thousands of users that their computer is infected. These are people who otherwise may never have known.

(Cross-posted from the Google Testing Blog)

Every day modern web applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and as their complexity grows so does their attack surface. Previously we introduced open source tools such as Skipfish and Ratproxy to assist developers in understanding and securing these applications.

As existing tools focus mostly on testingserver-side code, today we are happy to introduce DOM Snitch — an experimental* Chrome extension that enables developers and testers to identify insecure practices commonly found in client-side code. To do this, we have adopted several approaches to intercepting JavaScript calls to key and potentially dangerous browser infrastructure such as document.write or HTMLElement.innerHTML (among others). Once a JavaScript call has been intercepted, DOM Snitch records the document URL and a complete stack trace that will help assess if the intercepted call can lead to cross-site scripting, mixed content, insecure modifications to the same-origin policy for DOM access, or other client-side issues.

Here are the benefits of DOM Snitch:
  • Real-time: Developers can observe DOM modifications as they happen inside the browser without the need to step through JavaScript code with a debugger or pause the execution of their application.
  • Easy to use: With built-in security heuristics and nested views, both advanced and less experienced developers and testers can quickly spot areas of the application being tested that need more attention.
  • Easier collaboration: Enables developers to easily export and share captured DOM modifications while troubleshooting an issue with their peers.
DOM Snitch is intended for use by developers, testers, and security researchers alike. Click here to download DOM Snitch. To read the documentation, please visit this page.

*Developers and testers should be aware that DOM Snitch is currently experimental. We do not guarantee that it will work flawlessly for all web applications. More details on known issues can be found here or in the project’s issues tracker.