
UN Photo/Rick Bajornas A view of the Eduardo Kobra mural at UN Headquarters.
News | 10 September 2024
1. What is the Summit of the Future? In 2020, the UN turned 75 and marked the occasion by starting a global conversation about hopes and fears for the future. This was the beginning of a process that would eventually lead, four years later, to the…
Photo UNDP Serbia
News | 16 August 2024
The rapid advancement of information and digital technologies has ushered in an era of unprecedented opportunity for social development. From telehealth to e-learning, digital tools are revolutionizing the way we deliver and access essential…
Photo: Older persons | UNHCR
News | 13 August 2024
The report by the United Nations Secretary-General on the follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing emphasizes the growing importance of intergenerational solidarity in the face of the world's changing demographics. The report highlights the…
© UNICEF Internet connectivity in schools is essential for strengthening education systems.
News | 13 August 2024
As the world celebrates International Youth Day on Monday, the UN chief is emphasising the importance of empowerment and equality for young people to reach the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under the theme, From Clicks to Progress…
Photo:© UNESCO-UNEVOC/Danilo Vitoriano
12 August 2024
Digitalization is transforming our world, offering unprecedented opportunities to accelerate sustainable development. Digital technologies such as mobile devices, services, and artificial intelligence are instrumental in advancing the Sustainable…
© UNEP/Florian Fussstetter
News | 09 August 2024
Indigenous Peoples represent around six per cent of the world's population, and their knowledge and traditions are believed to help solve many of today’s challenges in the areas of climate action and biodiversity. The focus of the International Day…
Photo: WFP/Chu Cancan
News | 30 July 2024
The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to convene the Second World Social Summit in Doha, Qatar, from November 4th to 6th, 2025. The summit aims to address the persistent gaps in social development, recommit to the goals outlined…
Photo: UNDP Kazakhstan
News | 29 July 2024
Digitalization is transforming our world, offering unprecedented opportunities to accelerate sustainable development. Digital technologies such as mobile devices, services, and artificial intelligence are instrumental in advancing the Sustainable…
Photo credit: UNICEF/Niklas Halle'n
News | 29 July 2024
In the three decades that preceded the Covid-19 pandemic, more than one billion people escaped extreme income poverty. As the health and economic upheavals brought on by Covid-19 and subsequent crises have made evident, however, progress towards…
Ecosoc 24
News | 23 July 2024
The report of the 23rd session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2024) was presented by the Chair of the Forum to the Economic and Social Council Management Segment Meeting on 23 July 2024. Click here to read the report. Website of the…
Photo: UNDP
Newsletter | 22 July 2024
Highlights and Happenings First draft resolution on recommendations adopted by the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing   The General Assembly Open-ended Working Group on Ageing adopted (without a vote) the draft decision 14/1 “Recommendations…
Photo UNDP India
News | 22 July 2024
The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development concluded on Wednesday, with nations reiterating the need for renewed impetus and accelerated actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline. Held…