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Tarnak was the King of Monstrous Humanoids and the Monarch of the Iron Body.


Tarnak was a tall, handsome, and muscular young man with slick blond hair and green eyes. He wore a long white coat with a bright blood-red collar, golden shoulder pads, black pants and shoes, white gloves, and a plain gray T-shirt. When using his powers or agitated, his eyes glowed lime green.


Tarnak was an egotistical and overconfident individual who held extreme disdain towards mankind, as displayed by how he genuinely believed that Jinwoo was not fit to be the next Shadow Monarch simply because he was human. However, despite the great pride that he had in his status, he was still rational enough to realize that he stood no chance against Jinwoo without Antares' support.

As a young goblin, Tarnak is a highly determined individual as he was the only one who managed to succeed at Ammut's extreme exercise.


Japan Crisis Arc

Shortly after the Tokyo S-Rank Gate was cleared, Tarnak, Querehsha, and Rakan ambushed Christopher Reed in his home. Although Chris activated his Spiritual Body Manifestation to defend himself, he was still not strong enough to fend off all three of them. As a result, they easily murdered him in the battle that followed, leaving his mutilated corpse behind for the humans to find.[1]

Monarchs War Arc

When Sillad asked the other Monarchs to help him kill Jinwoo while he was still human, Tarnak was the first to refuse, as he believed that fighting the Shadow Monarch by themselves was suicide and that it was better to wait for Antares to return instead.[2]

Final Battle Arc

When Antares invaded the human world, Tarnak went along with him and confronted Thomas Andre upon spotting him on the battlefield. However, in his arrogance, he failed to notice that Thomas had come prepared and was caught completely by surprise when Bellion and Beru emerged from his shadow. Realizing that he had fallen right into Thomas and Jinwoo's trap, Tarnak attempted to contact Antares via telepathy, but was shocked to find out that Tusk had cut off his connection.[3]

Enraged by Jinwoo's tricks, Tarnak activated his Spiritual Body Manifestation and attempted to kill Thomas, Bellion, and Beru all by himself. However, his efforts ultimately failed, as the trio was able to easily overpower and dispatch him in the ensuing battle.[4]


When Sung Suho met Ammut, he told him about his past that was related to Tarnak. He was the King of the Monstrous Humanoids and the Monarch of the Iron Corps, who was his teacher who one day happened to come across a young bloodied goblin. Although the goblin trembled in fear before him, he looked defiantly at Ammut as if he wanted to devour him. That look sparked Ammut's interest and in the end he decided not to kill the young goblin and took him in to raise him.

Ammut bequeathed the name Tarnak to his charge and, from that day on, he trained the goblin like a crocodile. Ammut raised Tarnak to become stronger through grueling training that almost killed him. What started as a simple fun experiment, Ammut grew into a relentless passion to push Tarnak to his limits.

Even after that, Tarnak continued to learn from Ammut in the Iron Corps apprenticeship. Ammut's pupil gradually grew stronger and eventually became strong enough to defeat orcs, trolls, and ogres easily. And as more time passed, when Tarnak became stronger than his master, Ammut, the King of the Monstrous Humanoids, the previous Monarch, died. Tarnak was then chosen as the vessel of the new king as the Monarch of the Iron Body, and the primordial darkness was implanted into his body so that he could join the war against the Rulers that lasted for countless eons.


As one of the nine Monarchs, Tarnak was an immensely powerful individual.

  • Telepathy: Tarnak was able to communicate telepathically with his fellow Monarchs.
  • Spiritual Body Manifestation: Tarnak was able to transform into a monstrous golem with flaming lime-green hair and dark gray armor.



  • Tarnak is the first Monarch that is a successor to an existing one.
  • Tarnak is the first who practiced the 100 squats, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 10 kilometer run.

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