Terms of delivery

Our Terms of Delivery

Terms and conditions of sale and delivery STRIHL Scandinavia AB

§ 1. Applicability
Amendments and additions to these terms and conditions apply only to the extent agreed in writing.

§ 2. Costs for shipping, packaging
Delivery is at the buyer's expense unless otherwise agreed. STRIHL has the right to choose the mode of transport.

§ 3. Transport risk
All transport is at the buyer's risk as soon as the goods have left STRIHL AB's warehouse. STRIHL AB is therefore not liable for any damage to the goods during or after transport. STRIHL may take out separate transport insurance, which will be charged to the Buyer.

§ 4. Prices
For all sales, the price on the day of delivery applies, unless otherwise agreed in advance. STRIHL AB reserves the right to adjust offers, prices, discounts, design, dimensions and colour without prior notice.

§ 5. Terms of payment
- Payment shall be made no later than 30 days after the invoice date unless otherwise agreed in advance.
- Interest on arrears shall be charged at the rate of 8%, calculated from the day after the due date until payment is made.
- The invoice date is counted from the date the goods are dispatched from STRIHL AB's warehouse. The payment date is calculated from the invoice date.

§ 6. Returns, delivery complaints
The following criteria must be met for STRIHL to accept a return:
1. the product is a stock item
2. the product is commercially active.
3. the product is returned in clean and undamaged original packaging.
4. the product is undamaged.
Returns caused by the buyer that are less than an invoiced value of 3000 SEK will not be accepted.
Only returns where STRIHL AB has been at fault, e.g. through incorrect shipping or manufacturing defects, will be accepted without additional costs to the buyer. For other returns accepted by STRIHL AB and executed within 5 days, the buyer will be credited with the invoice amount with a 20% deduction, but minimum 750 SEK, as well as shipping and packaging costs.

§ 7. Delivery time
The delivery time shall be deemed to be extended by a time corresponding to the delay:
- during the delivery period, sufficient technical information from the buyer has not been received by STRIHL AB in due time.
- the Buyer has refused to take delivery of the goods or has been unable to take delivery of the goods within the time originally agreed or has not taken sufficient measures to enable STRIHL AB to fulfil its obligations.

§ 8. Liability for errors
STRIHL AB undertakes, in accordance with paragraphs 9-11 below, to remedy defects attributable to faulty design, materials or workmanship which become apparent under normal operating conditions and during correct use within one year from the date of delivery. STRIHL AB's liability is limited to the following. Therefore, STRIHL AB shall not be liable for defects due to normal wear and tear, deterioration, neglected maintenance or other misuse, improper installation or repair.

§ 9.
STRIHL AB shall only be liable for defects if a complaint has been made to STRIHL AB and STRIHL AB has been able to inspect the goods before any action has been taken in respect thereof.

§ 10.
STRIHL AB delivers/replaces the product where the defect has occurred. Delivery and replacement costs shall be borne by the buyer unless otherwise agreed.

§ 11.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Buyer shall bear the cost and risk of transporting defective parts, while STRIHL AB shall bear the cost and risk of transporting any materials or replacement products delivered to the Buyer.

§ 12.
When STRIHL AB has received notification of the defect from the Buyer in accordance with paragraph 9, STRIHL AB shall, at its own expense, promptly remedy the defect, subject to the limitations in paragraphs 9-11. If, in the opinion of STRIHL AB, it is not advisable to remedy the defect on site, it shall be incumbent on the Buyer to return the defective product for repair or replacement. STRIHL AB shall have fulfilled its responsibility and obligations by returning to the Purchaser the repaired or replaced product or by paying the costs of installation by a fitter appointed by STRIHL AB if this is considered reasonable by STRIHL AB.

§ 13. Withdrawal
STRIHL AB reserves the right to take back goods that have not been paid for in full. Until such time as ownership has passed to the buyer, the latter undertakes to take good care of the goods, not to transfer, sell or pledge them. Nor to carry out any alterations or assembly of the goods without STRIHL AB's written consent.

§ 14. Arbitration, Disputes
Disputes arising out of the purchase shall not be subject to judicial review but shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with Swedish law and there adjudicated in accordance with Swedish law. STRIHL AB shall have the right to decide where the arbitration shall take place