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Group shot in our Google earmuffs after dinner!
As an exhibitor at the career fair, Googlers met many motivated students who are building upon their STEM career interests by making the most of the opportunities presented to them both on campus and in the industry. We chatted with a number of students pursuing computer science and IT and were inspired to hear some of their stories about how they continue to pursue their interest in STEM, despite limited access to resources.

Another highlight of the conference was engaging with our 2012 Google AISES Conference Travel Scholarship recipients and a handful of earlier Google AISES Scholarship recipients at a Google-sponsored dinner. We had great conversations about their individual career interests and what it’s like to work at Google while consuming delicious Alaskan food.

Google is proud to partner with the AISES Organization on diversity initiatives, including the 2013 Google AISES Scholarship. Applications will open in January 2013. For more information on all of our scholarships and student programs, please visit www.google.com/students.

Posted by Stephanie Chan, Tech University Programs

DeSTEMber features daily activities, experiments and discussions via Google+ with partners like National Geographic, CERN, Scientific American, California Academy of Science, finalists of the Google Science Fair and many more. Learners of all ages can participate in a range of cool activities from making your own lava lamp to meeting a red tail boa constrictor to getting a first hand look at what the scientists at SETI are working on.

Are you a science enthusiast who loves to experiment? Don’t miss Google Science Fair Wednesdays. Thursdays will feature a Hangout On Air with the lineup of incredible partners and on Fridays, check out “In the Field Fridays” for the inside scoop on the most interesting career paths and mentorship in STEM.

DeSTEMber is presented by Google Science Fair and Girlstart, a nonprofit organization empowering girls to embrace STEM. To catch all the deSTEMber happenings, follow the Google Science Fair and Girlstart Google+ pages, check out the program’s official website, www.destember.org or follow the #deSTEMber hashtag on Google+.

Anyone can watch the Hangouts on the Google Science Fair and Girlstart pages, but if you'd like to actually join the live broadcast, please fill out this short survey.

Posted By Katie Yates, Google+ Marketing EDU