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You helped start a non-profit along with a few of your peers. Tell us about it and what motivated you guys to create it?

We’re creating platforms for people to invest in small business throughout Atlanta. We provide financial and consulting services to small business, primarily in distressed communities like the ones surrounding our school. Each of us has a strong conviction about using our interests in business and entrepreneurship to serve the community. Over time we realized the need to help communities (especially underserved black communities) become self-sustainable. Money has to circulate within a community for people who live there to feel its effect. So if every business in a neighborhood is a franchise, most of the money spent there won’t be reinvested in employment, infrastructure, and education for the people spending it. The Village Micro Fund became a way for us to give people the intellectual and financial resources to grow with their community.

Why do you think it’s important to give back to others?

I grew up with plenty of privileges and opportunities. At the same time, I have family members who were never able to enjoy some of the life experiences and opportunities that I have. I’ve learned to cherish what I have and make the most of every opportunity, and in the same vain, create as many opportunities for other people as I can.

Robin (far left) and his peers at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia

Posted by Chastity Wells, Student Outreach team

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Posted by Scott Dougall, Director, Product Management

There’s also more information on the hiring process, programs and scholarships, and what life is like at Google. We hope you like the improvements we’ve made and encourage you to take a look around.

Posted by David Santo, People Programs Specialist

Ryan Elmquist: I live in California now, but I’m originally from Woodbury, Minnesota.  I went to Caltech because I knew it was going to challenge me academically.  I was also excited about continuing to play basketball in college.  Finally, getting out of Minnesota into sunny southern California certainly didn’t hurt.

What makes Caltech unique?
RE: Caltech has a very small student body compared to other similar colleges. It has a really intimate atmosphere, where most of the students know each other and their professors.

Any fun Caltech stories?
RE: Caltech has several campus wide parties throughout the year. They are all themed and (in true Caltech fashion) built by the students. The themes have ranged from Tron to the Wild West (complete with a mechanical bull).

Why did you decide to study computer science? 
RE: The process of breaking down a complex problem into manageable pieces to solve is really fun.  I enjoy the projects that we get to work on in class and the fast turn-around when you work on those projects. It’s not possible to see your results almost immediately in many other fields.

What’s been your favorite CS class or class project?
RE: I took a course on machine learning that involved a project I really enjoyed. We worked on the Netflix competition, where we were given a bunch of users’ data and their ratings for various movies. Then we had to use that data to predict their ratings on other movies. It was cool to see the techniques we learned in class translate so well to real world applications.

Any advice for students considering computer science?
RE: Don’t be discouraged when your programs don’t work the first time; we all have to debug every once in a while. :)

Tell us about playing basketball at Caltech and your recent press whirlwind. 
RE: In the last game of my senior year, we faced a 310 game conference losing streak. While we had won several non-conference games, it had been a while since Caltech had seen success in the conference. With a few seconds left in the game, the score was tied and I was shooting two free throws. Since there was such little time left, these were probably the last shots I’d take in my college basketball career. I made the first free throw, putting us up 46-45, and missed the second. The other team missed a last second desperation shot, and we won. After breaking the losing streak, we received hundreds of emails from fans and alumni, and have been interviewed by news reporters across the country. It’s been pretty wild, but I can’t think of a better way to end my basketball career.

How do you use Google products in your daily life?
RE: I’m a big Gmail user. I use Google Reader to keep up to date on what’s going on in the tech world. Also, having access to Google Maps on my phone has saved me from getting lost while navigating my way through a new city.

What made you want to work at Google?
RE: Since Google has so many users, the scale at which it operates is intriguing. It’s fun to think about all of the users your work can potentially impact.

Any big plans for post-graduation, before Google? When is your Google start date?
RE: I’m graduating from Caltech a term early, so I am going to backpack through Europe with a friend. I’ve never been to Europe before, so I’m really excited. My sister is studying abroad in Germany and will be joining us once we get there. I’m joining Google on June 20th.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
RE: Don’t give up! I think breaking a 310 game losing streak has shown that it’s worthwhile to persevere!