@Article{tc-8-2335-2014, AUTHOR = {Larour, E. and Utke, J. and Csatho, B. and Schenk, A. and Seroussi, H. and Morlighem, M. and Rignot, E. and Schlegel, N. and Khazendar, A.}, TITLE = {Inferred basal friction and surface mass balance of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream using data assimilation of ICESat (Ice Cloud and land Elevation Satellite) surface altimetry and ISSM (Ice Sheet System Model)}, JOURNAL = {The Cryosphere}, VOLUME = {8}, YEAR = {2014}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {2335--2351}, URL = {https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/8/2335/2014/}, DOI = {10.5194/tc-8-2335-2014} }