product marketing

Companies are increasingly looking at product-led growth, where the product helps drive market expansion. If you’re giving the people what they want, they will spend more money — or so…

As product-led growth expands, Loops digs into the data to track key metrics

Think of activation as getting users to a point where you know for sure that they will stay for a longer period of time. Which metrics separate customers who find…

Why growth activation matters

Successful companies realize that customer success is a mindset that places the customer at the organization’s center.

Crafting an XaaS customer success strategy that drives growth

If you haven’t found a technical co-founder or freelancer to build your MVP, here are four principles that will help in the meantime.

4 principles for building an MVP even if you can’t write a single line of code

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Turn your startup’s pricing strategy into a powerful growth lever

A bad pricing model will impede growth and can even doom an otherwise promising startup, whereas a good model will capture some of the value that a product creates as revenue.

Turn your startup’s pricing strategy into a powerful growth lever

When it comes to assessing investment opportunities, few venture and growth equity investors have the resources to conduct thorough technical diligence. This needs to change.

7 ways investors can gain clarity while conducting technical due diligence

A lot of founders make the mistake of thinking that hiring a bunch of highly paid account executives (a fancy name for salespeople) is the same as “going enterprise.” It’s…

Growing up enterprise for SaaS startups: 7 lessons on doing it right

It’s difficult to build high-growth clean tech companies using venture capital. Despoiling the planet has a much higher return on investment than saving it.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Climate tech survey, AI/ML marketing strategy, immigration law Twitter Space

Lunchbox raised its $50 million Series B with a very tight, 15-slide deck, which the company kindly shared with us. The deck is unabridged, which makes it a particularly amazing…

Pitch Deck Teardown: Lunchbox’s $50 million Series B deck

We reached out to four marketers to see how they would spend a $75,000 budget in summer 2022. Amid the economic uncertainty, we also asked how their plan would change…

Growth marketing experts survey: How would you spend a $75,000 budget in summer 2022?

Growth marketing isn’t the silver bullet to solving retention, but there are definitely some tactics that can be implemented to help improve it.

How to improve retention, growth marketing’s golden metric

Typically part of the product team, product ops sits at the intersection of product, engineering and customer success.

To fully embrace product-led growth, build a strong product ops team

Product-led growth is one of the buzziest topics in the startup world as the market cap of public companies utilizing the growth tactic skyrocketed in recent years. It’s no different…

H1 2022 cybersecurity product-led growth market map

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Study up on churn rate basics to set customer and revenue benchmarks

In the early stages of building a company, churn gives you quick feedback, which other metrics seldom do. Studying churn lets you run tests on your platform and get feedback in a few days or months.

Study up on churn rate basics to set customer and revenue benchmarks

What is sales enablement, exactly? To most companies, it’s providing sales organizations with the content, tools and information they need to sell more effectively. Sales enablement is a broad-based goal,…

Amplemarket nabs $12M to ramp up sales enablement using AI

The product-led growth playbook

While nothing is inherently wrong with building deep product moats, it is more prudent to focus on things where you can be at least 10x better than everyone else.

The product-led growth playbook

Enterpret is building and deploying customer-specific models, based on customer feedback, for product development teams.

Enterpret launches with $4.3M, NLP technology to decipher customer feedback

In the past year, the company saw both its revenue and customer base grow around 10 times.

Still managing engineers remotely? Okay has a performance dashboard for that

We interviewed three founders from our portfolio, all of whom ran discovery experiments to find their product-market fit at different stages of their company’s development.

3 experiments for early-stage founders seeking product-market fit

Vendelux pulls data from publicly available sources, and is able to show which companies and speakers will be at a certain event.

Event marketing is a ‘team sport,’ and Vendelux is coaching companies to find the best ROI

Is sales management having a “Money Ball moment?”

Atrium grabs fresh capital to help sales teams meet their quota

Prior to starting Pixis, the co-founders spoke to potential marketing customers about how to scale SaaS companies quickly in a “cookie less” world.

SoftBank leads cash infusion into AI infrastructure company Pyxis One as it starts year with new name

The company’s technology makes it easier for companies to create demonstration videos, called “arcades,” that walk people through how their tools work.

Arcade launches ‘try before you buy’ demo capabilities with $2.5M in new capital

Usage-based pricing (UBP) has quickly gone from fringe to mainstream in SaaS. Converts to UBP are drawn to the promise of accelerated revenue growth and a more efficient land-and-expand business…

Usage-based pricing is a company-wide effort

Marketers need a new plan of action that puts creativity before quantity, audience before engine, and sets connection as the top priority. They need an amplified marketing strategy.

How to execute an amplified marketing strategy

Expanding internationally can exponentially impact your bottom line, business and brand. Scaling your business beyond borders, however, is a path riddled with obstacles.

4 key strategies for succeeding at international expansion

The TechCrunch Experts program had an active week!

This week in TechCrunch Experts: Don’t blow your Q1 2022 marketing budget

Accelerated inbound attention had investors reaching out to both the company and its customers though Hightouch was not fundraising.

Customer data startup Hightouch grabs third funding round in 12 months

In many companies, post-sales can be a bit of a haphazard process, with customer success, marketing and product teams all trying to figure out how to provide the best service…

Magnify raises $6M for its post-sales orchestration platform

The world of marketing has become a world of marketing tech. But marketers are not necessarily engineers, so working with the terabytes of data their campaigns produce can be a…

Funnel, a no-code tool for marketers to organize disparate data sources, raises $66M in ‘pre-IPO’ round