
Orimlig Hyra offers overcharged tenants an easy solution to get their money back.

The Assignment

We had helped Orimlig Hyra build a web platform to support their business with good results in the past. Therefore, it was a natural continuation of the collaboration when we were tasked with developing the new website as well.

Launched 2023 Q2
Platform WordPress
Scope Medium
Skärmbild webbplats Orimlig Hyra

Packaged plugins

Content management




Email / Forms


Email / Forms
Gravity Forms GrandID / Bank-ID

Gravity Forms GrandID / Bank-ID


G-Knowledge bank


The Result

The business is in a trust industry to say the least. Therefore, there was a big focus on clarity, process explanations, frequently asked questions combined with a professional appearance. A complex multi-step inquiry form that qualifies potential deals and calculates the customer's payout is a central part of the website's conversion strategy. Integration with Hubspot connects the website's forms to the CRM system.

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