The new Word Translator feature is available for Internet Explorer and Firefox. And if you use Google Chrome, automatic page translation is already built in, and we're working to build more Translate features.

We hope this helps you browse pages in non-native languages faster, regardless of your language proficiency. Install the latest Toolbar version and give it a try!

Posted by Dmitry Gozman, Software Engineer

In addition, we have recently doubled the number of languages that support transliterated input. Last year we announced that you could type transliterated Arabic, Hindi, and Persian. We have now extended that functionality to Greek, Russian and Serbian. With all of these languages you can type transliterated words in roman script and have the script converted automatically. Go ahead and check it out!

While we are on the topic of transliteration, the labs product Google Transliteration has recently added Hebrew, Oriya and Sinhalese to its supported languages. We expect to have Hebrew transliteration working in Google Translate soon as well.

Added on 4/14/10: Hindi and Spanish "text-to-speech" are now live on Google Translate as well.

Posted by Jeff Chin, Product Manager 

This application allows you to record animals sounds and have the sounds analyzed and translated into English by Google Translate. With animal translation you can now finally understand why Spot keeps peeing in your closet or why Pickles keeps leaving dead mice in the tub. No longer must humanity struggle to comprehend when Lassie warns, “Hurry, Timmy’s fallen down the well!”

The technology isn’t perfect yet, so you may discover some translations that don’t make perfect sense. The algorithms are always improving however, thanks to the large corpus of cute cat videos that have been uploaded to YouTube.

We think that this is an exciting step in understanding and communicating with the world around us. Stay tuned for the addition of “old car” and “stomach” to the translation capabilities of the application this summer.

Posted by Woof Woofington, Product Barketing Manager via Google Translate for Animals