Turn Pageviews Into Pipeline

Website Experience Optimization for B2B. Buyer journeys are complex and diverse, yet B2B websites remain static and one-size-fits-all. We're fixing that.

Consolidate Your Experience Optimization Stack

Trendemon Can Replace These and Similar Tools

Complete Website Experience Optimization for your Website

How? From Maze to Amaze Explained

Deanonymize Inbound Accounts:

♦ Trendemon uses top ABM data providers to identify inbound accounts and target industries.

♦ This data powers our targeted campaigns which can be built specifically for these identified accounts, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Map All your Buyer Journeys:

♦ Trendemon reverse engineers website visitors’ journeys to understand how they reach various goals.

♦ Trendemon also tracks website visitors over extended periods, distinguishing individuals from the same company.

♦ This enables targeting at the persona level, in addition to the company level.

Personalizing Experiences at Scale:

♦ We personalize web experiences at 3 levels:

♦ Page-Level Personalization – Personalize elements within a webpage for a specific visitor.

♦ Journey-Level Personalization – Orchestrate and measure personalized experiences at the journey level.

♦ Sales-Level Engagement – Create curated content streams or hyper-personalized One-to-Won pages that keep your prospects on the road to revenue.

Connecting Experiences to ROI:

♦ Through integration with Salesforce/Hubspot/Marketo, we link online journeys to offline business outcomes.

♦ This includes top-of-funnel sales opportunities and leads, all the way to the bottom-of-funnel pipeline and revenues.

The Value B2B Companies See From Trendemon

Hear From Our Customers

The number of opportunities it provides is truly endless. We are never short on ideas and Trendemon is never short of upgrading the platform to better fit our needs.
Limor D.
Marketing Director @ Tenable
Every B2B company website needs Trendemon to direct people to the right places and provide guidance to content creators. Plus, it’s an easily integrated technology. Other tools simply don’t provide these advantages.
Idan H.
VP Marketing @ Cato Networks
Trendemon makes website personalization easy. Any team member — writer, DemandGen manager, etc. — can easily create and deploy personalizations on the websites. We also love that we can get insights into user journeys to help us create better content and better web experiences.
Beth H.
Senior Web-Marketing Manager @ Perforce
Trendemon helps with the heavy lifting of generating conversions at scale across any digital property.
Eric C.
Senior Digital Marketing Manager @ Bitsight

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