Optimizely vs. Trendemon

See why industry leaders choose Trendemon over Optimizely to accelerate B2B journeys and convert target accounts to deals.

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Full-Scale B2B Website Personalization

All-in-One Optimization for B2B Websites. Though B2B buyer journeys are complex and varied, B2B websites often offer a one-size-fits-all experience. We're changing this paradigm.

Page-Level Optimization Yes Yes
Journey-Level Optimization Yes No
ABM Targeting Yes No
ABM Insights Yes No
Attribution to BOFU Business Goals Yes No
Personalized Content Recommendations Yes No
Sales Enablement Capabilities Yes No
Free Trial Yes No
Score 4.6 4.5

Close more deals with Trendemon

Simple and scalable personalization

Edit any element on any webpage, run tests on various page versions, and automatically direct traffic to the best-performing one.

ABM segmentation

Trendemon uncovers target accounts visiting your website, allowing segmentation based on firmographic attributes, target lists, engagement with content, traffic sources and more.

Analyze and Increase ROI

Trendemon helps you track the success of your content, traffic sources, and personalization efforts. See their impact on your target accounts and revenue growth.

ABM optimization

Page tweaks alone won't cut it! Trendemon automatically presents the best content to target accounts, seamlessly moving them through your website and enhancing conversions to closed-won.


Target accounts by serving personalized offers and content assets

Uncover engagement patterns of target accounts on your website with our ABM analytics, and receive real-time alerts

End-to-end journey optimization - lead accounts from first visit to successful conversion

Fast Results - Deploy and set up in under 45 minutes!

The number of opportunities it provides is truly endless. We are never short of ideas and Trendemon is never short of upgrading the platform to better fit our needs

Limor D. Marketing Director @ Tenable


Trendemon seamlessly connects with top Marketing Automation, CRM, and ABM systems including Marketo, HubSpot, Salesforce, Pardot, Drift, and 6sense. These integrations provide firmographic intent insights, enabling you to track how target accounts engage and deliver personalized, relevant content and calls-to-action at scale.

Web Personalization Made Easy

Convert website visitors to customers, not just leads!

Start Your Journey Today