Villainous Wiki
Pffft, ha! We don't need a silly plan, we just need to kick this guy's super butt! Heck, I'll do it myself! Where is he?

—Demencia, "The Dreadful Dawn"

Demencia (or Dementia[5]) is the deuteragonist villain of the series Villainous.


Demencia's shown to be a very energetic, rebellious, mischievous, flirtatious, temperamental, and scatterbrained girl. She acts without thinking twice, which constantly gets her and her team in trouble. She can be very naive and go directly against orders or rules. However, she is highly respected and recognized amongst the villain community. Demencia's madly in love with her boss Black Hat, much to his annoyance. 5.0.5. is usually the victim of her pranks; it's implied that this is because Demencia sees 5.0.5. as a weak and useless being.

Demencia has intense cannibalistic tendencies. This was seen four times throughout the series:

  1. The superhero they fed her for breakfast.
  2. A cheerleader she tried to eat.
  3. Catching and swallowing Sunblast.
  4. Trying to eat Cacao in the Victor and Valentino crossover episode.


Demencia's appearance is that of a slender, pale-skinned humanoid young woman with a set of four fangs inside of her mouth. She sports very differing eyes; her right is a snake-like yellow odd eye while her left eye has a slit pupil with no visible iris - both of them protruding three eyelashes each with black eyelids. Her hair is lengthy and messily-styled, usually worn in a ponytail that is naturally a neon-green color with the entirety of her bangs dyed in a hot reddish-pink. While a bit unnoticeably, her bangs also possesses devil-like horns on each side. She also sport Black Hat's logo tattooed on her arm, and although it's not pictured in the show due to its art style, she wears black nail polish.

For attire, Demencia wears a sleeveless, navy-blue zipped vest attached to a hood that resembles a reptile (possible a dragon), and a short black skirt which is worn over red-and-maroon-striped stockings - the right one somehow being ripped to the point of not being there anymore. Along with her stockings, she wears mismatched sneakers (her left shoe's red, while the right shoe was teal until "The Lost Cases of Rhyboflavin"—ever since then, she lost it, and she currently wears a black one[6]) with the soles, toes and detailing colored in an off-white, along with a tracking device on her ankle[7] . She accessorizes with a fingerless arm-length glove which is designed to match her stocking on her left hand while on her right, she sports a black fingerless glove, both being worn alongside a set of black bracelets with the left being studded. Although it is usually covered by her hood, Demencia also wears a spiked choker around her neck, which is designed to resemble the bracelet on her left wrist.

An unusual ability Demencia possesses with her appearance is that when she's crawling on all-fours, her hoodie, bangs and hair combines to form a giant lizard with the bangs forming the tongue, and the rest of her hair forming the body and tail.


  • Enhanced Durability: She's taken several hits from larger opponents with minimal damage.
  • Instrumentalism: As seen in "The Note of Destruction", Demencia appears to be proficient in playing guitar.
  • Keen Sense of Smell
  • Retractable Tongue
  • Super Sight: As seen in "Satellite Secrets", she's able to spot Black Hat from space.
  • Super Strength: Demencia has shown several times to be superhumanly strong, despite her lankly build.
  • Wall Climbing: She has the ability to climb walls in a similar manner to a lizard.

Episode appearances[]


Phase One[]

Orientation Videos for Villains[]

Phase Two[]

Season 1[]

Other appearances[]

Victor and Valentino[]


  • In "The Perception of Evil" and "Guide for an Evil Conquest", a blueprint for what seems to be Demencia appears in the lab, suggesting she was created and/or experimented on by Dr. Flug and/or Black Hat.
    • Further proving this, in the pilot episode, Demencia can be seen inside a glass case, which she breaks out of.
  • She is likely named after the mental illness of the same name, demencia, known in English as dementia.
  • She makes no appearances in any of the webisodes.
    • This isn't because her design hadn't been thought of yet, but simply her design wasn't fully created yet.[8]
  • Her favorite song is "Revolution 9" by the Beatles.[9]
    • Strangely, this particular song contains the famous "turn me on dead man" clue to the "Paul is dead" conspiracy.
    • It should also be noted Revolution 9's technically quoted to be a "sound collage", and it entirely consist of random soundbites and tones. Demencia choosing this as her favorite "song" is likely a reference to her insanity.
  • She's a fan of Happy Tree Friends.[10]
  • Demencia's birthday is on April 1st [11]
    • Demencia's zodiac sign is Aries.
  • She doesn't like taking baths.
  • She appears to be uncomfortable with questions about her origins, as seen in the Villainous Q&A.
    • Just before the question, Demencia is smiling and relaxed and seen putting her feet on the table to read a magazine. Dr. Flug makes the comment, in which Demencia is now shown sitting normally, now with a disgusted expression on her face, hiding behind the magazine.
  • In one of the Villainous Comics, she travels to Gotham City and disguises herself as Harley Quinn in order to fool Batman.
    • Her relationship with Black Hat is pretty similar to Harley's relationship with the Joker in older depictions of the character.



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  1. Ituriel, Alan (2017-06-29). Here are the heights of the main Villainous characters.... Archived from the original on August 23, 2017. Retrieved on December 5, 2017.
  2. Ituriel, Alan (2017-05-18). Meet the Villainous characters from bad to worse! Featuring the voice of Melaney Sems as Demencia. @cartoonnetwork 's #Villainous. Archived from the original on September 10, 2017. Retrieved on December 5, 2017.
  4. Ituriel, Alan (2017-05-18). Conoce a los personajes del malo al Peor! Presentando a @meligoficial como Demencia! @Cartoonnetwork's #Villainous (ES). Archived from the original on September 25, 2017. Retrieved on December 5, 2017.
  5. Ituriel, Alan (2017-06-17). Her original name is Demencia which is Spanish for Dementia, so... I guess both are good :). Archived from the original on August 23, 2017. Retrieved on December 5, 2017.
  6. Ituriel, Alan (2018-02-11). Perdió el azul, pero se robo uno negro que le gusta más (ES). Archived from the original on February 13, 2018. Retrieved on February 13, 2018.
  7. Ituriel, Alan (2017-06-17). A tracking device, mostly, however it has some other similar functions to those of an ankle monitor as well.... Archived from the original on September 16, 2017. Retrieved on December 5, 2017.
  8. Ituriel, Alan (2017-06-01). Nope, but she wasn't quite yet designed.. Archived from the original on August 23, 2017. Retrieved on December 5, 2017.
  9. Ituriel, Alan (2017-10-14). De hecho, la canción favorita de Demencia es "Revolution 9" (ES). Archived from the original on October 15, 2017. Retrieved on December 5, 2017.
  10. {{}}
  11. AI Animation Studios YouTube on July 10, 2019.

