The gold medal (cup) went to the search engine down the road. :)

gold medalists at foosball
Yahoo's first place winners Daniel Wong and Jake Rosenberg.

Just to be sure they weren't ringers, I quizzed Daniel and Jake, "How can you prevent a file from being crawled?" They correctly answered, "robots.txt."

Gold cup well deserved.

1.  If you have badware, it usually means that your web server, your website, or a database used by your website has been compromised. We have a nifty post on how to handle being hacked.  Be very careful when inspecting for malware on your site so as to avoid exposing your computer to infection.

2. Once everything is clear and dandy, you can follow the steps in our post about malware reviews via Webmaster Tools. Please note the screen shot on the previous post is outdated, and the new malware review form is on the Overview page and looks like this:

  • Other programs, such as Firefox, also use our badware data and may not recognize the change immediately due to their caching of the data.  So even if the badware label in search is removed, it may take some time for that to be visible in such programs.

3. Lastly, if you believe that your rankings were somehow affected by the malware, such as compromised content that violated our Webmaster Guidelines [i.e. hacked pages with hidden pharmacy text links], you should fill out a reconsideration request. To clarify, reconsideration requests are usually used for when you notice issues stemming from violations of our Webmaster Guidelines and are separate from malware requests.

If you have additional questions, please review our documentation or post to the discussion group with the URL of your site. We hope you find this updated feature in Webmaster Tools useful in discovering and fixing any malware-related problems. 

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"Blame the robot monkeys"
-Reid, tells really bad jokes
"Boost your 'Time on site' metrics with a 404 page like this."
-Susan, dabbler in music and Analytics
"It's not reassuring, but it's definitive."
-Jonathan, has trained actual spiders to build websites, ants handle the 404s
"Good with respect to usability."
"At least there's a mailbox."
-JohnMu, adventurous
"It's pretty cute. :)"
-Jessica, likes cute things
"Flow charts rule."
-Sahala, internet traveller
"I can has useful links and even e-mail address for questions! But they could have added 'OH NOES! IZ MISSING PAGE! MAYBE TIPO OR BROKN LINKZ?' so folks'd know what's up."
-Adam, lindy hop geek

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As exemplified above, soft 404s are confusing for users, and furthermore search engines may spend much of their time crawling and indexing non-existent, often duplicative URLs on your site. This can negatively impact your site's crawl coverage—because of the time Googlebot spends on non-existent pages, your unique URLs may not be discovered as quickly or visited as frequently.

What should you do instead of returning a soft 404?
It's much better to return a 404 response code and clearly explain to users that the file wasn't found. This makes search engines and many users happy.

Return 404 response code

Return clear message to users

Can your webserver return 404, but send a helpful "Not found" message to the user?
Of course! More info as "404 week" continues!

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So what's a 404? Let's say that in the link to "Visit Google Apps" above, the link is broken because of a typing error when coding the page. Now when a user clicks "Visit Google Apps", the particular webpage/file isn't located by the webserver. The webserver should return a 404 response code, meaning "Not Found".

404 response code flow chart

Now that we're all on board with the basics of 404s, stay tuned 4 even more information on making 404s good 4 users and 4 search engines.

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