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Advertise Your Content With Blaze

Advertise your content across and Tumblr from as little as $5 per day. This guide will show you how to attract high-quality traffic to your website using Blaze.

Promote a Page or Post

Create a Blaze campaign to advertise a post or page on some of the millions of pages across and Tumblr. Follow these steps to set up your Blaze campaign:

  1. From your site’s dashboard, visit ToolsAdvertising to view a list of your site’s posts and pages:
The Blaze dashboard showing a list of pages and posts ready to promote.
  1. Locate the page or post you want to promote.
    • At the top of the list, you can search by title, filter to only show posts or only pages, and sort your content by different criteria like recently updated or most viewed.
  2. Click the “Promote button to start creating your ad campaign.
  3. Choose a campaign objective from traffic, sales, awareness, and engagement.
  4. To continue with the default campaign created, click the “Submit campaign” button. To make edits to appearance, audience, budget, duration, or payment, click the “Make changes” button.

Learn more about each section of your ad campaign in the sections below:


The “Appearance” section asks for three pieces of information to determine how your ad will look:

The Advertising dashboard with the Blazed post preview, a place to add the image, title and snippet.


For the “Audience” section, you can choose who will see your ad by selecting from the following dropdowns:

The Audience settings show language, interests, and location.

As you adjust your settings on this screen, your ad summary will reflect your choices and provide you with estimated impressions for your campaign, which is the number of times your ad will be shown.

Budget and Duration

In the “Budget and duration” section, you can control how much you would like to spend on your campaign:

The Budget and Duration panel is shown with a weekly budget of $35 set to run until stopped.

Estimated Impressions

In advertising, an “impression” refers to each time your ad is displayed to visitors on a given webpage. As you adjust your budget and targeting choices, you will see an estimate of how many people you will reach with your ad. This is shown in the Estimated impressions section on the right side of the “Budget and duration” section of the ad campaign editor.

Campaigns are paid on a cost-per-thousand (CPM) basis. CPM is an acronym for cost per mille (mille is a Latin/French word for thousand). This means your campaign will be charged for every 1,000 times your ad is displayed.

However, it’s worth understanding that these impressions do not guarantee visitors will click on your ad. As with most forms of marketing, the best results will depend on capturing your target audience’s interest in the moment. Take care to craft an ad that resonates with the audience you are trying to reach.


It’s common to test two adverts at once, each with different text and/or images. After some time, see which ad performs better. Cancel the less successful ad and increase the budget on your more successful ad.

It’s important to balance your reach with how relevant your content is to your audience. This will help maximize the number of clicks your ad receives and, ultimately, how much traffic the ad produces for your site. If you’re unsure what to select for your budget, we suggest starting at $5 per day over 7 days, then growing from there based on your results.

Max Budget

The “Max Budget” section on the right sidebar displays your maximum budget based on your chosen daily budget and duration.

Setting a budget of $5 per day, for 7 days, does not mean your campaign will cost $35. Instead, the budget sets a maximum cost that you’ll spend for your particular campaign based on your estimated impressions. The actual spending may be less than your budget as it depend on the number of impressions that were actually served rather than the initial estimate.

Advanced Settings

Under Advanced Settings, you will find the following options:


In the Payment section, fill out your card details and click the “Submit campaign” button. You won’t be charged until after the ad has been approved and starts running on our network of sites.

Payments will be made automatically weekly, based on delivered impressions over that period (i.e., how many times your ad was served). You will be charged weekly for ads served across all of your promotions. If your account exceeds the maximum allowed outstanding balance before the one-week billing cycle, your card may be charged earlier. Limits are dynamic and depend on your total paid amount and other risk factors.

If you have Blaze Credits, they will always be used first before charging your card.


Even if your campaign exceeds your estimated impressions, your charges will never exceed your set budget.

When a payment is made, you will receive an email receipt to the email address associated with your account.

If a payment fails, we may suspend all active ads and deny the start of new ones until the debt is settled. You will be notified by email with payment links to resolve the outstanding balance.

You can cancel your campaigns at any time. You will only be charged for the portion of your campaign that has already been served up until that point. It is not possible to refund any charges for ads that have already been displayed, so make sure to set your budget to an amount you are willing to pay.

You can remove a credit card from Blaze in the Payment Methods section of your account. For further assistance with Blaze payments, contact support.

Ad Approval

We review all Blaze campaigns for compliance with our Advertising Policy before others see them.

To ensure your ad is approved, please also ensure that:

  1. You have added a domain to your site.
  2. Your website is publicly accessible.

We try to moderate ads as soon as possible, but ads take at least 24 hours to be reviewed. This timeline may change depending on how much content we need to review.

If your post has been approved, you will receive an email saying that your post was approved and will be put online.

Your post will be rejected if it does not conform to our Advertising Policy. You will not be charged if your post is rejected.

Manage Your Campaigns

From your site’s dashboard, visit ToolsAdvertising and click on the “Campaigns” tab to access your running campaigns. You will see the details of your live ads and any ads awaiting moderation.

Click on any campaign to view information including:


All analytics tools work a little differently, so you may see clicks on your campaign that don’t appear in your site stats or preferred analytics tool for a few hours or maybe even the following day.

Edit an Ad Campaign

If you need to edit any aspect of a campaign that’s already submitted, including the campaign title, snippet, audience, budget, or duration, you will cancel the existing campaign and create a new campaign with the necessary updates.

In order to edit a campaign that is already submitted, follow these steps:

  1. First, you’ll stop the current Ad Campaign.
  2. From your site’s dashboard, go to Tools → Advertising and click on the “Campaigns” tab.
  3. Click on the campaign you’d like to stop.
  4. Click on the “Stop campaign” link.
    • The campaign will stop within five minutes, and you will only be charged for the portion of your campaign that has already been served up until that point.
  5. Next, you’ll create a new compaign.
  6. From your site’s dashboard, visit ToolsAdvertising to view a list of your site’s posts and pages.
  7. Locate the page or post you want to promote.
  8. Click the “Promote button to start creating your ad campaign.
  9. To continue with the default campaign created, click the “Submit campaign” button. To make edits to appearance, audience, budget, duration, or payment, click the “Make changes” button.

You can review the details of each of the campaign settings in the Promote a Page or Post section of this guide.

Your new ad will go through the default ad approval process before going live.

Stop an Ad Campaign

If you wish to stop a campaign, follow the steps below:

  1. From your site’s dashboard, go to Tools → Advertising and click on the “Campaigns” tab.
  2. Click on the campaign you’d like to stop.
  3. Click on the “Stop campaign” link.

Once a campaign has been canceled, it will stop running, with no option to restart.

If you need to edit a campaign that’s already submitted, you must cancel that campaign and create a new one with the necessary updates, then submit that for approval.

Where Your Ad Appears

Your ad campaign will appear across the network of Tumblr and free sites with an ‘Advertisement’ label.

For more information, please review our Advertising Policy and Terms of Service.

What am I paying for?

With Blaze, your budget goes towards a set number of impressions. An impression happens each time your ad is shown to someone.

Other ad platforms use a “cost per click” basis, where you pay every time someone clicks, but you don’t always have as much control over how often or how broadly your ad is shown.

Blaze uses a simpler, sure-fire model in which you simply pay to show your ad, and you won’t pay more if more people decide to click on your ad. 

Useful Advertising Terminology

While using Blaze, you will encounter some words and abbreviations that are specific to advertising. Here is a quick guide to familiarize yourself with some of the most commonly used terms:

Getting results from your ads – Best Practices

Getting results from Blaze ads works the same as it does on any advertising platform: Show the right ad, to the right person, at the right time, people will respond, and you’ll get the results you want. In a world with countless distractions competing with your ad, this is easier said than done, but you can improve your chances by starting with some best practices:

The Right Ad – Best practices for Ad creative

“Ad creative” refers to the combination of image, text, video and/or audio that make up your ad. The “right ad” is one that combines an attractive image and effective text to get your intended audience interested enough to click and engage with your content.

Try the AI tools

Don’t worry if you’re not a professional writer or designer. You can use the AI helper in Blaze to generate ideas for your ad’s text. Feel free to try a few versions of the text, or just use it for inspiration.

Use attractive, versatile images

An image is often the most important part of the ad. A good image for an ad is

It should also give your audience a clear, accurate idea of what they’re going to find when they click.

The quality of your image can make or break the performance of your ad. If you can, it’s a good idea to take time to create and/or edit images specifically for your ads. 

Write brief, punchy text

The image should attract your audience’s attention, the text conveys key information. You should use as few words as are necessary. Be clear and direct, giving your audience a good reason to click.

Take some time to observe the ads of successful competitors in your space. How do they word their ads? How many words do they use? What key calls to action do they use like “Learn More”? Consider what makes your website unique, and emphasize that in your text.

Here are some examples :

Not enough text: Hot Dogs.

Too much text: Our family farms supply us with all-natural beef that we use in our delicious, all-beef, all-natural Hot Dogs that are available in grocery stores starting at $3.99.

Just right: Delicious, All-Natural, All-Beef Hot Dogs – $3.99

Tailor the ad to your intended audience

Blaze offers targeting features so you can show your ads to your ideal audience. When you are creating images and text for your ad, take a moment to consider the fit between your audience and the ad itself.

Avoid mismatches in language / translation, interests, or geography. If you are showing ads in Spain, you should probably use Spanish text. If you are showing ads to people who are interested in dogs, you should probably not have only cats in the image – etc. 

Give users correct expectations for the landing page

If someone clicks your ad and doesn’t find what they expected on your website, this creates a poor experience for them, and poor results for you. 

Make sure that your ad sets realistic expectations for your website, don’t imply users will find something else when they click.

The Right Person at the Right Time- Targeting best practices

Most advertisers will want to use at least some targeting features to narrow the audience for your ads. The goal is to show your ad only to people who are interested.

Making use of targeting features to show your ad to more interested people, and fewer uninterested people, is critical. This is the main way you can control your spend and improve ROI. Unless your ad is equally relevant to everyone that might see it, it’s a good idea to review targeting options while creating your campaign.

Where is your audience?

Select one or more locations to limit your ad to people in the areas where your website is most relevant. For example, if you have a business that only ships to certain countries, make sure to select them during campaign creation.

You can use language targeting in a similar way. If your readers or customers generally prefer to read English, make sure to use that targeting option.

What do you know about your audience? 

Using interest targeting to narrow your audience is a great way to get more return on investment. When an interest directly matches the content of your website, this is straightforward. For example, a Gardening Tips blog will naturally want target Gardening as an interest.

What if your website doesn’t have an obvious connection to one of the interests available for targeting? In that case, spend some time thinking about your audience – what kind of people are they? What other interests tend to relate to your website? What interests would imply an interest in your website?

For example, there may not be a “BBQ” interest category, but “Cooking” or “Food and Wine” might be suitable.

What do you want to know about your audience? 

Maybe you don’t yet know enough about your ideal audience to confidently select targeting options. Maybe you’d like to discover new groups of people that are interested in your website. Blaze is also great for learning about your audience.

To do this, set up multiple copies of the same ad, and in each campaign, change only the targeting settings. One ad might be targeted to people interested in Tennis, another to people interested in Golf, and so on.

After some time passes and each ad has received many impressions and clicks, you can compare how well each ad performed. This tells you which audiences responded to your ad best. So after a few days or weeks, you can use real-world data to find out if golfers or tennis players are a better audience for your website.

This leads us to our next topic – 


If you are familiar with marketing, then you’ve probably heard of  “A/B Testing”. The basic idea is to test two or more variations of something at the same time. In this case, two variations of an ad to find out which performs better in the market.

This concept is very important in advertising. When you’re showing an ad to thousands of people around the world, it is usually impossible to know in advance how they will react.

To solve this problem, advertisers often run several versions – sometimes dozens – of a campaign at the same time. Each one is different in a single aspect – image, text, or targeting options.

If you run variations of an ad for a while, often one will emerge as a clear winner. It may get a higher click-through rate, or the people that click may purchase or subscribe much more often. Simply swapping out an image can sometimes dramatically improve results.

Consider testing several variations of your ad. While this practice increases your spending in the short term, it should ultimately allow you to minimize spending and/or maximize your returns. 

Tracking and external analytics

Blaze can give you a high-level overview of how your ads are performing. If you’re looking for more detailed analysis on traffic from Blaze, you have various options.


Many analytics tools like Jetpack Stats or Google Analytics allow you to make use of UTMs for analysis. UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module and is simply a series of text-based tags appended to the end of the target URL for your ad. You can add UTMs to your ad using the “URL Parameters” option in Blaze. There are many tools around the web you can use to create properly formatted UTMs for your campaign.

The Analytics tool sees the UTM when someone clicks on the ad, and you can use it to analyze their behavior later on. 

Analytics tools

It’s a good idea to use tools to analyze the traffic on your website to monitor your results. Jetpack and Google Analytics are very popular, but there are many options. If you’re looking to take your website traffic to the next level, this is where you should start to get a better understanding of it.

Improve your advertising results

Maybe you’ve tried running campaigns with Blaze and the results aren’t what you hoped for. Don’t get discouraged – most new ad campaigns aren’t an immediate hit, regardless of platform. Troubleshoot your campaign systematically to find out what’s limiting performance, and you can steadily work your way to effective growth for your website. 

Vary your creative

A straightforward way to improve performance is to experiment with different text and images. Performance improvements by changing your ad’s text and/or images will primarily show up in clickthrough rate.

Vary your targeting

Testing the same ad with different audiences is an important way to drive results. When you find an audience that is more interested in your ad or website, you may see improvements in impressions, clickthrough rate, engagement with your site, conversion, or other metrics. 

Vary the landing page

Sometimes you can get lots of traffic, but not as many subscriptions or sales as you expected. Consider whether you’ve sent people to the right place – could you try a different part of your website, or create a “landing page” designed specifically for people who clicked on your ad?

Focus on a different type of conversion

For merchants, the ideal advertising scenario is when someone clicks on your ad, then immediately makes a purchase. Unfortunately, it’s rarely that simple. If the people clicking on your ads aren’t taking the action you want, consider adding an intermediate step that’s easier for them to take – following your blog, signing up for a newsletter, or following your social media accounts are examples of intermediate conversions that can eventually turn them into a customer. 

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