• Resolved Will Bill


    Please help. I moved all (1500) posts from one category to a new domain. now I have a lot of 404 errors for posts and images.

    Trying to use Redirection, so I’m on the 404 page, bulk edit select all 404s, now can I use this code in Target URL: New domain/(.*) to move them all over to the new domain or will this wreck my website?

    All i need is the domain name to change, the rest of the link is all the same on the new domain.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author John Godley


    That’s not the way it’s supposed to be used and it sounds like a regular expression redirect is what you actually need. You can find more details here:


    Thread Starter Will Bill


    Hello John Godley, thank you for your reply, yes ive read that page, but ive never used regex and images are not categorised so they all look like this:


    I’m afraid to redirect images for the whole site instead of those related to the category in question.

    are you saying all similar links with 404 such as these will all be redirected to teh new domain with a regex thing

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Will Bill.
    Plugin Author John Godley


    Ok, then you’re only option is to create a redirect for each image. This is not something the 404 bulk tool is capable of doing. Instead you may want to look at creating a CSV file, and then importing them.

    Thread Starter Will Bill


    That sounds like its going to take forever.

    Thread Starter Will Bill


    So the bulk edit can send them all to one link like the homepage of the new domain but not a thousand individual images. is this correct?

    Plugin Author John Godley


    It’s not really a bulk edit. A redirect will be created for each of the source URLs with the rest of the details used for every one of those redirects. It’s not a regular expression, and as such the target is a fixed URL. So yes, you can redirect them all to the same URL, but not different ones.

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