• Resolved Will Bill


    All of a sudden today its giving below errors and because my whole website is made on the funtionality of this plugin, all pages are not working.

    wp-content/plugins/my-movie-database/my_movie_database.php(47): require()

    wp-content/plugins/my-movie-database/core/MyMovieDatabase.php(165): MyMovieDatabaseAutoloader()

    wp-content/plugins/my-movie-database/core/MyMovieDatabase.php(183): MyMovieDatabase\MyMovieDatabase->runPublic()

    wp-content/plugins/my-movie-database/core/MyMovieDatabase.php(106): MyMovieDatabase\MyMovieDatabase->run()

    wp-content/plugins/my-movie-database/core/MyMovieDatabase.php(206): MyMovieDatabase\MyMovieDatabase->__construct()

    wp-content/plugins/my-movie-database/my_movie_database.php(53): MyMovieDatabase\MyMovieDatabase::getInstance()

    wp-content/plugins/my-movie-database/core/Controllers/PublicController.php on line 29

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Interface “MyMovieDatabase\interfaces\ShortcodeHookSubscriberInterface” not found in …….. ……. wp-content/plugins/my-movie-database/core/Controllers/PublicController.php:29

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos


    1-) Roll back to the previous version of the plugin.
    Download the 3.0.3 version by following steps of Option 1 below, and install it: https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/download-older-versions-of-wordpress-plugins/

    2-) Can you give me your Server details?
    Navigate to Tools-> Site Health, then click on the Info tab on the top and finally The Server tab on the bottom. Take a screenshot and email it to me. There is an email found in the My Movie Database settings.

    Thread Starter Will Bill


    if you mean the info email on the credits page then, ok i just sent you the screenshot.

    Thread Starter Will Bill


    wouldent Rolling back to the previous version of the plugin in this mannar reset everything, it could misplace thousands of posts in certain categories etc.

    Thread Starter Will Bill


    ok so 10 minutes ago i lost access to backend too. so i reset yesterdays backup, everything works but there is one update pending and you can guess who wants to be Updated to 3.1.0.

    so how long should i keep wp from updating it. i dont even know if i can keep it from auto update, i think auto update is off.

    advise me plz.

    Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos


    Rolling back will not have change any of your data. It will not have any negative effect on your site.

    Ok so I saw now your message about reverting to a backup version. Don’t update to the new my movie database version until we figure out what the issue is. I will fix it and you can update it then. I got your email, will reply as soon as I have some new info.




    Hmm, now I’m affected after the update this morning from 3.0.3 to 3.1.0:

    There has been a critical error on this website.

    Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.

    I’ll back rev it fornow.

    Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos


    Hi @electrolund,

    Sent you an email.

    Thanks everyone for your help and patience.


    Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos


    Hey everyone,

    I found the problem, will update the fix (new version) shortly.


    Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos


    The fix is published.

    @hjgt @electrolund when you get a chance to update to 3.1.1, can you please confirm if the problem is solved so we can close this?




    working again for me! You’re amazing.

    Thread Starter Will Bill


    yep, looks like its fixed, thanx mate.



    Hi is the update to this plugin available now?

    Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos


    Hi @insomniacsbuilds

    Yes, feel free to update (version 3.1.1).

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