• Great calendar system with lots of ways to customize. The shortcodes (placeholders) for display data fields in a custom template are very helpful. One thing I wish done better. There are many CSS properties from the plugin have !important in declarations which is just bad practice. These make CSS override tricky as I have to override them with my own !importain declarations. I’ll probably submit a post in support forum about this.

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  • Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Hi Steven, thanks for the supportive review and comments, much appreciated!

    Regarding the !important usage, there’s a good logic behind this, because we simply can’t style certain things strongly enough without it, because many themes use id selector rules to override styling that in turn breaks ours, for example:

    #theme p { margin:10px; }

    would override anything we try like

    .some .unique.selector .rule p { margin:5px; }

    The usage of !important is not ideal if you have full control of your site, but we don’t have that luxury since we don’t know what you’ll install on yours, therefore our best option for maximum consistency was !important. At the end of the day, you can always override those rules by being a little more specific in your selectors and using !important as well. We also are making more and more use of CSS vars which you can also modify.

    Thread Starter Steven


    Thanks the for reply, Marcus.

    This is a matter philosophy. Do you design a plugin for badly coded themes or for versatility? It’s easy to find plugins that offer one way of doing things than those allowing rich customization, and that’s why I chose this plugin over a handful of other events plugins.

    There’s an option to enable plugin theme styling for EM. When I have this feature turned off, it looks like I still get those !important declarations in the CSS. It makes more sense if !important is omitted all together from CSS when theme plugin styling is set to off thus allowing site theme to take over, right? I wouldn’t want ALL plugin theme stying off either (All Styling off option.) Just mainly the essential structure styling. Superficial elements such as fonts, colors, padding, and margin should be left for easy overriding customization.

    A lot of other major plugins I’ve used don’t resort to !important in CSS.

    Thanks for your attention and the good work.

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