• webmystery


    Fatal error: Could not check compatibility between EM_DateTime::getTimezone(): EM_DateTimeZone and DateTime::getTimezone(): DateTimeZone|false, because class EM_DateTimeZone is not available in /home/coalshed/public_html/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/classes/em-datetime.8.1.php on line 284

    Our site was crashed with a critical error earlier today. I removed all plugins and added them back in one at a time. Events manager throws the error above when I try to activate it.

    Running WP version 6.0.2

    It was working yesterday — Thanks

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • cglaser


    Same thing is happening to me as well. Same error message. Cannot activate plugin. Site will not load if it is activated somehow. My site was working fine earlier today (9/5/22).

    WP: v6.0.2
    Events Manager: v6.1.2

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Hello, my apologies, this is a PHP 8.1 specific error we caused whilst trying to fix some 8.1.-specific warnings in the last update, could you please try updating to



    Thank you Marcus. solves the problem on my site.

    Thread Starter webmystery


    Ditto – solved. This is what I dislike about auto updates

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