• Error message:

    report must be an array to partition.
        in SearchConsoleStats
        in div
        in div
        in Widget
        in WithWidgetSlug(Widget)
        in SearchFunnelWidget
        in WidgetRenderer
        in div
        in Cell
        in WidgetCellWrapper
        in div
        in Row
        in div
        in div
        in Grid
        in WidgetAreaRenderer
        in div
        in WidgetContextRenderer
        in DashboardMainApp
        in DashboardEntryPoint
        in RestoreSnapshots
        in ErrorHandler
        in ThemeProvider
        in StrictMode
        in Root

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Will Bill


    I’m sick and tired of this issue resulting in not only all 7 of my websites but also several of my friend’s websites too!
    Google and Worpress need to get their act together.

    Thread Starter Will Bill


    None of us are using JWT Auth plugin, so stop it.
    I tried your plugin, but it did Not work because we don’t use the plugin, and you keep accusing us of using JWT Auth, I have given you all the evidence and informed you, that I have disabled and uninstalled all other plugins, and still no solution.
    I have lost 2 websites and had to redo one from scratch because of you. still, no solution, the one site that has google site kit working is the one I had to redo from scratch, it’s not a theme issue because all my sites have different themes, I’ve explained all this, and still, you hide behind your negligence at the expense of our time and suffering!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Will Bill.
    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @hjgt,

    Thanks for reaching out, and sorry to hear the “report must be an array to partition.” error remains. As this error differs to the initial “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘data’)” error you initially reported in your previous support topic lets perform some checks to try and determine the cause. In order to do so please share the following:

    1. Any browser console errors (example) that appear on the same screen with this error.
    2. As it looks like you’re using Cloudflare can you share any additional apps you may have installed at Cloudflare level? This may include cookie consent apps.
    3. Do you see any warnings or errors when checking your Site Health status (Tools > Site Health > Status), which differs from your Site Health information you previously shared. Such errors may include REST endpoint references.

    Note also that I didn’t state you were using the JWT Auth plugin in that support topic, I mentioned that some users who were using that plugin encountered the same error, which we were able to replicate. I also asked were you using it at some point. Sorry for the confusion.

    Let me know if you have any questions with the above. Depending on the answers we may perform some checks at host level or with your Cloudflare set up.

    Thread Starter Will Bill


    I just determined the cause and fixed it myself, it turned out I had been hacked and all my websites. The files the hackers had left were somehow also disabling the Sitekit, I presume so we don’t know that our visitors were being redirected and their ads being shown on our websites. I installed wordfence and found all this, cleared the files one by one and now all website Site Kits are functioning perfectly.

    Thanks for trying anyways.
    Cheers 🙂

    error, Site Kit, WP, WordPress, google, sitekit

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Will Bill.
    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Sorry to hear your sites were compromised although great to hear that you had the expertise to fix this. If you had your friends sites on the same host server, or there were using the same plugins and one of those plugins had a vulnerability, then this is likely the cause for the other sites you mentioned also.

    If you happen to run into any further errors or unusual behavior be sure to get in touch. Thank you!

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