• Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    WP FullCalendar 1.0 incorporates the use of the FullCalendar 2.x library. This is a departure from the 1.x library we previously shipped with, and inevitable there may be some people experiencing compatibility issues.

    These issues are most likely related to the theme being used and that theme overriding some CSS within the FullCalendar library causing display issues. We’ve tested this on various themes, and hope to have mitigated this, but we can’t test them all.

    After reading the troubleshooting points below, if you are still experiencing issues and would like to raise this issue on our forums, make sure you let us know you’ve upgraded to version 1.0, and provide a link on your site for us to see.

    Below are common troubleshooting steps you should take before asking for help. This is copy/pasted from the WordPress 4.3 release support post – https://wordpress.org/support/topic/read-this-first-%E2%80%93-wordpress-43-master-list?replies=4

    • Flushing any caching plugins you might be running, as well as server and/or browser caches. Not just your browser, but any op cache or content network cache as well such as Cloudflare. That will solve many weird Javascript issues.
    • If your host provider has a “Purge Varnish” option or if you can ask your provider to flush memcache on your server.
      Troubleshooting with your browser. Your browser can help you identify JavaScript issues or conflicts and this article can assist you in doing that diagnosis. This could help identify Visual Editor issues as well.
    • Deactivating all plugins (yes, all) to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s). If you can’t get into your admin dashboard, try resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin (read “How to deactivate all plugins when you can’t log in to wp-admin” if you need help). Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems. Also remember to deactivate any plugins in the mu-plugins folder. The easiest way is to rename that folder to mu-plugins-old
    • Switching to the Twenty Fifteen theme to rule out any theme-specific problems. If you can’t log in to change themes, you can remove the theme folders via FTP so the only one is twentyfifteen. That will force your site to use it.


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  • Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Also, please don’t post here for help or questions, create a new thread.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Additionally, please note that the date formatting structure has changed in 2.x

    So for example, the format h(:mm)t produced e.g. 9:30p or 10a

    The equivalent of the above is h(:mm)a

    See here for the new list of format values – http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/

    Hi Marcus,

    Can i use this plugin through the google as like google calender or is there any things need to change in codes then it will work with the google.

    Please Help me.


    I have installed event manager pro. I have done with the event list. Also i install the WP Full Calendar. But IN Calendar is not the same time as the event list time. How to make the calendar time same as the event time?.. I want the time in calendar same as event list. Now the time is different from calendar for event list time

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Hi all, as I mentioned:

    Also, please don’t post here for help or questions, create a new thread.

    @chew88, post on Events Manager forums, you’ll get faster replies there – https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/events-manager


    But the WP Full Calendar the time is different from the Event manager event list time.

    How to fix the problem with the WP Full Calendar’s time same as the above the event list time?

    After this than i have other need to be fix. In WP Full Calendar the month like July How to put the dropbox list of the month and the year below the month?. When click the month in the dropbox than auto change the calendar instead of the arrow from left and the right on the left side at the end

    I add this but it is not working changing the calendar after clicked. I am not where to put the code

    <div class=”ui-datepicker-title”><select class=”ui-datepicker-month” data-handler=”selectMonth” data-event=”change”><option value=”0″>Jan</option><option value=”1″>Feb</option><option value=”2″>Mar</option><option value=”3″>Apr</option><option value=”4″>May</option><option value=”5″>Jun</option><option value=”6″ selected=”selected”>Jul</option><option value=”7″>Aug</option><option value=”8″>Sep</option><option value=”9″>Oct</option><option value=”10″>Nov</option><option value=”11″>Dec</option></select>
    <select class=”ui-datepicker-year” data-handler=”selectYear” data-event=”change”><option value=”1916″>1916</option><option value=”1917″>1917</option><option value=”1918″>1918</option><option value=”1919″>1919</option><option value=”1920″>1920</option><option value=”1921″>1921</option><option value=”1922″>1922</option><option value=”1923″>1923</option><option value=”1924″>1924</option><option value=”1925″>1925</option><option value=”1926″>1926</option><option value=”1927″>1927</option><option value=”1928″>1928</option><option value=”1929″>1929</option><option value=”1930″>1930</option><option value=”1931″>1931</option><option value=”1932″>1932</option><option value=”1933″>1933</option><option value=”1934″>1934</option><option value=”1935″>1935</option><option value=”1936″>1936</option><option value=”1937″>1937</option><option value=”1938″>1938</option><option value=”1939″>1939</option><option value=”1940″>1940</option><option value=”1941″>1941</option><option value=”1942″>1942</option><option value=”1943″>1943</option><option value=”1944″>1944</option><option value=”1945″>1945</option><option value=”1946″>1946</option><option value=”1947″>1947</option><option value=”1948″>1948</option><option value=”1949″>1949</option><option value=”1950″>1950</option><option value=”1951″>1951</option><option value=”1952″>1952</option><option value=”1953″>1953</option><option value=”1954″>1954</option><option value=”1955″>1955</option><option value=”1956″>1956</option><option value=”1957″>1957</option><option value=”1958″>1958</option><option value=”1959″>1959</option><option value=”1960″>1960</option><option value=”1961″>1961</option><option value=”1962″>1962</option><option value=”1963″>1963</option><option value=”1964″>1964</option><option value=”1965″>1965</option><option value=”1966″>1966</option><option value=”1967″>1967</option><option value=”1968″>1968</option><option value=”1969″>1969</option><option value=”1970″>1970</option><option value=”1971″>1971</option><option value=”1972″>1972</option><option value=”1973″>1973</option><option value=”1974″>1974</option><option value=”1975″>1975</option><option value=”1976″>1976</option><option value=”1977″>1977</option><option value=”1978″>1978</option><option value=”1979″>1979</option><option value=”1980″>1980</option><option value=”1981″>1981</option><option value=”1982″>1982</option><option value=”1983″>1983</option><option value=”1984″>1984</option><option value=”1985″>1985</option><option value=”1986″>1986</option><option value=”1987″>1987</option><option value=”1988″>1988</option><option value=”1989″>1989</option><option value=”1990″>1990</option><option value=”1991″>1991</option><option value=”1992″>1992</option><option value=”1993″>1993</option><option value=”1994″>1994</option><option value=”1995″>1995</option><option value=”1996″>1996</option><option value=”1997″>1997</option><option value=”1998″>1998</option><option value=”1999″>1999</option><option value=”2000″>2000</option><option value=”2001″>2001</option><option value=”2002″>2002</option><option value=”2003″>2003</option><option value=”2004″>2004</option><option value=”2005″>2005</option><option value=”2006″>2006</option><option value=”2007″>2007</option><option value=”2008″>2008</option><option value=”2009″>2009</option><option value=”2010″>2010</option><option value=”2011″>2011</option><option value=”2012″>2012</option><option value=”2013″>2013</option><option value=”2014″>2014</option><option value=”2015″>2015</option><option value=”2016″ selected=”selected”>2016</option><option value=”2017″>2017</option><option value=”2018″>2018</option><option value=”2019″>2019</option><option value=”2020″>2020</option><option value=”2021″>2021</option><option value=”2022″>2022</option><option value=”2023″>2023</option><option value=”2024″>2024</option><option value=”2025″>2025</option><option value=”2026″>2026</option></select></div>

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