• Resolved volker70


    I am testing Picu and i´d like to reject photos and approve as well. Is that possible?
    Can some one support how to do this?

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  • Plugin Author Claudio Rimann


    Hi Volker

    This is not possible at this point, but would be interesting to hear more about your workflow.

    What exactly do you mean by “reject” photos?
    Or in other words: what would be the difference between “not selected/approved” images and “rejected” images?

    Feel free to send us your answer via email to info@picu.io to discuss this further.

    Best regards

    Plugin Author Claudio Rimann


    Thanks for your feature requests and further explanations via email.

    As already said, “rejecting” images is not currently possible, but we added your ideas to our backlog! I’ll close this issue for now – Thanks!

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