Corporate and institutional electronics recycling program

Old office electronics take up valuable office space and pose potential security risks. Recycle the electronics that are cluttering up your business safely and securely.

For decades, electronics have been an essential aspect of any business. It seems like every other year there’s a vital upgrade. This combined with the natural wear and tear on electronics can add up to large volumes of material that offices need to deal with. Often this means that they are stored on-site because they can contain sensitive information.

Fortunately, the majority of electronics recycling depots accept end-of-life electronics from businesses. Search our Depot Finder to locate an electronics recycling depot near you and give them a call to verify acceptance of your material.

The electronics that are collected by registered recyclers are transported to processing facilities, located in Alberta. The products are disassembled into metals, glass, and plastic. These commodities are then shipped to approved companies for further processing or manufacturing into new products. This process helps to make sure that your electronics are recycled responsibly.

If you have any questions regarding our electronics recycling program, please contact us at or call us toll-free at 1.888.999.8762 and we will be pleased to assist you.