Resources for Parents

Uplifting Youth Through Healthy Communication About Race
Mother and daughter

Recommended Resources

Explore our recommended blogs and organizations who put out new content on a regular basis

External Blogs & Websites

Interracial Parenting

"Racially Conscious” Parenting in a "Colorblind" Society (PDF, 306KB)  
Pact Adoption Alliance

Helping Your Child Develop a Positive Racial/Ethnic Identity (PDF, 61KB)    
Pact Adoption Alliance

Research on RES

African American Family Strengths and Strategies Lab      
AAFSS Lab is devoted to bridging science and culture to improve mental health and well-being in youth, families and communities of color

Engaging, Managing, and Bonding through Race      
EMBRace works specifically with African-American youth (ages 10-14) and their parent(s) to confront racial trauma and stress while promoting family strength and bonding

Resilience and Healthy Development

Respecting Differences: Everyday Ways to Teach Children About Respect    
PBS Parents

Raising Race Conscious Children    
Support for adults who are trying to talk about race with young children

Fostering Resilience    
Preparing children and teens to thrive through both good and challenging times

Cradle to Prison Pipeline Fact Sheet (PDF, 215KB )    
Children's Defense Fund

We want your input!

You can help by submitting any relevant resources that you have used.

RES relates to all racial and cultural backgrounds. Our current materials address the African-American community but over time we will expand to other racial and ethnic groups.

Date created: 2018
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