.All Together in Dignity (ATD) has been present in Ireland since 1999. Currently we run the following projects and you can volunteer or donate to support them!

What helps me the most is meeting people like you, people who don’t judge me, people with who I don’t have to wear a mask, people who have a positive outlook and believe in me.

  • We regularly visit people living in hostels or socially disadvantaged areas. Often, because of the many obstacles they have faced since childhood, the parents met have children in care, mental health issues and/or addictions. Little by little, ATD builds with them a relationship based on trust and respect. Volunteer now!
  • The Unity in the Community Youth Group: The UC Youth Group (UCYG) was created in  September 2017 after an international Youth meeting organized by ATD Europe in the Netherlands. Young adults involved are from 18 years old to 28 yo.  It’s first project took place in July 2018. It was inspired by the legacy of Martin Luther King and his famous speech: “I have a dream”!   Since then the youth group have had regular meetings and have gone from strength to strength. They were actively involved in the Socio – Economic discrimination project, and have travelled to Brussels, UK and Poland with it.

Join the UCYG – Volunteer now!

  • We mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty in Ireland on 17 October, and work with the Irish 17 October Committee to coordinate a commemoration on the Custom House quay in Dublin, making sure that the voice of the poorest are at the heart of this event. Visit the Irish 17 October Committee website!
    In 2018 the 17 October Stone or “Human Rights and Poverty Stone” was 10 years old. From February to October 2018, ATD Ireland ran the “Your Rights are Written in Stone” project to prepare this 10th anniversary! This program was continued into 2019, becoming what is now known as the ‘Corner Stones’ project. This year the event focused on the ‘No Child 2020’  campaign aimed at providing a sustained focus on child welfare and children’s issues, supported by The Irish Times.


Follow the 17 October Committee Facebook  and website!

Ireland marked 2019 UN #EndPoverty Day                                                                                                                                      Ireland marked 2018 UN #EndPoverty DayIreland marked 2017 UN #EndPoverty Day
Ireland marked 2016 UN #EndPoverty Day
Ireland marked 2015 UN #EndPoverty Day

Ireland marked 2014 UN #EndPoverty Day

  • 2018 was a special year for the End Poverty activism!  It marked the centenary of the birth in 1918 of Nelson Mandela, the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King and the 30th anniversary of the death of Joseph Wresinski, founder of ATD. It was also 70 years after the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights! Some 2018 ATD Ireland’s projects were designed to reinforce the promotion of the End Poverty Legacy of Mandela, King and Wresinski.


Volunteer Now!

  • 2015 was a historic year. World leaders met at key summits in September and December to set Sustainable Development Goals and targets to achieve by 2030 that will affect how we tackle issues like poverty, inequality and climate change for years to come. Since September 2015, ATD is very active in Ireland in campaigning for awareness, ownership and implementation of the 17 Global Goals! ATD supported the creation of the Irish Coalition 2030. Main 2030 Agenda projects developed currently by ATD are the “Magnificent 17” (awareness) and the “” (visit www.leavenoonebehind.ie)

  • Promote among Irish stakeholders the newly-adopted “UN  Guiding  Principles  on  Extreme  Poverty  and  Human  Rights” (Sept. 2012). Based on internationally agreed human rights principles and standards, the Guiding Principles provide practical guidance on how to put into practice the obligations of States to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of persons living in extreme poverty.

UN Booklet on Guiding Principles
Dec 2015: Launch of the ATD handbook for the Guiding Principles
2015 “Let’s put Human Rights in our Manifestos” project
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