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Lecture Series
Captura de pantalla 2020-03-17 a las 11.

Global Movements:

Exploring the Dynamics of Migration

The number of refugees has reached a record high. Over 110 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced. At the same time, mobility across borders and communities is increasing as globalization continues to reshape the world, even as its sustainability is called into question.

Migration is also a driving factor behind populist discourse and the spread of isolationist ideas.


The BIMUN lecture series in the summer semester 2024 will examine which factors drive migration and what effects it has on the migrants' home and arrival countries. To achieve this goal, speakers from various disciplines will be invited. These include sociology, history, anthropology, law, political science as well as migration, border and religious studies. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the push and pull factors associated with migration, human trafficking and other forms of movement across borders and social spaces.


Join us on Wednesdays at 6 PM for thought-provoking presentations in person at the Hörsaal XII of the University Main Building or online via Zoom.


see below for more details

17th April, 2024 - Online Introduction  

BIMUN/SINUB e.V., Certificate for Intercultural Competence,

Presentation of the Semester Theme:

"Global Movements: Exploring the Dynamics of Migration"

Nehir Ayral (BIMUN 2024 Presidency) and Roselina Hamsoro (Vice Presidency)
Selina Weskamp from the  University's International Office

Didem Ünüvar and Philipp Bahri (BIMUN Activities Department)

24th April, 2024 - Online Lecture     

"The challenge of 'climate migration' 

How does climate change affect migration and forced displacement"

Dr. Benjamin Schraven

Associated Scholar

German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

8th May, 2024 - Online Lecture

"International Migration to Turkey: Past and Present"

Dr. Damla Bayraktar Aksel

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations

Bahçeşehir University (Istanbul)

15th May, 2024 - Hörsaal 12 

"Beyond Triple Win?! Arbeitsmigration nachhaltig gestalten!"

Prof. Dr. Michael Sauer

Head of Sustainable Social Policy (B.A.) / Professorship for Social Policy

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science

29th May 2024 - Online Lecture 

"Understanding Forced Migrations and Mass Displacements in the 21th Century"

Carlos Manuel Abaunza

Assistant Professor of Sociology of Migration

The American University in Cairo, Egypt

5th June, 2024 - Online Lecture

"Migration in the UN System: History and Evolution"

Karoline Popp


Expert Council for Integration and Migration

12th June, 2024 - Online Lecture

"Legal Architecture as a Determinant of Migrants’ Resilience:

The Case of Highly Skilled Return Migrants in Türkiye"

Dr. Gülece Senel

Middle East Technical University (Ankara)

19th June, 2024 - Online Lecture

"The Nexus of Climate, Human (Im)Mobility and Health"

Ann-Christine Link

Environment and Migration: Interactions and Choices (EMIC) Division

Institute for Environment and Human Security

United Nations University

26th June, 2024 - Hörsaal 12

"Citizenship as a practice after flight:

Civil society negotiations in the German reception context"

Dr. des. Maria Ullrich

Associate Fellow, Department for Comparative Research on Democracies

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft

University of Bonn

The Lecture will be held in German

3rd July, 2024 - Online Lecture

Migration, Inequality, and Crisis in the Global South: A Multidimensional Analysis

Prof. Dr. Chioma Daisy Onyige

University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

10th July, 2024 - Online Lecture

Polish cashe study of securization and desecuritization of migration.

Between fears, prejudices, and humanitarianism

Katarzyna Jedrzejczyk-Kuliniak

Assitant Profeessor 

University of Wroclaw

17th July, 2024 - Hörsaal 12

Forced Displacement in the Middle East

Dr. Osman Bahadır Dinçer

BICC - Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies

What is the Lecture Series?
The BIMUN/SINUB e.V. Lecture Series is organised by members of the executive committee of our association. We invite lecturers from different academic and professional backgrounds to share their knowledge and experiences relating to the semester's theme. We want to make current happenings in politics, international affairs, and public policy come alive for students and friends of the University of Bonn.

Time & Location:

Our weekly lecture series takes place on Wednesdays from 18:00h to 19:00h (6 to 7 p.m.) Berlin Time. 

For in-person lectures, join us in Hörsaal XII at the University's Main Building (find a map of the main building here:

You can join our Zoom Meetings for online lectures here:

(Meeting-ID: 897 9668 9490 / Password: 368428)

University Partnership & History:

The BIMUN Lecture Series is part of Studium Universale and a core component of the Certificate of Intercultural Competence program at the University of Bonn. Our program has been going strong since 2005 and has welcomed speakers from across Germany and around the world.


Language of Lectures:

Most of our lectures are held in English, but you will also find some German lectures based on the preference of the speakers.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at our lectures!

For questions or comments, please reach out to

Captura de pantalla 2020-01-10 a las 11.
Captura de pantalla 2020-03-23 a las 19.
Captura de pantalla 2020-03-23 a las 19.
Contact Information
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
General Information
Nehir Ayral, President 
Roselina Hamsoro, Vice President
Registered Charity No.: 20 VR 8014


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