The Best in Wireless with Ultra Freedom and Prepaid Plans

Choose the rate plan that works for you. Whether you need a single line or a family plan, you can customize your plan based on your wireless needs.

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Device Access Fee: $50
Data Costs : $15
Total: $70 per month
* Other Taxes and Fees may apply ** Pricing shown includes paper-less billing and AutoPay discount. Sign up and save $10 per line. Discounts may take up to 2 billing periods to start. Sign up today at "Unlimited" means total data throughput. Restrictions may apply during certain periods. Certain restrictions or conditions may apply. See store for details or visit Shop devices to get started
'; var addTalk = '
'; var addTablet = '
'; var addMifi = '
'; var planOfferings; function updatePrices(planGroup) { if (planGroup == null) { return; } if (planGroup.lineAccess != null) { quotaPriceCalculation(planGroup); } else { unlimitedPriceCalculation(planGroup); } } function unlimitedPriceCalculation(planGroup) { var prices = planGroup.prices; var counts = getDeviceCounts(); var lineCount =; planPrice = 0; // Tablets only get charged a secondary line price if (counts.numberOfTablets > 0 && planGroup.tabletSecondaryCostPerLine != null) { if (counts.numberOfTablets === { // Disregard the first tablet as a secondary line if all devices are tablet counts.numberOfTablets--; } lineCount -= counts.numberOfTablets; planPrice += counts.numberOfTablets * planGroup.tabletSecondaryCostPerLine; } if (lineCount > 0 && lineCount - 1 prices.length) { // If more lines are added than the number of line prices, use the first price for any additional lines // Using this logic, because the first line cost will most likely be the most expensive one, and CWW // didn't communicate how they intend to handle more than 10 lines planPrice += prices[prices.length - 1] + (lineCount - prices.length) * prices[0]; } totalAccessFee = 0; } function quotaPriceCalculation(planGroup) { var counts = getDeviceCounts(); planPrice = 0; totalAccessFee = 0; if (planGroup.lineAccess != null) { totalAccessFee += counts.numberOfTablets * planGroup.lineAccess.tablet; totalAccessFee += counts.numberOfFeaturePhones * planGroup.lineAccess.featurePhone; totalAccessFee += counts.numberOfMifi * planGroup.lineAccess.mifi; totalAccessFee += counts.numberOfSmartphones * planGroup.lineAccess.smartphone; } // Don't show a price until at least one device is added if ( > 0) { planPrice += planGroup.prices[0]; } } function getDeviceCounts() { // The elements are only hidden by the Foundation library, not removed, so we're attempting to ignore all // items that are hidden or in the transition of being hidden. var visibleLines = $('.new-lines').filter(function() { return !== 'none' && === '' }); var numberOfSmartphones = visibleLines.find('button[data-type="line"]').length; var numberOfFeaturePhones = visibleLines.find('button[data-type="talk"]').length; var numberOfTablets = visibleLines.find('button[data-type="tablet"]').length; var numberOfMifi = visibleLines.find('button[data-type="mifi"]').length; return { numberOfSmartphones: numberOfSmartphones, numberOfFeaturePhones: numberOfFeaturePhones, numberOfTablets: numberOfTablets, numberOfMifi: numberOfMifi, total: numberOfSmartphones + numberOfFeaturePhones + numberOfTablets + numberOfMifi } } function init() { initSlider('.priceSlider', planOfferings.flexUnlimited); $('.plan-overview').show(); BindClose(); showFlexPricing(); function initSlider(sliderClass, planGroup) { sliderElement = new Foundation.Slider($(sliderClass), { start: 0, end: planGroup.plans.length - 1 }) $(sliderClass).closest('.slider-group').find('.start-number').html(planGroup.leftSliderText); $(sliderClass).closest('.slider-group').find('.end-number').html(planGroup.rightSliderText); } } $(document).ready(function () { planOfferings = { flexShared: { leftSliderText: '250 MB', rightSliderText: '10 GB', plans: [ { name: '250 MB', kitid: 131, prices: [10], lineAccess: { smartphone: 25, featurePhone: 25, tablet: 10, mifi: 20 } }, { name: '5 GB', kitid: 133, prices: [30], lineAccess: { smartphone: 25, featurePhone: 25, tablet: 10, mifi: 20 } }, { name: '10 GB', kitid: 134, prices: [50], lineAccess: { smartphone: 25, featurePhone: 25, tablet: 10, mifi: 20 } }] }, flexUnlimited: { leftSliderText: 'Basics Unlimited', rightSliderText: 'Premium Unlimited', plans: [ { name: 'Basics Unlimited', kitid: 141, prices: [65, 115, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260], tabletSecondaryCostPerLine: 20 }, { name: 'Plus Unlimited', kitid: 142, prices: [70, 125, 145, 165, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 285], tabletSecondaryCostPerLine: 20 }, { name: 'Premium Unlimited', kitid: 143, prices: [75, 135, 165, 195, 225, 255, 285, 315, 345, 375], tabletSecondaryCostPerLine: 10 }] }, contractShared: { leftSliderText: '250 MB', rightSliderText: '10 GB', plans: [ { name: '250 MB', kitid: 131, prices: [10], lineAccess: { smartphone: 40, featurePhone: 40, tablet: 10, mifi: 20 } }, { name: '5 GB', kitid: 133, prices: [30], lineAccess: { smartphone: 40, featurePhone: 40, tablet: 10, mifi: 20 } }, { name: '10 GB', kitid: 134, prices: [50], lineAccess: { smartphone: 40, featurePhone: 40, tablet: 10, mifi: 20 } }] }, contractUnlimited: { leftSliderText: 'Basics Unlimited', rightSliderText: 'Premium Unlimited', plans: [ { name: 'Basics Unlimited', kitid: 141, prices: [85, 155, 185, 220, 260, 300, 340, 380, 420, 460], tabletSecondaryCostPerLine: 20 }, { name: 'Plus Unlimited', kitid: 142, prices: [90, 165, 205, 245, 285, 325, 365, 405, 445, 485], tabletSecondaryCostPerLine: 20 }, { name: 'Premium Unlimited', kitid: 143, prices: [95, 175, 225, 275, 325, 375, 425, 475, 525, 575], tabletSecondaryCostPerLine: 10 }] }, prepaid: { leftSliderText: '100 MB', rightSliderText: '3 GB', plans: [ { name: '100 MB', kitid: 131, prices: [35] }, { name: '1 GB', kitid: 133, prices: [45] }, { name: '3 GB', kitid: 134, prices: [55] }] }, singleLineTablet: { leftSliderText: '250 MB', rightSliderText: '5 GB', plans: [ { name: '250 MB', kitid: 131, prices: [15] }, { name: '3 GB', kitid: 133, prices: [30] }, { name: '5 GB', kitid: 134, prices: [50] }] }, singleLineMifi: { leftSliderText: 'Connect 5 GB', rightSliderText: 'Connect 5 GB', plans: [ { name: 'Connect 5 GB', kitid: 133, prices: [45] }] } }; init(); $(document).foundation(); $('.show-flex-pricing').off("click").on("click", showFlexPricing); $('.show-contract-pricing').off("click").on("click", showContractPricing); $('.show-prepaid-pricing').off("click").on("click", showPrepaidPricing); $('.shop-devices').off('click').on('click', function () { var isFlexSelected = $('.flex-pricing').length > 0; var isContractSelected = $('.contract-pricing').length > 0; var isPrepaidSelected = $('.prepaid-pricing').length > 0; var priceMode = ""; if (isFlexSelected) { priceMode = "finance"; } else if (isPrepaidSelected) { priceMode = "retail"; } else { priceMode = "contract"; } var request = $.ajax({ url: "/DesktopModules/Shop/api/catalog/SetKit", data: 'kitID=' + kitid, success: function (result) { var url = "" + priceMode + "/1"; window.location.href = url; } }); }); $('.add-device').off("click").on("click", function () { var buttonType = $(this).attr("data-type"); switch (buttonType) { case 'mifi': UpdateIcons(addMifi); break; case 'talk': UpdateIcons(addTalk); break; case 'tablet': UpdateIcons(addTablet); break; case 'line': UpdateIcons(addLine); break; } recomputeAndDraw(); }); $('.priceSlider').on('moved.zf.slider', function () { recomputeAndDraw(); }); $('input[name="planType"]').on('change', function () { recomputeAndDraw(); }); }); function showPricingSection(priceClass, isPrepaid, dataHeading) { // displays the top bar/arrow; Also used to determine which price is // selected when computing prices $('.plans-overview-pricing').removeClass('flex-pricing'); $('.plans-overview-pricing').removeClass('contract-pricing'); $('.plans-overview-pricing').removeClass('prepaid-pricing'); $('.plans-overview-pricing').addClass(priceClass); // Force the animation to trigger $('.plans-overview-container').hide().slideDown(); // Hide any images under the slider bar. $('.flex-unlimited').hide(); $('.contract-unlimited').hide(); // Update caption just above slider/buttons $('.price-caption').html(dataHeading); if (isPrepaid) { // Unlimited/Shared button group $('#planTypeButtonGroup').hide(); // Hide footer $('.flex-footer').hide(); // Hide device options that are not available $('.add-device[data-type="tablet"]').hide(); $('.add-device[data-type="mifi"]').hide(); // Remove all the existing icons, because some types aren't supported ClearIcons(); } else { // Unlimited/Shared button group $('#planTypeButtonGroup').show(); // The footer should only be shown for flex/contract $('.flex-footer').show(); // Show all device options $('.add-device[data-type="tablet"]').show(); $('.add-device[data-type="mifi"]').show(); } recomputeAndDraw(); } function showFlexPricing() { showPricingSection('flex-pricing', false, 'How much data?'); } function showContractPricing() { showPricingSection('contract-pricing', false, 'How much data?'); } function showPrepaidPricing() { showPricingSection('prepaid-pricing', true, 'How much per line data?'); } function getCurrentState() { return { isFlexSelected: $('.flex-pricing').length > 0, isContractSelected: $('.contract-pricing').length > 0, isPrepaidSelected: $('.prepaid-pricing').length > 0, isQuotaSelected: $('input[name=planType]:checked').attr('data-plan-type') === "quota", currentSliderValue: $('.priceSlider').children('.slider-handle').attr('aria-valuenow') } } function recomputeAndDraw() { var currentState = getCurrentState(); var planType = ""; if (currentState.isFlexSelected) { if (currentState.isQuotaSelected) { planType = "flexShared"; } else { planType = "flexUnlimited"; } } else if (currentState.isContractSelected) { if (currentState.isQuotaSelected) { planType = "contractShared"; } else { planType = "contractUnlimited"; } } else if (currentState.isPrepaidSelected) { planType = "prepaid"; } // Special rules if there is a single line tablet device on a quota plan var counts = getDeviceCounts(); if (counts.numberOfTablets === 1 && === 1 && currentState.isQuotaSelected) { planType = "singleLineTablet" } // Special rules if there is a single line mifi on a quota plan if (counts.numberOfMifi === 1 && === 1 && currentState.isQuotaSelected) { planType = "singleLineMifi" } // It's possible that one plan may have 3 options, and then something changes to a plan // with only 2 options. We won't update the slider position/rules until the draw step var planIndex = currentState.currentSliderValue; if (planIndex >= planOfferings[planType].plans.length) { planIndex = planOfferings[planType].plans.length - 1; } updatePrices(planOfferings[planType].plans[planIndex]); kitid = planOfferings[planType].plans[planIndex].kitid; redrawCost(planOfferings[planType].plans[planIndex].name, planOfferings[planType], currentState); } function redrawCost(currentPlanName, planGroup, currentState) { // Below Slider $('.data-size').html('
' + currentPlanName + '
'); // Reset images below slider $('.flex-unlimited').hide(); $('.contract-unlimited').hide(); if (!currentState.isQuotaSelected) { if (currentState.isContractSelected) { $('.contract-unlimited').show(); } else if (currentState.isFlexSelected) { $('.flex-unlimited').show(); } } // Right panel $('.data-cost').replaceWith('
Data Costs : $' + planPrice.toFixed(2) + '
'); $('.access-fee').replaceWith('
Device Access Fee: $' + totalAccessFee.toFixed(2) + '
'); var total = (totalAccessFee + planPrice); $('.line-total').replaceWith('
Total: $' + total.toFixed(2) + '
per month
') if (totalAccessFee === 0) { $('.access-fee').replaceWith('
Device Access Fee: -
'); } // slider sliderElement.options.end = planGroup.plans.length - 1; $('.priceSlider').closest('.slider-group').find('.start-number').html(planGroup.leftSliderText); $('.priceSlider').closest('.slider-group').find('.end-number').html(planGroup.rightSliderText); } function UpdateIcons(icon) { $('.add-lines-section').prepend(icon); BindClose(); } function ClearIcons() { $('.new-lines').remove(); BindClose(); } function BindClose() { $('.close-button').off("click").on("click", function () { var self = $(this); // The close button is automatically hiddened when pressed. // We can't recompute the price until the device element is removed from the DOM. // The transition takes 250 ms, so we'll expect it'll be complete by 300ms later. setTimeout(function () { self.closest('.new-lines').remove(); recomputeAndDraw(); }, 300); }); } /* If browser back button was used, flush cache */ (function () { window.onpageshow = function (event) { if (event.persisted) { window.location.reload(); } }; })(); /* 2024 cw edits */ const _select = s => document.querySelector(s); function setupPlan2024Edits() { const _removeElements = ['.row.plan-overview']; console.log('setting up 2024 plan edits'); _removeElements.forEach(s => { const e = _select(s); console.log(e); e.remove(); }); _select('.flex-benefits').style.display = 'block'; _select('.flex-benefits-intro').style.display = 'block'; console.log('2024 removing other line options'); $('.add-device').off(); $('.new-line .fa-plus').on('click', ()=>{ UpdateIcons(addLine); recomputeAndDraw(); }); $('.new-line .dropdown-pane').remove(); } //if(window.location.href.indexOf('?testing=on') !== -1) { if(true){ setupPlan2024Edits(); setupPlanButtonWatch(); } //test version function insertButton(selector, label, plan) { const _selectEle = s => document.querySelector(s); const buttonMarkup = ``; const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = buttonMarkup; _selectEle(selector).insertAdjacentElement('afterend', div); } //test version function wrappedViewSpecificPlan(e, plan) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); viewSpecificPlan(plan); }
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