Ready for the new Google Consent Mode v2? Learn more »

Cookie Consent Manager for Agencies

Uncertainty reigns in the online world, not just since the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) . With us, you are on the safe side, both legally and technically. Also as an agency. Our Consent Manager for agencies is characterised by the following strengths:

  • GDPR and CCPA compliant
  • Complies with EU ePrivacy regulations
  • Easy to integrate
  • Flexible in design – fully adaptable to your design principles
  • Google Consent Mode v2 Support
  • Equipped with machine learning
  • Ad can be played in over 30 languages
  • Integrated cookie crawler

Are you and your customers already set up for Google Consent Mode v2 ? Google’s transition period runs until March 2024!

Cookie-Banner und Cookie-Check

Cookie solution for Agencies

Consent must be collected

  • What we can do for you

    Along with management consultancies, agencies are at the forefront of innovative solutions. Nevertheless, legal and technical innovations outside of daily business also pose problems for creative companies. With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), users must give their consent to the use of cookies. We offer solutions. Uncomplicated, safe and inexpensive.

    Are you still using an opt-out approach to cookie management? Then it is time for a refresh of your consent management system. What you track, collect and use as an agency must remain transparent to site visitors. Even before a potential client visits your agency’s website, it should be clear to everyone involved where and what cookies they will be dealing with.

  • The opt-in procedure is mandatory

    Hence the opt-in procedure. Which cookies are technically necessary? Which are for marketing purposes? And which are used for statistics? The user has to decide that for you. Technically, we solve this using frameworks. A kind of echo chamber from which it becomes clear which data is actually allowed to be transmitted to advertisers such as Google or Facebook and which is not. And what information your online marketing may use. The intersection between website visitors and the data: Our Consent Management System. With it we transfer e-privacy regulations and the GDPR into legally compliant usability.

  • Consent manager for agencies – we stand for legal certainty and high performance

    Our Cookie Consent Manager for agencies meets all legal requirements. In addition to European regulations, we also take into account the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Why? The relevance of California’s data protection law arises from the fact that European websites also frequently collect information about residents of the US state. For example, if a Californian visits a European online shop or reads a news site from the EU, the CCPA will apply.

  • Legally compliant and user-friendly

    A cookie consent solution for agencies must take this into account. After all, you work for customers from different industries, all of which have very different clientele. Our cookie consent manager for agencies is therefore available in more than 30 languages. He automatically chooses the right one. This way you can be sure that the people who see the cookie consent manager for agencies can also understand it. Security, transparency and internationalization come together through our consent management system. We take great care to ensure a technically flawless integration into your website. It can be done in self-service or with our support. For example, you can quickly and easily replace your agency’s current consent manager with our tool.

    Our cookie consent solution take all of these parameters into account and displays them in a user-friendly manner.


Did you know that consentmanager also supports Google Consent Mode v2 ? For customers and agencies involved in advertising, the use of Google Consent Mode v2 is required to use Google services. Google requires websites or apps targeting audiences within the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom to have Google Consent Mode v2 enabled. As a certified Google Consent Management Platform (CMP) partner, consentmanager users can be sure that they meet this requirement.

We have already helped more than 25,000 websites comply with GDPR, TDDDG & ePrivacy

Our clients include some of the biggest websites and best known brands in the world.

… and many more.

Fully customize our cookie consent manager for agencies to match your design

You probably know this from your own experience: you visit a website and the cookie query does not fit the rest of the portal in terms of design. With our cookie consent solution, you don’t have to worry about that. You can fully adapt the appearance to your design principles. Our consent manager for agencies is therefore fully customizable to your brand. But that’s not the only reason why it sustainably increases the acceptance of your customers!

Consent-Lösungen für Agenturen

As versatile as your customers

Your advantages with consentmanager

We have designed our Cookie Consent Manager for agencies to be as easy to understand and intuitive as possible.

However, this does not mean that we are not happy to help you if you have any questions about the solution or need support.

  • The Cookie Consent Manager for Agencies has an optimized interface for desktop systems as well as for mobile devices and AMP websites . It automatically adapts to all screen sizes.
  • Measure acceptance and bounce rate (A/B tests): Gain information about how visitors react to consentmanger The bounce rate describes how many people leave when they are asked to give their consent to the cookies.
  • Our cookie solution for agencies also allows you to test multiple designs at the same time.
  • The built-in cookie crawler automatically scans your site and finds all the cookies here, so you can list them in full.
  • Ad blocking: Our CMP can delay or stop the use of ads until visitors have given their consent. The cookie consent solution for agencies creates trust.

Key features for your agency


Responsive customization goes without saying these days. Customers access websites using different end devices with different display sizes and operating systems . The Consentmanager Cookie Banner always adapts responsively to the respective parameters. In this way, an optimal presentation of the content GDPR-compliant is possible. Regardless of whether access is via smartphone, tablet or desktop, the cookie banner can always contribute responsively to compliance with the GDPR.

Multilingual Capability

As more and more websites are internationally oriented , a multilingual consent solution is important. International customers also want to understand what cookies they are consenting to. The consentmanager cookie banner is therefore available in over 30 languages. This means that your website is linguistically equipped for GDPR, and well beyond.


A website builder relies on plugins and extensions. Other systems are often added via interfaces. This calls for extensive compatibility and interoperability. consentmanager, including various cookie banners, is compatible with a large number of common tag managers, shop systems and almost all Google products and ad servers.

Data protection for your customers

Protect your customers and build trust. By complying with all applicable data protection regulations such as the CCPA and GDPR, your visitors will feel comfortable and safe. This increases their time spent on your site and your conversion rate!

Of course consentmanager also works with…

frequently asked Questions

Not sure if you need a CMP?

To help you with things like GDPR, CMP and consent, we’ve rounded up the most common questions here.

Since 2018, consent has been required from website users in order to comply with EU data protection guidelines on the part of the operator. If consent is given, cookies and other trackers may be set. Until 2020, however, this practice was mainly implemented using the opt-out procedure: cookies were set automatically, and a banner offered the option of subsequently objecting to this practice. This is now obsolete and should no longer be implemented.

A defined cookie consent strategy focuses on a technically and legally sound banner in order to avoid a legal risk. In this context, the data protection declaration should be observed in accordance with the specifications of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and any changes should be taken into account. This also includes the cookie policy with its information on the function of the cookies and the access rights.

ConsentManager for agencies is about the legally compliant design of agency websites. In principle, visitors must first agree to the use of cookies via an opt-in procedure. A corresponding banner therefore appears to customers when they enter the website. Since agencies often look after customers in the online area, a flawless and legally compliant display of the banner is always advisable for a serious appearance.

If the opt-in field is not confirmed with consent, no corresponding data will be transmitted. An exception are, for example, technically necessary cookies, which must be set for ordering and purchasing processes. All other cookies must be blocked if there is no consent.

Please note that we cannot provide legal advice. Some points of this FAQ may also change over time or be interpreted differently by courts. That’s why you should always consult your lawyer!