Customer Acquisition Strategies To Attract the Best Audiences for Today and Tomorrow

Learn data-driven acquisition strategies to connect with future shoppers and attract new, high-value audiences for your business.
Updated on April 4, 2024

Today’s shopper journeys are growing increasingly complex, with more ways than ever to discover new brands and products. Combining both online and in-person shopping experiences, today’s consumers enjoy the convenience of shopping online, yet like the tangibility of physical stores. They love using social media for inspiration, but begin their journeys on a product page rather than a search engine. They check out new products in physical showrooms, but fulfill their purchases online. 

As customer journeys grow continuously nuanced, marketers must adapt their strategies to get noticed, found, and chosen by their next customers, providing them with a seamless experience that will grow their businesses.  

Meanwhile, 63% of consumers expect personalization as a standard service,¹ and 35% of marketers cite that poor data quality hinders their ability to target consumers with the right ads.² To successfully personalize and unify the right customer experiences, marketers must leverage high-quality data in their acquisition strategies – capturing and integrating data across all channels.  

Let’s dive into data-driven acquisition strategies together that can help you connect with future shoppers and attract new, high-value audiences for your business. 

Connect with people who will love your brand 

While driving brand awareness and loyalty aren’t new to any marketer, consider two key strategies when reaching new, relevant customers with data and AI-driven personalized ads: 

  1. Engage shoppers who resemble your best buyers

Use data to target people based on interests, lifestyles, and demographic attributes that overlap with current customers. With Criteo’s lookalike modeling, marketers share a list of existing high-value customers (such as frequent customers, loyalty club members, or those with high purchase value). The list can then be used to identify new shoppers who exhibit shared characteristics and to expand your business’ customer base. 

  1. Find relevant shoppers with contextual targeting

Discover shoppers who are a good fit for your business in environments without third-party identifiers by targeting specific domains, content categories, or keywords. Using first-party data insights, Criteo enriches marketers’ contextual targeting tactics to reach people in relevant environments who are ready-to-buy. 

Engage shoppers who are actively in-market 

Keep your business at the top of consumers’ minds by engaging those who are actively researching the products and services you offer. By targeting customers as they demonstrate strong shopping intent before anyone else does, you can inspire them to consider your business first and ultimately make a purchase. 

With Criteo’s First Party Media Network, the largest commerce dataset on the open internet, marketers can identify audiences who are actively shopping for their products or services to drive first-time purchases. Criteo’s machine learning capabilities also analyzes 120+ shopper intent signals to refine these audiences based on lifestyles, locations, product needs, favorite brands, purchasing power, and more. Using these insights across the full customer journey, Criteo helps you engage shoppers most likely to make a purchase. 

Never stop experimenting 

Leverage learnings from your campaign results to explore other high-performance audience segments. Experiment with targeting different attributes, interests, or combinations. By regularly bringing new customers into your campaign funnel with always-on customer growth strategies, you’ll always engage a pool of shoppers that show active shopping intent and interest in your business.  

With Criteo’s automated prospecting capabilities, you’ll discover new, in-market shoppers who are ready to engage with your brand. Criteo’s Audience Explorer also analyzes your current best customers to suggest audiences that have an affinity to yours. 

For example, Sephora Germany launched a campaign using Criteo’s prospecting audience solutions to identify and engage new consumers with the same interests, affinities, and demographics as current website visitors. As a direct result, Criteo’s audience solutions generated 7.2 million unique visitors and drove 25% of the overall retargeting campaign’s sales. 

Drive value everyday 

As the advertising landscape grows more consumer-centric, data-driven customer acquisition tactics are needed now, more than ever. Criteo’s robust commerce dataset, the largest on the open internet, can help you acquire more relevant customers today to maintain as much one-to-one personalization as possible tomorrow.  

Ready to acquire new customers to grow your business?

Learn more here and get started with a Criteo expert.

¹The Harris Poll, Addressing the Gaps in Customer Experience 

²Forrester, Why Marketers Can’t Ignore Data Quality  

Elizabeth Kim

Elizabeth Kim is a Global Content Strategist captivated by technology, culture, and consumer behavior. Before joining the world of Ad Tech, Elizabeth crafted brand and content strategies at agencies for clients spanning startups to household name giants. Outside of work, Elizabeth finds creative ...

Global Content Strategist
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