Verbosa WordPress Theme


A free WordPress theme for authors, writers and creators

 WordPress Theme

Are you a writer? An author? Or maybe a photographer? An artist? Perhaps you do online reviews? Or are you just casually blogging about music, movies and other forms of entertainment? Do you like to ramble on? Are you a creator? Do you generate content of any kind? And are you using WordPress to do that?

Well then you should give our WordPress theme Verbosa a try as she may have all the tools needed to assist you and your creativity. It’s a completely free WordPress theme trying its best to complement your artistic manifestations

Verbosa is all about elegant typography, efficient use of contrast, spacing and simplicity. We used all the tricks at our disposal to improve legibility, create emphasis and generate a proper design flow that would make your content more inviting to be read.

Verbosa is also truly responsive, with a fluid layout, uses microformats and microdata for best SEO results, takes great advantage of featured images, supports Google fonts, has social menus with over 100 social icons, is translation ready and supports RTL languages. And everything’s editable via the customizer with well over 100 options! And as an extra, we’ve coded in a fresh and exquisite perfume that will follow you everywhere once you install the theme!.

Free WordPress Theme

Free WordPress Theme

A WordPress theme that includes all the features and functionality out of the box, for free. We don't hide half the theme behind a paywall.

Highly Customizable

Highly Customizable

With well over one hundred theme customization options it will be a piece of cake* to make it your own.

Up To Date

Up To Date

Constantly updated and upgraded to the latest design trends, web standards and WordPress versions.

Verbosa Theme Features

Highly customizable

Hundreds of theme options for almost infinite personalization.

Totally Free

Includes all the features and functionality from start, for free. Just download and install.

Fully Responsive

Our themes use the latest standards for the perfect browsing experience on all mobile devices.

SEO Friendly

Highly optimized theme for search engines by using the right HTML5 tags, microdata and microformats.


Easy link to your favorite social networks and profiles in multiple theme locations.

Google Fonts

Applying any of the 700+ Google Fonts on a theme element is just a copy-paste away.

Translation Ready

Easily translatable theme that fully supports WordPress' language packs.

RTL Language Support

This theme has been thoroughly tested and curated to look perfect with right-to-left languages.

Clean Code

Find your way around with appropriately named, organized and documented files and functions.


When creating our WordPress themes we use the latest web development standards.

Fast & Lightweight

Front-end resource files are as small and as few as possible and queries are kept to a minimum.

Easy To Use

Completely integrated into WordPress, configuring and customizing the theme is a breeze.

Typography Options

Completely configurable font typefaces, sizes, and styles for all theme elements.

Free support

Supported by extensive theme documentation, FAQs, tutorials and an active forum.

Priority support

Backed up by a priority support service that can answer even the toughest of questions.

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Verbosa News

Verbosa 1.2.3 mixes in


  • Added generated ‘verbosa-accent-1/2‘ and ‘verbosa-accent-1/2-bg‘ classnames and ‘–verbosa-accent-1/2‘ CSS variables for easy access to the main accent colors
  • Added new social icons: AliPay, Apple, Behance, Bootstrap, Git, Gitlab, Google, Mastodon, Messenger, Microsoft Teams, Person (simple, circle, square), QR Code, Rumble, Signal, Snapchat, Sourceforge, Substack, Telegram, Threads, Trello, Unity, Whatsapp, Xbox, and one that shall not be named
  • Updated social icons: Twitter (X), Facebook, Github, Google Play, PayPal, Skype, Stripe, Steam, Spotify, Linkedin, Reddit, YouTube, WordPress. Old icons are still available by adding the ‘-old‘ suffix to the classnames.
  • Improved socials animation to use the corresponding icon for the hover state
  • Improved accessibility by fixing tab navigation in main menu
  • Improved sidebar spacing after title/tagline when not all elements are used
  • Improved theme defaults to make all default configurable texts translatable
  • Fixed breadcrumbs appearance on RTL scripts
  • Fixed mobile menu toggle/close buttons using the wrong color on iOS 15+
  • Fixed comments markup displaying erroneous ‘itemprop‘ due to functionality change in WordPress 6.3
  • Fixed local fonts still being enqueued as Google Fonts
  • Tested with PHP 8.3
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Updated rich text schema support for comments
    • Fixed whitespaces in font control title hint due to spaces in markup
    • Precognitively fixed erroneous white square in customize screen panels with Zynith SEO plugin

Verbosa 1.2.2


  • Added option to use assigned menu’s title on the frontend
  • Added click-navigation to target panels in header content and site identity hints
  • Added configuration hint for header image when the theme’s slider / banner image is active on the homepage
  • Improved submenu toggling support for placeholder items
  • Fixed legacy layout page templates no longer working since 1.2.1
  • Fixed stray strong tag in comments markup causing comments text to become bold
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Improved PHP 8.0 compatibility
    • Expanded hint control styling to apply in the Site Identity panel

Verbosa 1.2.1(.1) starts fresh



  • Fixed a typo in frontend.js causing the mobile menu and other JS-dependent features to fail
  • Fixed social icons intro animation on Chrome/Edge
  • Improved dropdown toggle arrow positioning for long menu items in menu navigation and mobile menu
  • Improved line wrapping for long menu items


  • Fixed image pages broken since 1.2.0
  • Fixed plural forms in comments count for more complex languages –
  • Fixed gallery block layout issue with Chrome/Edge
  • Added verbosa_logo_width and verbosa_logo_height filters for logo image size
  • Optimized JavaScript to clean jQuery deprecation notices since WordPress 5.6
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Added echo parameters to cryout_schema_microdata() and cryout_font_select() functions
    • Changed custom post type label in breadcrumbs from singular_name to name
    • Improved JS code to remove jQuery deprecation notices since WordPress 5.6
    • Fixed issues with font families that contain multiple words
    • Fixed Select2 selectors no longer working with WordPress 5.6 on Firefox

Bravada – A Brand New Full Screen WordPress Theme

Our latest WordPress theme – Bravada is just like fine wine. It has a great texture, the amazing color is envied by all others and you get a soft buzz every time you’re using it. And just like wine, only people with great taste will appreciate it at its fullest.

Follow us after the jump to find out more!

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Verbosa 1.2.0(.1) is endless



  • Improved list bullets/numbers alignment in content and on landing page text areas
  • Improved translations format for archive and search titles in breadcrumbs
  • Fixed meta icons missing since 1.2.0 due to styling overlap
  • Updated Cryout Framework to
    • Improved breadcrumbs compatibility with plugins that filter section titles and add HTML markup
    • Better cleaning of weights in font enqueues
    • Removed PHP and WP versions checks as these are now handled by WordPress


  • Added meta options for layout control – page templates for controlling layout will be deprecated and removed in a future update
  • Added verbosa_js_options filter for JavaScript options
  • Added WordPress 5.2 wp_body_open action call
  • Added option to disable default pages navigation and improved mobile menu functionality to hide toggler when main navigation is empty
  • Added support for both text domains used when translating with Loco Translate
  • Added support for custom/local fonts
  • Added outer #site-wrapper markup container
  • Fixed incorrect layout being used when unsupported meta layout saved by other theme is found
  • Fixed comments and page/category titles hiding options not working
  • Fixed breadcrumbs partially hidden when hiding page/category titles
  • Fixed plural forms in comments count for more complex languages –
  • Fixed erroneous breadcrumbs in bbPress forums/topics
  • Fixed non-prefixed global variable in content.php
  • Updated readme.txt and style.css headers for the current themes repository requirements
  • Improved main navigation usability on tablets by adding the option to force the mobile menu activation
  • Improved dark color schemes support for HTML select elements
  • Improved handling of font weights
  • Renamed content/author-bio.php file to content/user-bio.php to avoid name collision with WordPress’ templating system
  • Cleaned up and optimized frontend scripts
  • Moved theme’s styling enqueues from wp_head to wp_enqueue_scripts hook to improve child themes compatibility *** this will require updating the child theme if it uses the old hook – if you use the  NoLink child theme, log into your account and download the latest version
  • Limited excerpt and more filtering to frontend only
  • Limited post meta display to default ‘post’ type only
  • Removed Custom CSS option as requested by the WordPress TRT team –
  • Removed options save/load functionality to comply with repository guidelines –
  • Turned off ‘not found’ block on landing page when no content is available
  • Code cleanup and sanitization improvements according to the theme sniffer rules
  • Improved keyboard navigation accessibility:
    • Added focus support for post featured images
    • Improved mobile menu to add accessibility support
    • Improved keyboard navigation support
    • Moved screen readers skip link from menu to wp_body_open hook (before all content)
  • Gutenberg editor tweaks and improvements:
    • Added styles for the new block horizontal separators
    • Added editor styles for the Gutenberg editor
    • Added support for theme colors and font sizes in the Gutenberg editor
    • Added wide image support
    • Fixed block embeds responsiveness conflict with Fitvids script
    • Fixed list margins improved general list appearance in blocks
    • Fixed margins on gallery blocks
    • Fixed caption alignment in blocks
    • Fixed cover block text styling
  • Updated to Cryout Framework v0.8.5.2:
    • Added the ability to inherit the general font on all other font control options
    • Activated searchable select functionality using Select2 library on font selector controls
    • Switched enable/disable options to use the new toggle control
    • Switched number options to use the new number slider control
    • Fixed RTL issues with color controls, toggle controls, number slider
    • Fixed home icon missing link on WooCommerce sections
    • Fixed ‘too few arguments’ warning in breadcrumbs on some Polylang multi-lingual sites
    • Fixed color selector malfunction since WordPress 5.3
    • Additional sanitization and even more sanitization changes to comply with requirements
    • Removed theme news from the theme’s management page

Septera Plus – our latest premium WordPress theme

Septera Plus brings loads of pure awesomeness to a theme that was already brimful with awesome. All the features that were not allowed for themes hosted on have now found their way into the premium version of theme!

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Verbosa 1.1.1


  • Added styling to indicate current menu item
  • Improved responsiveness of static slider caption on screens under 480px width
  • Improved page SEO by making author bio tags H4 on posts and H1 on author sections
  • Fixed featured images overflowing on WooCommerce single product pages
  • Fixed site logo horizontal alignment
  • Fixed typo in Google fonts processing breaking the use of manual fonts
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Added required PHP version check
    • Improved required WordPress version check

Anima Plus – A brand new premium theme

Anima gets bitten by a radioactive spider… and so Anima Plus is born. And Anima Plus is bigger and better in almost every way. It has all the features and extra functionality that the free version simply couldn’t handle.

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Verbosa Stats

  • Current Version:
  • Last Updated: 18 Sep 2024
  • Rating: 
  • Downloads: 108 637
  • Active installs: 1 000+

Verbosa Support

  • Support Status: Active
  • This theme is actively maintained and new updates are released periodically to add new features, improve existing functionality and to fix issues or incompatibilities.