Fall 2024 U.S. Host Organizations

Apply to become a Fall 2024 Google Public Policy Fellow here before Friday, July 19, 2024 at 12pm ET.

The American Action Forum

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The American Action Forum is a center-right policy institute providing actionable research and analysis to solve America’s most pressing policy challenges. Led by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former Director of the Congressional Budget Office, AAF injects forward-thinking ideas into the public debate that will build a better economic future, promoting innovative, free-market solutions to create a smaller, smarter government.

Over the course of this fellowship, the fellow will work with the Technology & Innovation Policy team to research and provide analysis on pressing issues in the technology sector such as antitrust, privacy, content moderation, broadband deployment and spectrum management. Our goal is to provide policymakers, staff, press, and the public with timely information about the pressing issues before Congress and provide educational content about the policy implications of technology-relevant legislation and regulation.

The Aspen Institute

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


Aspen Digital empowers policymakers, civic organizations, companies, and the public to be responsible stewards of technology and media in the service of an informed, just, and equitable world. The Aspen Institute shines a light on urgent global issues across cybersecurity, the information ecosystem, emerging technology, the industry talent pipeline, tech and communications policy, and innovation. The team then turns ideas to action and develops human solutions to digital challenges.

Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) is a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that actively fosters bipartisanship by combining the best ideas from both parties to promote health, security, and opportunity for all Americans. BPC prioritizes one thing above all else: getting things done.

Our technology project is one of the foremost thought-leaders in D.C. tech circles, conducting in-depth analyses and providing educational resources in AI, AR/VR, antitrust, cybersecurity, and privacy. A Google Fellow at BPC will help us answer key questions, including:

  • What should be done to ensure technology promotes fairness and inclusion?
  • How can the regulatory system evolve while not stifling innovation?
  • What can be done to protect privacy and security?
  • How can technology investments accelerate innovation and growth?

The future will be shaped by the decisions made today. The BPC Technology project, with the help of the Google Fellow, will help inform these decisions in a thoughtful, bipartisan, and timely manner.

The Cato Institute

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The Cato Institute is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a Google Policy Fellow for the fall of 2023. The Google Policy Fellow will work closely with Cato scholars in one or more of the following broad issue areas based on the candidate’s background, interests, and skill set: privacy, free speech, antitrust policy, and civil liberties. The Google Policy Fellow will also have the option to participate in Cato internship seminars, which focus on delivering a rich education in contemporary policy issues—and the philosophical, historic, and economic underpinnings of those issues. The seminar series features Cato scholars, guest speakers, staff, networking, and professional development opportunities.

The Cato Institute is a nonprofit public policy research organization—a think tank—dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues. Founded in 1977, Cato owes its name to Cato’s Letters, a series of essays published in 18th-century England that presented a vision of society free from excessive government power. Those essays inspired the architects of the American Revolution. And the simple, timeless principles of that revolution—individual liberty, limited government, and free markets—turn out to be even more powerful in today’s world of global markets and unprecedented access to information than Jefferson or Madison could have imagined. Social and economic freedom is not just the best policy for a free people, it is the indispensable framework for the future.

The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) is a 28-year old nonprofit, nonpartisan international organization that advocates to protect users’ civil rights and civil liberties in the digital age. CDT fights for policies and practices that protect users’ interests — in areas ranging from data privacy and AI, to government surveillance, to online content moderation, to democracy and elections, to the use of technology in education and government services.

CDT advocates to policymakers in the U.S. and Europe; engages with companies to improve their policies and product designs; shapes public opinion on major tech policy issues; and advocates in the courts. Our team of lawyers and technologists provides expert testimony in legislative hearings, submits comments to agency rulemakings, and provides briefings and technical assistance for policymakers. In addition to our advocacy work, CDT’s research team produces deep-dive original research to explore novel solutions to pressing issues in technology policy.

Chamber of Progress

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


Chamber of Progress is a new tech industry coalition devoted to a progressive society, economy, workforce, and consumer climate. We back public policies that will build a fairer, more inclusive country in which all people benefit from technological leaps. Our portfolio encompasses Technology Policy, Civic Innovation Policy and Economic Policy at the federal, state and local levels. Specific issues we engage on include:

  • Competition
  • Online Speech & Content Moderation
  • Consumer Privacy & Security
  • Digital Marketplaces
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Gig Economy
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Fintech

As a Google Public Policy Fellow at Chamber of Progress, you will have the opportunity to work within all of our policy areas conducting research on emerging proposals impacting consumers, participating in industry and coalition briefings, and attending meetings with policymakers on the Hill or in federal agencies.

Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) is an international, not-for-profit association representing a broad cross-section of communications, technology, and Internet industry firms that collectively employ more than 1.6 million workers, invest more than $100 billion in research and development, and contribute trillions of dollars in productivity to the global economy. For more than 50 years, CCIA has promoted open markets, open systems, and open networks. CCIA believes that open, competitive markets and original, independent, and free speech fosters innovation. CCIA, located in Washington DC, operates on a hybrid (partial in-office) system and is not able to accommodate long-term remote work arrangements or assist with relocation. See NetChoice/CCIA v. Paxton, No. 22-555; NetChoice/CCIA v. Moody, No. 22-277 (US SCT).

Connected Commerce Council (3C)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The Connected Commerce Council is a non-profit organization with a single goal: to promote small businesses' access to digital technologies and tools. 3C provides small businesses with access to the market's most effective digital tools available, provides coaching to optimize growth and efficiency, and cultivates a policy environment that considers and respects the interests of today's small businesses.

Engine Advocacy

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


Engine is a 501(c)(3)/(4) non-profit organization that works with thousands of startups across the country to advocate for pro-startup, pro-entrepreneurship policy. The vast majority of these startups can't afford lobbyists or a trade association, but their voice should be front and center as policymakers think about innovation, Internet, and technology policy. We work on a wide range of policy issues impacting the startup ecosystem, including access to capital, connectivity, intellectual property, intermediary liability, talent, tax, trade, and privacy. Our work to amplify the startup perspective in policy conversations includes ongoing discussions with startups in our network, facilitating engagement between startups and policymakers, producing original research, and directly engaging with policymakers through events, meetings, and comments.

Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


Founded in 2006, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational institute that has been recognized repeatedly as the world’s leading think tank for science and technology policy. ITIF’s mission is to formulate, evaluate, and promote policy solutions that accelerate innovation and boost productivity to spur growth, opportunity, and progress.

ITIF focuses on a host of critical issues at the intersection of technological innovation and public policy—including economic issues related to innovation, productivity, and competitiveness; technology issues in the areas of information technology and data, broadband telecommunications, advanced manufacturing, life sciences, agricultural biotechnology, and clean energy; and overarching policy tools related to public investment, regulation, taxes, and trade. ITIF’s goal is to provide policymakers around the world with high-quality information, analysis, and actionable recommendations they can trust.

National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTU)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF) is a nonpartisan research and educational organization that shows Americans how taxes, government spending, and regulations affect them. Along with our affiliate, National Taxpayers Union, we are the leading organization working to protect taxpayers in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals across the country.

The Google Public Policy Fellow will play a key role in monitoring and writing about tech policy proposals that affect taxpayers and the broader economy. This will include individual research and writing projects, such as op-eds, short policy papers, blog posts, and analyses of legislative and executive branch proposals. The Fellow will also work closely with and provide research support to other NTU Foundation staff and help shape the organization’s approach to tech policy.

New America (Open Technology Institute)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


OTI works at the intersection of technology and policy to ensure that every community has equitable access to digital technology and its benefits. OTI’s staff includes noted experts on an array of tech policy issues who work closely with a diverse team of policy analysts, legal experts, technologists, and associates. OTI is housed within New America, a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank that invests in new thinkers and new ideas to address the next generation of challenges facing the United States.

The issue areas for OTI as a whole include surveillance, consumer privacy and security, artificial intelligence, freedom of expression online, platform accountability, transparency, net neutrality, broadband access, wireless spectrum, and more. OTI conducts data-driven research, develops policy and regulatory reforms, and builds real-world pilot projects to impact both public policy and physical communications infrastructure that people interact with every day.


Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


NetChoice is a tech-trade association dedicated to promoting free expression and free enterprise online. For over twenty years, NetChoice has advocated at the state, federal, and international levels.

We are guided by our 3 core principles: consumers know best the products and services they need, limited government allows innovation to thrive, and the internet provides consumers with an abundance of services and competition like never before. As such, we are active and quick to respond to threats and opportunities addressing the future of the internet.

The Google Public Policy Fellow will play a key role in monitoring and writing about tech policy proposals that affect our ability to engage in free expression and free enterprise on the net. This will include individual research and writing projects, such as op-eds, short policy papers, blog posts, and analyses of legislative and executive branch proposals. The Fellow will also work closely with and provide research support to other NetChoice staff and help shape the organization’s approach to tech policy.

NetChoice is a fast-paced environment where a Google Public Policy Fellow will receive pronounced responsibilities and many opportunities to learn, develop, and advocate for NetChoice principles.

Progressive Policy Institute (PPI)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit. center left think tank and a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C., with an office in Brussels. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Founded in 1989, PPI started as the intellectual home of the New Democrats and earned a reputation as President Bill Clinton’s “idea mill.” Many of its mold-breaking ideas have been translated into public policy and law and have influenced international efforts to modernize progressive politics. Today, PPI is developing fresh proposals for stimulating U.S. economic innovation and growth; equipping all Americans with the skills and assets that social mobility in the knowledge economy requires; modernizing an overly bureaucratic and centralized public sector; and, defending liberal democracy in a dangerous world. A Google Fellow at PPI can expect to contribute to research into the contributions of digital innovation to domestic and international markets, as well as assist with in-depth analysis of the regulatory effects on innovation. In addition to research, fellows can expect to gain an understanding of how academics shape public policy and the dialogue around it. Fellows should be equally interested in technology, its economic impacts, and the effects public policy has on its development.

Public Knowledge

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


Access to an open Internet is critical to participation in a democratic society. But today, the public faces increasing challenges to fair and open access to the internet — from corporate consolidation and control of internet access, to overbroad application of copyright law, and many other threats. The public needs to be represented in Washington, to push better policies in everyone’s interest. That is why Public Knowledge advocates for these issues and puts an emphasis on training public interest advocates for the future.

Public Knowledge interns and fellows are immersed in internet, communications, and intellectual property policymaking. They play a significant role on the issues, participating in meetings on Capitol Hill, agencies, and with other public interest groups and allies, engaging with the public through press and social media, and performing related legal work, culminating in an understanding and facility to advocate for the public interest that will help position them to be leaders in the public interest community in their careers. Interns and fellows are part of Public Knowledge’s PKTrains program that is supported through mentoring and development by PK staff at all levels. More information about advocacy training at PK is located at publicknowledge.org/PKTrains.

R Street Institute

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The R Street Institute (RSI) is a leading think tank focused on solving complex public policy challenges through free markets and limited, effective government. RSI consistently offers pragmatic, real solutions that foster American innovation, bolster competition, and safeguard individual liberty—all with the understanding that life in a democratic society sometimes requires compromises that don’t necessarily represent first, best solutions.

Tech Policy Institute (TPI)

Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


The Technology Policy Institute is a think tank that focuses on the economics of innovation, technological change, and related regulation. Our mission is to advance knowledge and inform policymakers by producing independent, rigorous research and by sponsoring educational programs and conferences on major issues affecting information technology and communications policy.


Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


TechFreedom is a nonpartisan tech policy think tank based in Washington, D.C. As dynamists, we embrace a world of continuous invention, discovery, and entrepreneurship. We study the ongoing Digital Revolution and its transformation of communications technologies. Our scholarship focuses on six issue areas:

  • Free speech
  • Platform regulation and intermediary responsibility
  • Antitrust and consumer protection law
  • Privacy, artificial intelligence, child protection, and data security
  • Telecommunications law
  • Administrative law and related constitutional issues

We provide in-depth legal analysis to policymakers, courts, the media, and others in civil society trying to understand these and other issues. We’re looking for law students and economics and computer science PhD students who can support and enrich our work.


Fellowship Location: Washington, D.C.


TechNet is the national, bipartisan network of technology CEOs and senior executives that promotes the growth of the innovation economy by advocating a targeted policy agenda at the federal and 50-state level. TechNet's diverse membership includes dynamic American businesses ranging from startups to the most iconic companies on the planet and represents more than five million employees and countless customers in the fields of information technology, e-commerce, the sharing and gig economies, advanced energy, cybersecurity, venture capital, and finance. TechNet has offices in Austin, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Harrisburg, Olympia, Sacramento, Silicon Valley, and Washington, D.C.