
Elon Musk reveals historic venue where Mark Zuckerberg fight could happen

Elon Musk reveals historic venue where Mark Zuckerberg fight could happen

Elon Musk suggests venue for Mark Zuckerberg fight

Elon Musk suggests venue for Mark Zuckerberg fight

After both Elon musk and and Mark Zuckerberg agreed for a cage fight, the Twitter CEO shared information about a potential venue to host the match.

On Friday Morning, Musk tweeted "some chance fight happens in Colosseum".

Last week it was leaked that Zuckerberg's Meta was planning to release a rival to Twitter, likely to be called Threads. The app was announced in a company meeting where Meta's chief product officer Chris Cox called "our response to Twitter." Cox went on to throw some shade towards Musk by saying that the company's goal for the app was have it "sanely run".

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After hearing of the news, Musk responded to a tweet about the leaked information saying: "I'm sure Earth can't wait to be exclusively under Zuck's thumb with no other options. At least it will be "sane". Was worried there for a moment."

A fan responded to Musk saying "Better be careful @elonmusk I heard he does jiu jitsu now" followed by laughing emojis.

"I'm up for a cage match if he is lol," replied Musk.

Zuckerberg then posted a screenshot of Musk's tweet to his Instagram story saying "send me location".

TMZ Sports reported on Thursday that Italy's Minister of Culture had apparently reached out to both Musk and Zuckerberg to offer the Colosseum as a venue for their fight. TMZ were told that Zuckerberg forwarded the message to UFC chair president Dana White.

Apparently, both tech giants are taking the fight seriously and have begun training for the match. UFC fighter Kevin Lee claims that Zuckerberg had reached out to him for training.

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